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The 10 Natural Marketing Advantages of

Small Business – Small Is the New Big

Large organizations are beginning to wrestle with the reality that their markets want
something more personal, more honest and real, from the companies they buy products and
services from. It’s obvious that small businesses possess natural advantages in this arena, so
the rush is on to think small.

Acting like a small business, it seams, is the latest killer innovation.

I am giving a talk next week to the Oregon Chapter of the American Marketing Association
titled the “10 Natural Marketing Advantages of Small Business. ”

So, the question is, are you leveraging your natural advantages?

Here’s a look at the list.

1. Focus – In order to survive, most small businesses must adopt a narrow market focus.
In doing so,they can develop a premium reputation for serving that narrow market.
2. Reach – Small business owners are so close to their markets they can experience what
their market experiences. They can deliver CEO level experience to any size client
who can connect with a client better a 25 year veteran and author of two books on the
industry or two twenty something whiz kids from McKenzie?
3. Nurture – Small businesses can grow with customer needs. Often, they can create
products and services that address highly personalized requests at a moments notice.
4. Surprise – The best small businesses understand the value of surprising their clients
from time to time. A simple interrupt in the system can become a system for a small
5. Transform – Small businesses can obtain new data from a market, or even a client or
two, and dramatically change their business model to align with a new opportunity.
6. Partner – Smart small businesses create networks of strategic partners and address
the needs of their clients with the best and brightest every time.
7. Automate – The proper use of technology allows small businesses to put up big shop
follow-up, service and prospecting without the overhead. Plus, they can outsource the
boring work.
8. Educate – Lacking big ad budget, small businesses must educate their prospects
before they can make any ground selling them. This trust building process makes
selling unnecessary and delivers the ideal client relationships.
9. Meaning – Small business is personal. Markets are hungry for businesses that allow
them to connect to something beyond the products and services. Small businesses can
deliver a story that has meaning.
10. Play – Why does someone start a business anyway – To get more life, to develop a
passion, to get free? It doesn’t really matter that freedom comes with an 80 hour work
week. Passion and purpose are sexy and contagious.

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