Reactor Ve Distillation

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Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:20:45


Shortcut Distillation Summary

Equip. No. 12 13 14
Mode 2 2 2
Light key component 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000
Light key split 0.9990 0.9990 0.9900
Heavy key component 3.0000 5.0000 6.0000
Heavy key split 0.0010 0.0100 0.0050
R/Rmin 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000
Number of stages 18.6331 21.0818 16.2001
Min. No. of stages 8.2513 9.8590 7.5421
Feed stage 9.8165 9.0387 9.1289
Condenser duty -7.1733 -5.8127 -0.3485
Reboiler duty MMBtu/h 9.2927 5.4850 0.3986
Colm pressure bar 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Reflux ratio, minimum 0.2719 0.3820 0.3715
Calc. Reflux ratio 0.4079 0.5729 0.5572
Colm pressure drop 0.5000 0.2000 0.5000
CHEMCAD 6.3.0 Page 1

Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:21:47


Kinetic Reactor Summary

Equip. No. 6
Reactor type 2
Reaction phase 2
Thermal mode 1
Pressure In bar 32.0000
Tout C 170.0000
Q MMBtu/h -8.5534
Reactor volume ft3 116920.0547
Specify calc. mode 1
Conversion 0.9997
Key 2
No. of Reactions 2
Rate equation type 2
Overall IG Ht of Rxn -9.8223
Overall Liq H of Rxn -9.5511

Reaction Stoichiometrics and Parameters for unit no. 6

Reaction 1
RateConst = 2.4000e+000 Act.E = 0.0000e+000 Hrxn = 0.0000e+000
Comp Stoich. Exp.factor AdsorbFac. AdsorbE AdsorbExp.
1 -1.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000
2 -1.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000
3 1.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000

Reaction 2
RateConst = 1.5000e+000 Act.E = 0.0000e+000 Hrxn = 0.0000e+000
Comp Stoich. Exp.factor AdsorbFac. AdsorbE AdsorbExp.
1 -1.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000
2 -2.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000
5 1.00e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000

Plug Flow Profile for unit no. 6

Vol Temp Press Total Mole frac Mole frac

ft3 C bar kmol/h Benzene Propylene
0.00 170.00 32.00 391.54 7.093E-001 2.682E-001
5846.00 170.00 32.00 291.90 6.241E-001 1.838E-002
11692.00 170.00 32.00 286.82 6.175E-001 9.837E-004
17538.00 170.00 32.00 286.55 6.171E-001 5.205E-005
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Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:21:47

23384.00 170.00 32.00 286.54 6.171E-001 2.753E-006
29230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.456E-007
35076.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 7.698E-009
40922.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 4.069E-010
46768.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 2.144E-011
52614.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.130E-012
58460.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 6.039E-014
64306.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 3.227E-015
70152.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.724E-016
75998.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 9.212E-018
81844.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
87690.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
93536.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
99382.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
105230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
111070.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018
116920.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 6.171E-001 1.583E-018

Vol Temp Press Total Mole frac Mole frac

ft3 C bar kmol/h Cumene Propane
0.00 170.00 32.00 391.54 5.332E-005 1.731E-002
5846.00 170.00 32.00 291.90 3.135E-001 2.322E-002
11692.00 170.00 32.00 286.82 3.367E-001 2.363E-002
17538.00 170.00 32.00 286.55 3.379E-001 2.365E-002
23384.00 170.00 32.00 286.54 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
29230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
35076.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
40922.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
46768.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
52614.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
58460.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
64306.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
70152.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
75998.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
81844.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
87690.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
93536.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
99382.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
105230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
111070.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002
116920.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 3.380E-001 2.365E-002

Vol Temp Press Total Mole frac Mole frac

ft3 C bar kmol/h P-Diisopropylben 1-Hexadecene
0.00 170.00 32.00 391.54 3.006E-011 5.108E-003
5846.00 170.00 32.00 291.90 1.396E-002 6.852E-003
11692.00 170.00 32.00 286.82 1.426E-002 6.973E-003
17538.00 170.00 32.00 286.55 1.427E-002 6.980E-003
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Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:21:47


23384.00 170.00 32.00 286.54 1.428E-002 6.980E-003

29230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
35076.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
40922.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
46768.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
52614.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
58460.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
64306.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
70152.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
75998.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
81844.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
87690.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
93536.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
99382.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
105230.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
111070.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003
116920.00 170.00 32.00 286.53 1.428E-002 6.980E-003

Equilibrium Reactor Summary

Equip. No. 7
Thermal mode 2
Temperature C 220.0000
Heat duty MMBtu/h 0.4469
Reaction phase 2
Calc. mode 2
No of Reactions 1
Calc IG Ht of Rxn 0.0103
Calc Liq H of Rxn 0.0135

Reaction Stoichiometrics and Parameters for unit no. 7

Reaction no. 1
Base component 5
Frac.conversion 0.9900
Comp 1
Stoic. coeff. -1.0000
Comp 5
Stoic. coeff. -1.0000
Comp 3
Stoic. coeff. 2.0000
CHEMCAD 6.3.0 Page 1

Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:23:38


Stream No. 1 5
Stream Name
Temp C 25.0000* 25.0000*
Pres bar 1.0000* 1.0000*
Enth MMBtu/h 10.723 1.3024
Vapor mole frac. 0.00000 1.0000
Total kmol/h 245.6000 111.6500
Total kg/h 19477.4300 4711.7439
Total std L ft3/hr 780.0093 319.3210
Total std V scfh 194399.89 88374.38
Flowrates in kg/h
Benzene 19028.5702 0.0000
Propylene 0.0000 4418.5053
Cumene 0.0000 0.0000
Propane 0.0000 293.2384
P-Diisopropylben 0.0000 0.0000
1-Hexadecene 448.8600 0.0000
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Simulation: 30 mart son simulation Date: 03/30/2011 Time: 21:24:09


Stream No. 11 12 20 23
Stream Name
Temp C 20.0000 75.8541 151.8009 298.7643
Pres bar 0.0859 1.0000 1.0000 1.5000
Enth MMBtu/h 0.87377 6.3342 -1.0243 -0.31536
Vapor mole frac. 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Total kmol/h 25.7882 120.0014 104.4067 2.0535
Total kg/h 1825.5939 9361.7230 12544.1484 457.5443
Total std L ft3/hr 81.0567 374.4090 511.3528 20.5409
Total std V scfh 20412.17 94984.77 82641.11 1625.43
Flowrates in kg/h
Benzene 1488.5770 9333.3142 13.3464 0.0000
Propylene 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Cumene 63.0906 8.7830 12522.0278 0.0002
Propane 273.6125 19.6261 0.0000 0.0000
P-Diisopropylben 0.3118 0.0000 8.7742 8.6864
1-Hexadecene 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 448.8577

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