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1. Abarquez, Taking a human rights perspective on reproductive health, analyzing

Anna Melissa state obligations and Philippine compliance
2. Abu, Establishing Legal Justifications for Extraterritorial Apprehension of
Christine Joy Suspected Terrorists as a Valid Exercise of Self-Defense under Article
51 of the United Nations Charter
3. Adraneda, The Anti-Trafficking In Persons Act Of 2003: Reclassifying The Use Of
Maria Joy Trafficked Persons For Prostitution As An Act That Promotes
4. Alfelor, Renewing the Future: Amending the Renewable Energy Act of 2008.
Antonio Andre
5. Alilling, Joel Abolishing Payroll Reinstatement in Article 223 of the labor code to
strike a balance between the rights of labor and management
6. Andres, In-vitro gone wrong: legal implications of embryo switching
Diane Angeli
Kira Responsibility and State Liability for Climate Change Impacts
8. Angeles, Divide And Conquer Examination Of The Congress’ Power To Create
Enrico Errol Legislative Districts: Constitutional Or Gerrymandering?
9. Angliongto, Inay, inay, huwag ipagkait sa akin si itay. Addressing the mother’s
Candy May interference with the father’s exercise of his visitation rights.
10. Angustia, One Degree in Fidel commisry substitutions: A Paradigm Shift
11. Antig, Eir Seeing the asset in disability: defining proper guidelines and policies
in the promotion of equal opportunity for suitable employment to
people with autism spectrum disorder
12.Aquino, The 2008 South Ossetia War: An Analysis Of Russia’s Compliance
Marla Luisa With Jus In Bello, Its Implications On Modern Warfare, Developments
In International Humanitarian Law, And The Philippines
13. Arabia, Who Knows Better? When Local Government s Pass Moratoria
Agatha Maria Against Large –Scale Mining
14. Arcilla, Off-Duty? Off-Limits! Adopting An Off-Duty Conduct Statute In Order
Broderick To Protect Workers Against Discrimination And Termination Due To
Personal Information Posted On The Internet
15. Atadero, A Mandate Against Hate: Finding and Founding a Philippine Law on
Angelo Hate Crimes
16. Atcheco, Anong Mapapala Sa Walang Mapipiga?: Practical Legal Challenges To
April Lorelei Enforcing Payroll Reinstatement Of Managerial And Confidential
17. Baldago, Determination Of Liability For The Acts Or Omissions Of Nurses Under
Olive Voluntary Hospital-Based Training Programs
18. Baldemor, Removing the Roadblock to Justice: Establishing a Prima Facie
Maria Cristina Presumption of Guilt of Military and Law Enforcement Officers in
Cases of Death of Persons in Custody
19.Baldeo, On Collective Bargaining Agreements: Determining its status when
Rexember An Independent Contractors is Subsequently declared as Labor only
20.Balois, Amending Section 2 (A) of the Anti-Dummy Law: The overreaching
Edgardo span of the criminal liability brought about by the aiding and abetting
portion of the section which brings about harassment and legal
21. Baluyot, Jose Incidental benefit to public officers in government ads: examining its
Marie legal repercussions and imposing restrictions thereon
22. Bautista, Martial Matters: Re-Examining The Power Of The President To
Gerald Declare Martial Law In Light Of The Maguindanao Massacre
23. Bernabe The Transporter, Redux: redefining common carriers
24. Blancia, Determining the factors that the supreme court takes into
Andrei Marion consideration for declaring a government contract perfected as well
as reckoning the point of perfection of government contract

25. Bolong, Luz Pill for Pill: Construing a Retroactive Application of the Cheaper
Danielle Medicines Act Amendments of the Intellectual Property Code
26. Britanico, Proposing the writ of kalusugan: the need for a legal remedy that
Julia allows of the application of the precautionary principle in cases
involving the right to health
27.Cagayan, HUTAMA-RSEA vs. CITRA: A Critique then under it “upholding the
Bertrand Hans validity of conditions precedent to arbitration in construction
28.Calida, Mark THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN FAIRER ELECTIONS a critical analysis
Jonel of the Fair Election Act in relation to the use of political
advertisements during the elections: balancing the rights and
leveling the playing field of candidates, regardless of social strata
and pedigree
29. Calanoy, An Analysis of the Right of the Indigenous Peoples to their Ancestral
Carolyn Lands and the State’s Right over Reservations
30. Canilao, GMC v. CA: Another case of an illegally imposed CBA
31. Capati, Legislative Siege On The Internal Revenue Allotment: testing the
Giancarlo constitutionality of automatic IRA allocation in laws passed by
Congress against the fiscal autonomy provisions granted by the
constitution to LGUs.
32. Cariño, Don Establishing Rule son Cable Retransmission and Just Compensation:
A critique on the Pronouncements of the Supreme Court in the case
of ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation v. Philippine Multi-Media
System Inc.
33. Castaneda, Did the remedy of Pre-Proclamation controversy become obsolete
Asisclo under the Automated Election System?
34. Castillo, Social networking sites and electronic evidence: a study on the
Nicolo Jose sufficiency of the rules on electronic evidence in light of
developments in the use of the internet, particularly as regards the
rise of social networking sites
35. Casuela, Labor-Friendly Piercing: A Middle Ground Between Sunio and A.C.
Nathaniel Ransom to determine liability of Corporate Officers in labor disputes
36. Chavez, Kidnapped: Philippine Law and International Parental Abduction:
Melissa Addressing the Gap in International Custody Disputes
37. Ching, May Accountability Begins When Reliance Ends: An Analysis of the Arias
Ann Doctrine and the Application of Command Responsibility in Civil
38. Co, Ashlin Amending the Preliminary Injunction Bond
39. Coronel, Emil Reclassifying Article 247 of the revised penal code as a penalized
crime within the framework of the convection on the elimination of
all forms of discrimination against women and the convection on the
rights of the child
40. Cruz, Avelino Innocent until proven guilty: the proper construction of the chain of
custody doctrine in dangerous drugs cases
41. Cuenca, Jose Hacienda Velez-Malaga: The Constitutionality of the Agrarian Reform
Fernando Law, CARPer and Jurisprudence
42. Cukingnan, An analysis and examination of the application of the E-Commerce
Albert Law, toward real money micro transactions with regard to virtual
property and services in online games
43.Cunanan, Organ for Juan, but None for John. A critique on the implementing
Angelo Jose rules and regulations issued last June 2009 of Republic Act No. 9208:
Anti-trafficking in Persons Act of 2003
44.David, Maria Examining law and Jurisprudence on the power of the Commissioner
Samantha of immigration to issue warrants of arrest in deportation proceedings
and proposing guidelines for valid warrants in the absence of final
deportation orders
45.De Castro, The uncanny privilege of PAGCOR Privilege: An extensive study on
Richard Von the legality and propriety of PD 1869 more particularly on the
provision limiting the auditing powers of COA with respect to
PAGCOR finances
46. Delos Court Interference In Arbitration: A Renunciation Of The State Policy
Angeles, Dino To Promote Alternative Dispute Resolution
47. Dela Cuesta, Protecting the Writ To Protect: Making Effective the Rule on the Writ
Joseph of Amparo

48.Diña, Bahay ni Juan: Revisiting the community mortgage program ( CMP )

Meinhart under the urban development and housing act ( UDHA ) through the
concept of right to housing
49. Diño, What is the end goal of the powers of the CHR and how it can be
Kristina made more effective in accordance with the purpose of its creator
50. Dizon, Diana Examining and Resolving Issues in the Implementation of Transfer of
Sentenced Persons Agreements in the Philippine Context
51. Domingo, Excuse me, is that seat taken? Proposing a definition of vacancy in
Geraldine Congress
52. Duhaylongso Feigning ignorance: liabilities of the vendors, distributors and
d, Jose Ma. manufacturers of gaming consoles for copyright infringement of
video games
53. Not Completely Alien: A Look at Republic Act No. 9139 or The
Amy Administrative Naturalization Act of 2000 and its Overlapping
Jurisdiction with Commonwealth Act No. 473 or The Revised
Naturalization Law Over the Native-Born Aliens
54. Escosia, Winning the battle, ending the war: the right to criminal discovery in
Grace Xaviere Philippine courts
55. España, Philippines’ Obligation Under UNCLOS: Fact Of Fiction? Assailing The
Camille Constitutionality Of Republic Act No. 9522 Or The New Baselines Law
56. Espiritu, E-Fencing: a study on the adequacy of P.D. 1612 to prosecute cases
Francis Lorenz of fencing in online marketplaces
57. Espiritu, Figure It Out: Setting Standards On Recognizing Property Rights Over
Patrick Specific Human Body Parts
58. Estorninos, Exploring The Definition Of Abandonment Of A Child
59. Fadrigo, John Premature no more? the inapplicability of the election offense of
Paul premature campaign within the framework of automated elections,
as decided in Panera v. Comelec
60. Faylona, IP Rights v. Right to Development: Resolving the Conflict Between
Clarissa Bettina the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and the Transfer of
Environmentally Sound Technologies to the Philippines, in Response
to the Global Phenomenon of Climate Change
61. Fernandez, Negligent misrepresentation: Extending the concept of
Christina misrepresentation to negligence, veering away from the linkage of
misrepresentation and fraud in Philippine Law
62. Fernandez, Addressing the Ambiguity on the Constitutional Prohibition Regarding
Patricia the President’s re-election
63. Flores, Jamie Raising Responsibility in the Youth
A review of R.A. 9344, specifically in Placing the Minimum age for
criminal responsibility at fifteen (15), and a Proposal to Lower the
same age to twelve (12), providing justifications based on legal
arguments and psychosocial viewpoints
64. Flores, INJUSTICE IN SILENCE: Establishing Guidelines for Qualified
Sienna Interpreters for the Deaf in Criminal Cases
65. Fortea, Cultural Diversity Under the IPRA as a Defense Against Trademark
Natassia Registration of Tribal Names, Marks, and Symbols as Private Property
66. Gandamato, Proposing an Administrative Procedure Act as Framework for the
Aljon Exercise of Supreme Court’s Power of Judicial Review
67. Garcia, Supreme Court’s power to promulgate rules concerning
Placido constitutional rights: a newly unsheathed sword that needs re-
examination and re-crafting
68. Garcia- When Disaster Strikes Bringing Natural Disaster within the Ambit of
Morera, Marta the responsibility to protect
69. Go, Maryl Six feet under: defining the obligations of marine common carriers
Karren and the rights and remedies of the victims’ families in cases of
marine accidents resulting in the need for search and retrieval of

70. Grapillon, Legal Dilemmas on intellectual Property Rights in the Biomedical

Rene Industry: the patentability of stem cells and derivative products
71. Gregorio, Bridging the interstice in the advent of technological developments:
James Michael The Linkage of substantial Human Intervention, Creativity, Originality
and the nature of the computer program to computer-generated
works in delineating its applicability to copyright and the fair use
72.Gregorio, Protection of the Fictional Character: When Fiction Becomes Reality –
John Alexander Separate Copyright ability of the Fictional Character: A Proposal to
Amend the Intellectual Property Code in Order to Protect the Fictional
Character from Reality
73. Gregorio, Trade in Services: Mapping its Legal Framework in the Philippines
74. Guzman, Redefining the legal consequence of preterition under succession law
75. Ilagan, Fast Fact for Fast Foods: A proposal for mandatory labeling of the
Miguel nutritional information of food products in chain food establishments
76. Ingles, John Qualification of Shares of a Foreigner in Order to be Elected as the
Patrick Chairman of the Board of a Mining Company Without Actually Owning
20% of the Equity Thereof
77.Jalipa, Norvin Walking the line: legitimate corporate strategy or restraint of trade?
Ralph A study of the competition environment in the Philippines and
providing guidelines
78. Lantion, Mell Are Air Gun Firearms?
A dissertation, critique and recommendation
79. Lerit, Julius Nahuli na nakakalusot pa: revisiting the doctrine of the fruit of the
Ceasar poisonous tree
80. Ligan, James Restatement of Foreseeability as an Element in the Tort of
Negligence in the Determination of the Extent of Liability
81. Lina, Fail Election Act: Look into the legal loopholes of Section 6.6 of the
Edgardo Fair Election Act
82. Lipana, A proposal to grant the automatic 13th seat to the next in rank in
Diane case contingent vacancy in the senate
83. Lizarondo, BANTAY SALAKAY: Regulating the Government Power of Surveillance
Maureen and Enabling the Right to Privacy in the Age of Modern Surveillance
84. Lo, Vicente The Invalidity Of Requiring Local Chapters Of National Unions Or
Federations Their Certificates Of Creations As A Condition Precedent
Of The Conduct Of A Certification And Providing For An Employee’s
Right To Intervene In Certification Election Proceedings in DOLE D.O.
No. 40-F-03 – the Implementing Rules And Regulations of R.A. No.
85. Lugtu, Virtual Office Providers In The Philippines: Regulating The Virtual
Alexander Office Business Set-Up
86. Mabagos, Lessons Learned from the first ever automated national elections:
Roberto Censuring efficiency and accountability of the automated elections
through lessened depend on private entities and improved technical
competence of the commission on elections
87. Magtibay, Eat at your own risk! Assailing the constitutionality of the Food
Arleo Donation Act of 2009 and proposing an amendment thereto
88. Magundayao The Hiring of “Contractual” Employees for a fixed term: A Need ton
, Ryan Balance the Rights of the Workers and Employees
89. Malang, Jan A Critique of Del Monte v. Saldivar: striking a balance between the
Mikhail rights of labor and management in dismissals due to the
enforcement of a union security clause
90. Malaya, Revisiting Section 218 on the National Internal Revenue code: A law
Joseph Anthony which absolutely prohibits any court from issuing injunctions to
restrain the collection of national internal revenue taxes
91. Mallillin, Paul No kabits Allowed!: A Critique on the case of Lim vs. CA and A study
Victor for the protection of the Frandus system
92. Manaloto, Wi-Fi Theft: An Act Defining the Crime of Piggybacking, Providing
Kathryn Penalties Therefore and for Other Purposes

93.Manigbas, Revisiting the authority of regular courts to issue injunctions to

Karen restrain execution of judgment of the labor court against property
claimed by third party
94. Maningat, No Exception to the Exemption: Applying to the Benefit of Article 332
Julio to the Special Penal Law on Anti-carnapping
95. Marohomsali Doomed Towards Peace? An analysis on the MOA-AD decision on the
c, Nashmyleen case of the Province of North Cotabato v. GRP: towards a framework
on peace negotiations
96. Martin, R.A. 8353: examining the distinction in penalties between the two
Strawberry kinds of rape in light of the CEDAW
97. Matibag, International Tax Treaty Abuse: A Case Study of the Mirant
Kathrina Grace (Philippines) Operations Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue in Relation to the Validity of Revenue Memorandum Order
No. 01-2000 and the International Commitment of the Philippines vis-
à-vis its Tax Administrative Mechanism
98. Mejia, Nina Mending the Broken Code: comparing Retributive and restorative
Remedios justice in the Philippines
99. Miranda, Upholding The Right To A Balanced And Healthful Ecology: An
Fernand Analysis Of The Jurisdiction Of The Green Courts And Administrative
Agencies Tasked To Enforce Environmental Laws
100.Moral, The doctrine of restrictive sovereign immunity and the need for
Christina constitutional amendment
101.Morales, I demand to be heard: an accused’s right of reply against biased and
Maureen negative publicity by the media amounting to trial by publicity
102.Nicolas, The price of inconsistency: the principle of immutability of final
John Goodlucky judgment and expansion of the power of Congress in light of league
of cities of the Philippines v. Comelec
103.Nieves, Determining Who Is A Child Legally Available For Adoption: A Study
Ronald Of Republic Act No. 9523
104.Nograles, When illegal is ignominious? Establishing Criminal Liability for Illegal
Amanda Dismissal in Bad Faith
105.Ocampo, To infinity and beyond: reviewing the territorial jurisdiction of
Bryan regional trial courts in the issuance of writs of preliminary injunction
106.Ocampo, WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE? Establishing a “Bright Line” on the
Christine Limitation Clause under the Anti-Torture Act
107.Ocampo- A Critique On The Case Of Heirs Of Malabanan V. Republic Of The
Tan, Elaine Philippines On The Interpretation Of Laws Governing Public Lands
108.Ompoc, Javin Corporate Censorship: Effects on Broadcast Media and its Legal
109.Ong, Joanna Comelec in excess of its jurisdiction: is it adding qualifications in
Kim disqualifying national candidates as nuisance candidates
110.Ortiz, Claro Applying the Laws of Defamation and Quasi-Delict to Acts or
Paulo Omissions Committed over the Internet by Acquiring Jurisdiction
111.Padilla, Good faith and its immateriality in a warrantless search through an
Bianca analysis of Lopez v. Commissioner of Customs
112.Palarca, Reigning in the digital frontier a law on cybercrime and cyberterror
113.Paulino, Lex Trust me, trust me not: Decriminalizing Trust Receipts Law
114.Perez, Byron TARGETED KILLINGS: An Examination of its Permissibility Under
Human Rights Law, The Law on the Use of Inter-State Force, and
International Humanitarian Law
115.Piñon, Criminalizing Identity Theft
Joseph Carlo
116.Porter, Jan Determining Insider Status Based On Section 3.8 (E) Of The
Michael Securities Regulation Code
117.Posadas, The non-payment of support: an additional ground for the
Stefanie termination of parental authority
118.Qua, Irene Bless you father for you have sinned: qualifying clerical sexual abuse
as within the priest’s scope of employment

119.Que, Leanne Expanding the Contempt Power of Congress: a Step towards a More
Herschel Effective Legislative Investigation
120.Relopez, Proposing a framework for the admission to post conviction bail: A
Kevin Edrick critique of Leviste v. Court of Appeals
121.Respicio, Protection for the Registered landowner: Revisiting the Property
Anna Frances Registration Decree to ensure that the Registered landowner is not
prejudiced by an innocent purchaser for value
122.Reyes, Strengthening the Teeth Against Corruption
123.Reyes, A Critique of the De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council case with the
Deanne aid of Philippine Jurisprudence on Midnight Appointments
124.Reyes, Applicability of Initial Interest Confusion in the Philippines and Setting
Jennifer a Standard for its Application
125.Ricasata, Choosing The Best Among Equals: Determining Which Method To Use
Ruben Gerald In Implementing The Arm’s Length Principle Espoused By The OECD
Transfer Pricing Guidelines For Multinational Enterprises And Tax
Administration, As Adopted By The Bureau Of Internal Revenue In
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 26-08
126.Rocas, Karla Knock, knock! Who’s There? The Meaning of “Consent” in Consented
Warrantless Searches and Seizures
127.Roque, Sufficient Causes for the Disinheritance of Children, Descendants,
Beatrice Parents, Ascendants, and Spouses: The Need for Amending
128.Rosales, Establishing A Legal Framework For The Development Of A
Luisa Maria Mechanism For The Judicial Responsibility Of An Incumbent Supreme
Court Justice: Judicial Independence And Judicial Accountability In
Light Of Recent Jurisprudence And Legal Developments
129.Ruiz, Jose III Scene as Obscene: The case against cartoon pornography
130.Sagayadan, Injustice Upon its Own Justice: Ang Paglilitis ni Justice Reyes
Leon Miguel
131.Salvador, Space Tourism: its legal implication in case a Filipino dies or suffers
Rigel injury while on board a space vehicle
132.Santos, Ma. The invasion of telemarketing and mobile marketing: the attack on
Florencia the right to privacy – In need for innovative regulation
133.Santos, Ma. Clarifying the confusion: adopting the Polaroid factors as standards
Kristina to determine trademark infringement
134.Saranillo, Equity versus Finality: Engrafting Equitable Recoupment Into
Carl Marlou Philippine Tax Law
135.Sia, Accountability v. Privacy: a review of the power of the ombudsman to
Lawrence regulate access to the statements of assets, liabilities and net worth
of public officers
136.Sian, Dikki Examining the implications of business process outsourcing on our
Jean current labor law provisions on contracting
137.Silva, Ina The New Public Management Phenomenon: Compelling The Private
Bianka Sector To Disclose Information Of Public Concern
138.Sinsuat, IntermarriagesCreating A Legal Framework to Fill The Void in the
Datu Blah Application of the Muslim Code and the Family Code
139.Sta. Maria, Invading remedies: examining pre-pollution remedies and
Kris Bernadette strengthening liability claims due to invasive species as a biological
ship-bourne pollutant
140.Suarez, Enjoining Strikes, Is It Arbitrary Or Wise?: A Critique On The Power Of
Jason Humphrey The Secretary Of Labor To Assume Jurisdiction Over Disputes In
Industries Indispensable To National Interest Under Article 263(G) Of
The Labor Code
141.Suarez, The Right To A Speedy Trial: An Inequity Of Relief. The Conflict
Czarina Keziah Between The Speedy Trial Act Of 1998 And The 1991 Revised Rule
On Summary Procedure Regarding The Relief Available To An
Accused Whose Right To A Speedy Trial Has Been Violated

142.Suarez, Attention, all Shopper: Addressing the Phenomenon of forum

Michelle Carisse shopping before international courts and tribunes
143.Sumagaysay Addressing Increasing Marital Problems: The Need To Add Marriage
, Laser Blitz Annulment Grounds Taken From Article 55 Of The Family Code
144.Tamargo, (Re) establishing conspiracy in Republic Act No. 3019: a conspiracy
Franklin of silence and inaction examined
145.Tan, Caroline HOLY days as Holidays: The Constitutionality of Religion-based
National Holidays in the Philippines
146.Tan, Maria Martial Law Today: the effects of Presidential Proclamation 1959 on
Rois the warrantless arrests, search and seizures and the criminal cases
filed against the Ampatuans
147.Tancinco, The Nature Of The Mandatory Tender Offer Rule In Philippine
Roy Shaun Securities Regulation
148.Tetangco, An Analytical Study And Comparison Delineating A Petition For
Patrick Review Under Rule 45 And A Petition For Certiorari Under Rule 65 Of
The Revised Rules Of Court and Proposing certiorari to avoid
modifying vested rights
149.Tolentino, Resolving the inconsistency of the hearing requirement in
Anne Chinika employment termination proceedings
150.Tolentino The Philippines’ Anti-Torture Act And R.A. 9851. Determining The
Marlene Law Which Should Be Applied In Prosecuting The Commission Of
Torture And Other Forms Cruel, Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or
Punishment During Armed Conflicts Situation
151.Tremor, “What on your Mind? Social Networking or Campaigning?” The Legal
Jamor Once Implications of Using Social Networking Sites as Media of Campaign
152.Tuazon, Wrongful capture, proper detention? challenging the customary of
Roland Glenn male captus, bene detentus in international law
153.Uy, Jean Go Ukay-ukay: Repeal of R.A. No. 4653, legalizing the commercial
importation of used clothing
154.Uy, The Non-Severance of Legitimate Ties among Family Members and
Jessamyn Collateral Relatives in case of Biological Adoption
155.Uy, Kathleen Fraudulent Transactions: Analysis Of The Twin Provisions On Anti-
Fraud Provisions Of The Securities Regulation Code and vs. securities
exchange act of 1934
156.Valdez, On The Application Of Sustainable Development Concept In The
Amiel Ian Philippine Mining Law And Related Contexts: A Re-Evaluation Of Its
Legal Status And Justiciable Standards
157.Vargas, Sumbat Sa Nagbulag-Bulagan: The Application Of The Willful
Zionelle Blindness Doctrine Vis-À-Vis The Penal Liability Of Mothers Who
Enabled The Abuse Of Their Children
158.Vega, The Cost Of Beauty: Medical Malpractice Liability And Regulation Of
Beatrice Pseudo Cosmetic Surgeons And Beauty Care Centers
159.Ventura, Foreign ownership invasion: the constitutionality of the issuance of
Vivian Philippine depositary receipts in nationalized and partly nationalized
160.Villalon, Strengthening Relative Preference of Workers’ Claim in case of
Benedict Bankruptcy: A Critique on Article 110 of the Labor Code
161.Villarica, Public Office Is A Public Trust: A Discussion On The Administrative
Michelle Liabilty Of Re-elected Public Officers Who Commit Acts Of Misconduct
During A Prior Term
162.Villarin, Building Up One of the World’s Last Colonies – Guam – to be
Ernesto America’s “Unsinkable Fleet”. The Continuing Violation of the Right
of the People of Guam to Self-Determination as a Non-Self Governing
Territory under Article 1 of the ICCPR and a Body of International Law
Instruments and the Further Manifestation of that Violation in the
United States Federal Government Military Build-Up Initiatives in
Pursuit of its Geopolitics Campaign and the Philippines’ Involvement
in the Problem
163.Viray, Extending Parliamentary immunities and protection for a witness
Josephine who has been issued a subpoena to a congressional hearing
164.Virtudez, The unconstitutionality of unregulated plea bargaining and consent
Marie Kristel decree in environmental cases
165.Wisco, Xindy Paving the way for a selective application of the GATS to the practice
of professions in the Philippines
166.Zablan, Beneath The Penumbra: Delineating Standards Of Reasonable
Miguel Expectation Of Privacy And Abandonment In Garbage-Search Cases
167.Zoreta, A Proposal for the State to compel private institutions not to
Jeanina discriminate against LGBTs

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