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Short Questions
Q1: What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? From the explanation
of variable velocity, define acceleration. Give SI units of velocity and acceleration.
Q2: An object is thrown vertically upward. Discuss the sign of acceleration due to
gravity, relative to velocity, while the object is in air.
Q3: Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant. If
so give an example.
Q4: Motion with constant velocity is a special case of motion with constant acceleration.
Is this statement true? Discuss
Q5 Find the change in momentum for an object subjected to a given force for a given
time and state law of motion in terms of momentum.
Q6: Define impulse and show that how it is related to linear momentum?
Q7: State the law of conservation of linear momentum
Q8: Explain the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions. Explain how would a
bouncing ball behave in each case? Give plausible reasons for the fact that not
conserved in most cases?
Q9: At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed its
maximum speed?
Q10: Calculate the work done in kilo joules in lifting a mass of 10 kg (at a steady
velocity) through a vertical height of 10 m.
Q11: A girls drops a cup from a certain height, which breaks into pieces.
What energy changes are involved?
Q12: An object has 1 J of P.E .explain what does it mean?
Q13: Define escape velocity with derivation?
Q14: Define work energy principle and its relation with K.E?
Q15: Define conservative field?
Q1: 1) Time of flight 2) Range of the projectile 3) Trajectory
Q2:A force of 400 N is required to overcome road friction and air resistance in the
propelling an automobile at 80 kmh-1 .What power(kW)must the engine develop?
Q3: A car of mass 800 kg traveling at 54kmh-1 is brought to rest in 60 meters .find the
average retarding force on the car .What has happened to original kinetic energy?

Prepared By:
M Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics
Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-7690026

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