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Published in: IEEE Micro, Vol. 16, No. 5, October 1996, pp.


Analog non-linear function synthesis

Olivier Landolt
CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA
Jaquet-Droz 7
2007 Neuchâtel

Networks of resistors have been identified as interesting devices for analog computation. Since
the analytical model of a network of constant resistors is a set of linear equations, such a circuit
can be used to solve a large number of linear equations concurrently. Whenever such a resistive
embodiment of a computational problem can be found, the resulting circuit is usually very simple,
fast and dense compared to CPU-based hardware. Particular problems solved by such networks
include simulation of electromagnetic fields [1], linear image filtering [2], regularization for image
processing [3], and D/A conversion [4]. Networks of resistors are especially attractive for CMOS
integrated circuits, since it has been shown that a circuit obtained by replacing every resistor by a
single MOS transistor has exactly the same branch currents as its resistive counterpart [5].
In the following, a resistive network combining constant and controlled resistors is described,
as well as its implementation with MOS transistors. The purpose of this circuit is to synthesize
non-linear functions of possibly several variables. The circuit can be considered as an
implementation of fuzzy rules, since its constituents can be identified as membership functions,
fuzzy logic gates and center-of-gravity "defuzzification" circuits. Alternatively, the circuit can also
be considered as a look-up table with interpolation, since fuzzy rules and look-up table entries are
actually about the same thing. With a single generic circuit structure, a number of different non-
linear functions can be synthesized by customizing geometrical parameters or connection patterns.

A circuit implementation of a function of N variables is made of N groups of membership function
circuits (MFC) and an array of rule cells (Figure 1). One of the input signals is applied to each
group of MFC. Every MFC evaluates the membership function of a fuzzy set, and applies the
resulting activation grade to a part of the rule cell array. Every rule cell is connected to a distinct
combination of MFC (one in each group). A fuzzy logic AND gate combines the activations
applied by these MFC into a weight. A constant parameter stored in every rule cell defines the
output value for the specific combination of input states defined by the peaks of the membership
functions. Every cell delivers an additive contribution to the output, the magnitude of which is the
product between the stored constant and the weight. As a whole, the circuit has the function of a
look-up table with interpolation resulting from the continuity of the membership functions.
The MFC groups are similar in purpose to the address decoders in a digital memory, in that
they relate combinations of input signals to physical locations in an array of storage cells.
However, unlike a digital decoder, the graded nature of the membership functions enables the
simultaneous activation of multiple rule cells. Thereby, the output signal is not determined by the
content of just a single memory cell, but by a weighted sum of several contributions.
The elementary functional unit in this circuit is the rule cell. This element and the way it
interacts with other cells is described in the following. MFC implementation will not be discussed.
A description of one possible MFC with a bell-shaped characteristic can be found in [6].

For conceptual simplicity, the rule circuit will be described as a combination of linear, electrically
controlled resistors (Figure 2a). Instead of resistors, the real circuit (Figure 2b) is actually made of
MOS transistors, but the description is valid because the two circuits are functionally equivalent,
as long as the transistors operate in weak inversion. This can easily be seen with help of the
concepts of pseudo-voltage and pseudo-conductance [5].
A rule cell with N inputs is made of N linear resistors connected in series. The conductance of
each resistor is controlled by the activation signal of an MFC, and ranges from zero to some
maximum value gmax (the higher the activation, the higher the conductance). The equivalent
conductance Gi of the N resistors in series is given by
Gi = N (1)
j=1 ji

The relation in Equation (1) can be shown to be a suitable fuzzy logic AND operator. In
particular, the total conductance Gi is zero if any of the individual conductances gji is zero, Gi is
maximum only if all the gji are equal to gmax, and Gi depends monotonically on any of the gji. The
individual gji can thus be considered as the inputs and Gi as the output of a fuzzy logic AND gate.
Therefore, the weight of the rule cell is proportional to the equivalent conductance Gi. One end of
the resistor string is connected to a global power node, whereas the other end is maintained at
ground potential. Power for the whole array is delivered by a single current source I0. The current
Ii flowing through a particular rule cell is given by
Ii = ⋅ I0 (2)
∑ Gk
where the sum is calculated over the whole array of rule cells. A fraction Ai of this current
(0≤Ai≤1) flows onto a global output line, whereas the complement flows to ground. The fraction
Ai is the actual look-up table entry stored in the rule cell, and is therefore generally different in
every rule cell. By Kirchhoff's current law, the total current Iout flowing out of the rule cell array is
∑ Gi ⋅ Ai
I out = ∑ A i ⋅ I i = i
⋅ I0 (3)
i ∑ Gi
This equation shows that the output current of the array is proportional to the center of gravity of
the parameters Ai weighted by the conductances Gi, as expected from a fuzzy rule circuit.
An interesting property of this rule circuit is that no DC bias current flows through inactive
cells, which contributes to save power. Since only a few cells can be active simultaneously due to
the operation principle of a look-up table, this circuit is inherently well suited for low power

The transfer function of the circuit is determined by the ratios Ai of the current splitters. The two-
transistor current splitter circuit shown in Figure 2b relies on device geometry to determine the
ratio. It is a very simple circuit, but the dynamic range of Ai is restricted, and accurate control of
the ratio can be problematic. These limitations can be overcome by using the more elaborate
current splitter shown in Figure 3, which supports a digital representation of the ratio Ai. This
circuit is a classical R/2R ladder network as used in many D/A converters. Its MOS transistor
equivalent (not shown) can be obtained by replacing every resistor by a single transistor [7]. The

weight current Ii is applied at the input of the network. This current, divided by successive powers
of two, flows in the successive stages of the network. Depending on the bits of the digital
representation of Ai, each vertical resistor is connected either to ground, or to the output line. The
transfer function of the circuit can thus be determined by customizing the connection pattern
between every rule cell and the output line. By adding digital RAM or EPROM cells, the circuit
can have a programmable instead of a hardwired transfer function.
The overhead introduced by the presence of an R/2R network in every rule cell can be avoided
by sharing a single R/2R network for the whole rule cell array. This is possible because this
network computes a weighted sum of the contributions of the different bits in a rule cell, whereas
the resulting current is in turn summed with the outputs of the other rule cells. It is easy to show
analytically that flipping the summation order does not change the final result. The sum over the
rule cell array can be computed separately for every bit, and a weighted sum of the results can be
computed by a single R/2R network. Implementation details for this solution are available in [6].

An integrated circuit based on the presented elements has been designed and tested in order to
validate this function synthesis technique. A set of 80 rules with two inputs and five outputs,
organized as an 8 by 10 array, is incorporated on the chip. The current splitter ratios are stored as
digital hardwired coefficients with a total of 11 bits in every rule cell. The function of the chip is
to generate periodic waveforms producing a specific display on an oscilloscope screen for
demonstration purposes [6]. The chip has been fabricated in a 2µm CMOS technology with two
metal layers and a single poly layer. The rule cell dimensions are 100µm by 70µm, whereas the
chip core area including MFC, rule cell array and bias circuits is 1.3mm2. The chips works with a
power supply of 1.8V, with a total power consumption of 850nW. Its step response time is about
400µs (90% of final level). Measurement of 5 different chips with the same parameter set stored
in the rule cells showed a standard deviation of 2.6% between their transfer functions. The
fluctuations are believed to be due mainly to local device mismatch, and not to process parameter
variations from chip to chip.

The presented circuit distinguishes from previous fuzzy rule circuits by its simplicity and its low
transistor count. The regularity of its structure enables dense layout. If the layout topology
matches the logical topology of the circuit, operation relies on local matching only, which ensures
immunity against process parameter gradients on the die. The mirrorless connection of all cells to
a single current source ensures an accurate distribution of the reference regardless of device
matching. The absence of high impedance nodes, gain stages or feedback loops enables fast,
stable and low power operation.
The circuit can be used for function synthesis in applications with strong space or power
constraints. Considered applications include microsensor and microactuator low level interfacing
and management, in particular for implantable medical devices. Besides, the circuit is very suitable
for the design of non-linear blocks in custom integrated circuits. In this case, its advantage resides
in the straightforward design methodology whatever the target function, which contributes to
reduce design costs.

[1] F. Gardiol, Electromagnétisme, Traité d'Electricité vol. III, Editions Georgi, 1979
[2] C. Mead, Analog VLSI and Neural Systems, Addison Wesley, 1989

[3] J. Hutchinson, C. Koch, J. Luo, C. Mead, "Computing motion using analog and binary
resistive networks", Computer, March 1988, pp. 52-63
[4] J. Millman, Microelectronics: digital and analog circuits and systems, McGraw-Hill, 1979
[5] E. Vittoz, X. Arreguit, "Linear networks based on transistors", Electronics Letters, vol. 29,
No 3, February 1993, pp. 297-298
[6] O. Landolt, "Low power analog fuzzy rule implementation based on a linear MOS transistor
network", Proc. MicroNeuro '96, Lausanne, February 1996, pp. 86-93
[7] K. Bult, G. Geelen, "An inherently linear and MOST-only current division technique", IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, No 12, December 1992, pp. 1730-1735

MFC group 1
input 1
input 2

rule cell array

MFC group 2


input 3

MFC group 3

Figure 1 Architecture of a circuit implementation of a function of three variables (input 1, 2 and 3).
The interconnections between the MFC and the rule array are such that every cell is
connected to a distinct combination of MFC. The connections of one particular rule cell
are shown in bold as an example.

a) b)
I0 I0

power power

MFC1 g1i MFC1 g1i*

MFC2 g2i MFC2 g2i*

MFC3 g3i MFC3 g3i*

Ii Ii

splitter bias
(1-Ai)·Ii AiIi (1-Ai)·Ii AiIi
output output
Iout Iout

Figure 2 Schematic of a single rule cell (inside the dashed box) at a functional level (a) and
transistor level (b). The current source I0 and the output line are common to all cells in an
array. The cell in this example has three inputs, and is therefore suitable for implementing
a function of three variables.

Ii current splitter
R R R 2R




Ii/2 Ii/4 Ii/8 Ii/16

1 0 1 1

Figure 3 Current splitter with a ratio encoded as a 4-bit digital word (binary code 1011 in this
example). Adaptation of this circuit to other resolutions is straightforward.

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