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Answer no-3:-Uninor had started its mobile services on 3rd December 2009, in 8 of the 22 circles in
India. Telenor has acquired a 67% equity stake in Unitech Wireless, which has the requisite government
approvals and licences to provide mobile services pan-India. Uninor has rolled out its network nation-
wide under brand name Uninor.

Uninor is the combination of the two companies first is Unitech Ltd.which is Indian based real
estate company and Norwegian telecom group Telenor. Ther are fallowing HRM strategy crticical examined
in the organization.

1- Compensation Strategy: - HR department of the both the company also formulate same time
Compensation for the employees because the compensation of the vary from country to country
so it formulated that salary programme which are retain the employee in the organization.

2- Develop strategies for employee communications: - after the acquisition also appoint some
expatriate or those employee which have knowledge about technical operation so in this it is
very difficult for unitech to manage that employee so company developed the strategy for
developed the communication strategy to create a easy environment for the expatriate.

3- Manage selection and placement process  :-to manage the selection processes and also see
that they select those candiadate which are suitable for that post .it means right job to right

4- Designations and work processes

5- Creating confidence in the merging organisation about their future

6- Adopt a strategy whcih is open and transparent to win the confidence of people of the

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