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Globalization and Social Media Rubric

Assignment criteria: 40 points

_____ 10 pts Student uses many examples of real world situations where social media has influenced

_____ 10 pts Student has explained the concept of globalization clearly in their own words and given
many examples of the ways it changes the world

_____ 10 pts Student has explained what social media is in their own words and given many examples
of how it has changed the way people communicate

_____ 15pts Student uses a thesis statement that provides an adequate answer to the essential

Look and Feel: 25 pts

____ 15 pts Visual appeal Graphics are used as needed and add to the message. Graphics are not
distracting and used where needed to further explain a topic. Does not look cluttered.

____ 10 pts Organization A table of contents is used, headings and underlines are used

Work Quality: 35pts

_____ 15 pts Original, Intelligent Wording – assignment is written using the student’s words

_____ 10 pts Links to Sources - links are provided for each topic student covers

_____ 10 pts Spelling/ Grammar - each spelling/grammar error is -1 point until 10pts are deducted

Extra Credit:

_____ 10 pts Intelligent use of media – student used media and explained it

_____ 10 pts Student used other various tools that added to message of project

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