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³Five years ago I was sexy, slim, and trim, the first runner up for the Ms. Universe Pageant 1992.
Now«.I have become, the fattest person I have ever seen. Double Chin, flabby arms, lazy,
clothes can¶t fit«.I am very ashamed to say this me «.Janette Smith-Charles«. the once so
beautiful and ever so sexy wife of Mr. Lincoln Jacob Charles III.´
³I look in the mirror. This is the story of my life. Up and down! When my weight goes down, I
go up! Then, my weight goes up, and I go down; way down, sinking, sinking into pits of cellulite
and fat, calories and sugar. Oh, if only to be as skinny as her, or she, or that woman or my
husband¶s sexy 21 year old Assistant! Life would be easier, surely.´
³I would no longer have to look dumpy and frumpy, or feel my thighs push against each other as
I walk, screaming, "Excuse me, pardon me, or move aside nah" as they bump and jiggle. My
breasts would no longer hang to my belly button while rolls upon rolls tumble out to the sides. I
would no longer be embarrassed to go to Maracas Beach and worry I was not tanning where one
roll rested on another. Because, what if I lost all that pesky weight... the untanned spots would
tell on me for my previous sin of gluttony and«.´
³Ringggg«.Ringgggg«.Ringgggg´«the ringing of my house phone broke into my thoughts of
self-depression. ³Hello, Good Morning, Janette, speaking´ the caller on the other line answered
³Janette, gyul yuh dere?´ I responded unwilling to the caller knowing whenever she calls is for
some kind of confusion. ³Yes, I am at home, Keisha how may I help you today?´ With a tone of
anxiousness, Keisha, the wife of my husband¶s co-worker, James, continued.´Janette gyul you
going d Christmas Function tonight awa?´
I took a deep breath before answering. ³What Christmas Function, the one at James¶ Office?´
Keisha answered ³Yea gyul daz tonight´ ³ Yuh husband eh tell yuh awa, cause James buy me dis
sexy blue shimmery dress with «.With complete and utter horror on my face I answered Keisha
in a hostile tone«´Okay Keisha I don¶t need to know your business, I have lots of work to do´ I
hung up the phone.

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