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Spring 2010(Jan-June)

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1

MB0038 – Management Process and Organization Behavior - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1127)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Write a note on the characteristics of Management. [10]

Q.2 Discuss intellectual abilities in detail. [10]

Q.3 Explain the classification of personality types given by Sheldon. [10]

Q.4 What are the different barriers to perception? [10]

Q.5 Mr. Batra is the General Manager, HR of a leading Automobile company. He is

having a meeting with Mr. Chandan, a leading HR consultant. Mr. Batra is concerned about
creating an environment that helps in increasing job satisfaction among employees. Assume
that you are Mr. Chandan, the HR consultant. What suggestions will you give to Mr. Batra,
for creating an environment that increases job satisfaction? [10]

Q.6 Given below is the HR policy glimpse of “iMagine”, an advertising company

1. It offers cash rewards for staff members
2. It promotes the culture of employee referral and encourages people to refer people they
know, maybe their friends, ex. colleagues, batch mates and relatives.
3. It recognizes good performances and gives fancy titles and jackets to the people who

perform well and also felicitates them in the Annual Day of the company.

What all aspects does it take care of, according to Maslow’s Need Hierarchy ? [10]
Spring 2010(Jan-June)

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1

MB0038 – Management Process and Organization Behavior - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1127)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What is emotional intelligence? Explain Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence. [10]

Q.2 . Discuss the five stage model of group development proposed by Tuckman. [10]

Q.3 What are the possible sources of organizational conflict? Explain. [10]

Q.4 The environmental stressors have a great impact on work performance and adjustment

of the individual in an organization. Discuss the different categories of environmental

stressors. [10]

Q.5 Given below are certain instances observed by a summer trainee – Ritu, while doing an
observational study at Phoenix consultants. An organization dealing with recycling of
plastic products waste etc. She makes the following observations about two key people in
the organization.
1. Mr. Shah – He is a very friendly person and encourages his team members by giving
them recommendations and appreciation. This helps HR to decide about giving a bonus or
promotion to employees.
2. Mr. Parhi- He is an aggressive person. He frequently loses his temper. Ritu observes that
he frequently punishes the non-performers and also gives them warnings regarding
suspension etc.
Now explain what base of power Mr. Shah and Mr. Parhi belong to. Explain the type of
power they use often

Q.6 “Window to Truth’ is a famous and old magazine. The top management decides to start
the e- edition of the magazine.

They also decide the redefine the policies and culture of “Window to Truth”
To start implementing this change, they frequently call meetings of employees. They have
also formed groups at different levels to clarify doubts and explain the perspective of

Analyze the situation in the context of organizational change and elaborate why the top
management is following the discussed practices and what approach is most evident in the
context. [10]

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