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India Against Corruption Movement – Code Of Conduct

1. The movement is completely NONVIOLENT & PEACEFUL

2. It is INCLUSIVE & NON-DISCRIMINATORY.  Encouraging every community
regardless of religion, caste, language, region, culture, sex, age, profession, economic
strata, etc. to be part of the movement and be treated equally.
3. The movement is completely SECULAR.  Communalism is more dangerous than
corruption. Also, the problems of this country cannot be solved without people from
all faiths and religions coming together.
4. The volunteers should work in the spirit of SELFLESS SERVICE to fulfill the dream
of realizing a strong Jan Lokpal Act for the country without expecting money, name,
fame, recognition, etc. for oneself.
5. India Against Corruption is not a Sangathan or an NGO or any institution. It is a
people’s movement, a collective expression of the people of India fighting against
corruption and seeking a better future. Therefore, the movement cannot have any
branches. Rather than an organizational structure, it seeks to develop an efficient
communication structure to enable free flow of ideas. Every person participating in
the movement does so as a citizen of India with a burning desire to do something for
the country. No person is a representative of Anna Hazare or in any other position. 
6. FRATERNITY & UNITY.  People should work with a feeling of brotherhood and
avoid conflicts within a group or across groups. The forces opposite us are so
powerful. We must stay united if we have to win over them.  

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