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Pantoea Panophthalmitis Post Ocular Injury in Paediatric Patient

Case report
Husni Thamrin, Lely Retno Wulandari, Rosy Aldina
Ophthalmology Departement, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University,
Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang

Purpose : to show a rare case of Pantoea Panophthalmitis Post Ocular Injury in Paediatric

Methods : a 12 years old boy came to Ophthalmology Departement at Saiful Anwar Hospital
on November 10th, 2010 with chief complain left eye accidentally kick by his friend in
football court 3 days before. Visual acuity at the time was LP with bad projection. He has
been diagnosed with perforating ocular injury with epithelialization and endophthalmitis post
ocular injury. He was then plan to performed vitrectomy but the he refused. On December
13th , 2010 he came again with complain left eye accidentally hit by his mother elbow, felt
ocular pain and fever. From ophthalmology examination showed his visual acuity NLP. From
anterior segment examination there were eyelid swelling and the eye ball slightly proptosed,
ocular movements were limited and painful. Conjunctiva showed chemosis and mixed
injection, corneal were cloudy and there were pus with organization in the anterior chamber.
Other part of anterior segment difficult to evaluate. Intraocular pressure were markedly rised.
From ultrasound vitritis appearance were found and from gram staining, bacillus gram
negative and positive culture Pantoea agglomerans were found. We diagnosed this patient
with panophthalmitis with impending rupture corneoscleral. The treatment given were
systemic, oral and eye drop antibiotic accociated with culture sensitivity. He was then
performed evisceration with dermal fat graft and blepharoraphy.

Result : There were sign of panophthalmitis post ocular injury in pediatric patient and from
microbiology culture Pantoea agglomerans were found. This patient performed evisceration
with dermal fat graft and blepharoraphy.

Conclution : We have reported a rare case of pantoea panophthalmitis post ocular injury in
paediatric patient. Management patient with ocular injury should be more attention to
prevent post traumatic endophthalmitis moreover panophthalmitis.

Key words : ocular injury, endophthalmitis, panopthalmitis, Pantoea agglomerans

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