The Social, Administrative and Literary Services of Mahraj Gopi Krishan For Shahdadkot, Sindh

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By Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi

A Thesis submitted by the writer to Madam Najma Noor Phulpoto
Chairperson Department of Sociology Shah Abdul Latif University Khairur Sindh Pakistan on 21st January 2008.

Presented by
Saroh Social Development Organization (SSDO) Shahdadkot
Saroh Office, Near Scientific Public School,
Railway Station Road, Shahdadkot,
District Kamber-Shahdadkot, Sindh, Pakistan- 77300
Ph: +92-74-4012493, Cell: +92-3337505896



By Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi

In this research paper I discuss Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi, a visionary builder, philanthropist and public servant of
Shahdadkot district Kamber-Shahdadkot, Sindh. I also discuss his role in the development of Shahdadkot and its municipality,
commerce and education sector.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi laid the foundation of Social work in feudal and tribal society of Shahdadkot; a historical city
situated 51 Kilometers in north-west of Larkana on Sindh-Balochistan border. Mahraj Gopi Krishan was a born social worker.
Due to his social services for common people and public he is known as “Father of Social Works in Shahdadkot”. He belonged
to the well-known Brahman family which migrated from Multan to Larkana during Kalhora Rule (1701-1783) of Sindh. His life
and social works are highlighted here for the first time in written form. This Research article is a complete life saga of a social
worker of Shahdadkot area.


According to Hindu Mythology and Scriptures, Ekashringa (that is, unicorn), also known as Righyashringa (that is, the one who
is Deer-horned) was an ancient Rishi. He was believed to have been born of a Doe and had a slight protrusion of his forehead.
The tradition states that he was endowed with magical and miraculous powers. The legend states that once when the ancient
Kingdom of Anga was plagued with a severe drought, Ekashringa was invited by Lompada. The then- ruling King of Anga to
use the magical power to bring rains. The Rishi used his powers and the kingdom received bountiful of rains. According to the
epic the Ramayana, Ekashringa was the chief priest when the king Dasaratha performed a yagya to beget progeny, and as the
consequence of the said yagya were born Rama, Bharata, and the twins Lakshmana and Shatrughana.

The Brahmans came out from Rishyashringa and started performing rituals. Some of the Brahmans of Kashmir were called
Hussaini Brahmans. The history of Hussaini Brahmans, as told by Nonica Dutt, begins with 10 Brahmans going to Karbala
/Iraq with the determination to die fighting for Imam Hussain. Among them were Rahib Dutt and his 7 sons who fought bravely
and resolutely. With the blessings of Imam Hussain they met their death in a heroic way. Rahib Dutt was the lone survivor of
the battle. Such Hussaini Brahmans have now been vanished from the social scene of India but some of them still live in the
grand city of Delhi. Nonica Dutt is also a Hussaini Brahman of Delhi. She taught History at Jawahar Lal University and had
been honoured with a fellowship from the Humboldt University.

One of the descendants of Rishi Shringa or Shringi was settled in Kashmir and was a great saint or Rishi/Brahman. Afterwards
his generation migrated to Multan in Mughal Days. When Kalhora rulers of came into power under Mughal authority in Sindh,
many Hindu families of Multan settled down in Chandka Pargannah or present Larkana District. In the days of Mian Yar
Muhammad Kalhoro (1701-1719) irrigation system of Sindh especially Larkana was developed and in this way he ordered
many of his courtiers, amirs and generals to dig long canals to irrigate the barren lands. On this order Mian Dato Khuhawar, one
of the courtiers, amirs and generals of Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro dug “Kur Dato” or
“Datey Ji Kur” from Ghaar Wah in 1711. The main objective of this canal was to provide
water to the north western lands of Larkana and thence to Gandawah. With the course of this
canal countless new villages, towns and cities were founded and many forts were constructed
to save them from the robbers of north. Mian Shahdad Khan Khuhawar also laid the
foundation of a town which was named after him as Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot. According to
some historical records Shahdadkot was founded around 1713. It was a major town between
the rout of Larkana and Gandawah in those days.

Jai Prakash aka Ramesh Lal Shringi says according to his ancestral oral traditions that one of
the descendents of Rishi Shringi, Mahraj Seeru Ram had assisted Mian Yar Muhammad
Kalhoro and Mian Dato Khuhawar in the digging of Kur Dato. It’s why the Kalhora rulers
gave him some 3000 jarebs of land in jagir. It comprised the lands of Tando Murad Ali
Khuhawar, Raunti and Mairee Kalhora near Dargah Mian Shahal Muhammad Kalhoro (d
1658) in Kamber taluka of Larkana District. Mahraj Seeru Ram Shringi was Brahman and
used to perform rituals and religious ceremonies in Hindu society of that area. Mir Sobdar Khan Talpur
He spent most of his life time serving the people by social work in the days of Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro, Main
Muradyab Khan Kalhoro, Mian Ghulam Shah Kalhoro, Mian Attur Khan Kalhoro, Mian Ahmed Yar Khan Kalhoro, Mian
Sarfaraz Khan Kalhoro, Mian Mehmud Khan Kalhoro, Mian Ghulam Nabi Khan Kalhoro and Mian Abdul Nabi Khan Kalhoro.
Shri Mahraj Seeru Ram was respected and honoured by all the Hindus in and around Larkana. He was also honoured by Mir
Naseer Khan Noori, the Khan of Kalat during 1780 and 1794 when present Shahdadkot, Kamber and Nasirabad talukas were in
the Khanship of the Mir. After then Hindus of Kalat became his followers and religious guide. He used to live in a small village
of Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar, situated on the banks of Kur Dato. This village is situated 25 Kilometers in the south east of
Shahdadkot in Deh Dhori Pir Bakhsh Khuhawar, taluka Miro Khan and was founded by one of the amirs of Talpur rulers of
Sindh, Sirai Murad Ali Khan Khuhawar walad Sirai Sher Muhammad Khan Khuhawar walad Mian Punhoon Khan Khuhawar
walad Mian Dato Khan Khuhawar. The grave of Mian Dato Khuhawar is situated in the necropolis of Mian Yar Muhammad
Kalhoro is Khuda Abad, Sindh.

Mian Golo Khan Khuhawar was brother of Mian Murad Ali Khan Khuhawar. Mian Golo Khan Khuhawar was very generous
and brave man in the days of Talpurs. A Deh of Miro Khan taluka is called after his name. He dug Golo Wah and constructed a
fort for his residence near Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar. A.W.Hughes describes village Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar in his
“Gazetteer of the Province of Sind”, London, 1876. At present it contains nearly 30 houses of Dhap, Ghanghra, Lashari and
Magsi castes. There are 3 Mosques and 1 Masjid School in it. It has some shops also. Once there was a Covered Bazzar here
like Shikarpur. It has 2 ponds in north and south. The nearby villages around Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar are; Ali Ji Wandh,
Lal Baksh Leghari, Buthi, and Sang Mukam. The old watercourses of Kur Dato like Sami Wah, Dhap Wah and Mir Wah
irrigate the lands here. The present chief Zamindar of this area is Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar of Shahdadkot.

During Talpur Rule in Sindh, in 1838-39 Indus River overflowed and thus it’s Flood Waters from Chak / Shikarpur inundated
Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar, and brought havoc destruction in present Larkana District. It continued its flow from Mubarak
Kalhoro towards Manchhar Lake in Dadu district. At that time present Shahdadkot site was high and a safer place for flood
affected people so most of the ruined population went upwards and settled in Shahdadkot. It’s told that such floods had
inundated the areas 7 times earlier. The old men tell us that some 25 Hindu families from 100 houses of Tando Murad Ali
Khuhawar village shifted towards Shahdadkot. According to Dr. R.H.Kennedy of Bombay Army, the water around Shahdadpur
or Shahdadkot was spread in 20 miles during a flood disaster in 1840. (See Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus
in Sind and Kaubool by Richard Hartley Kennedy, London 1840, page 189)

Mahraj Seeru Ram had 2 sons: (1) Mahraj Dewan Das and (2) Mharaj Kishore Das. This family enjoyed great privileges under
Talpur Rulers of Sindh like; Mir Fateh Ali Khan Talpur, Mir Ghulam Ali Khan Talpur, Mir Karam Ali Khan ,Mir Noor
Muhammad Khan Talpur and Mir Naseer Khan Jafri Talpur. Mahraj Dewan Das and Mahraj Kishore Das, both of the brothers
lived there before flood in Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar. Now they also shifted with other families to Shahdadkot. Khan
Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-I along with Diwan Jhamat Mal, Diwan Radha Krishan, Seth Paroo Mal, Seth Hira Nand
and Naren Das migrated to Shahdadkot from village Tando Murad Ali Khuhawar. It is said that nearly all of the Hindus were
Zamindars and rich men.

Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-I, Mahraj Dewan Das and Mahraj Kishore Das had close relations with Sir John
Keane, Commander In chief of British Army. Sir John Keane drew supplies for his Army from Shahdadkot, Sindh in 1840.
With the assistance of these friends he could be able to get grain and camels easily which were needed by the British Army in
Afghanistan. Sir Charles Napier annexed Sindh
in 1843. In 1846, an old Hindu was the only
occupant of Shahdadkot because the town was
evacuated by the people due to the fear of the
Cholera. All the populations of Kamber and
Shahdadkot had climbed up the Khirthar
Mountains in the west.

General John Jacob established many out posts

to protect Upper Sindh Frontier from mountain
robbers. These outposts guarded the border from
1839 to 1858 through Dost Ali, Shahdadkot,
Garhi Khero, Rojhan, Khangarh (Jacobabad),
Dilmurad, Garhi Hassan, Tangwani, Kandh Kot,
Kumri and Kashmore posts. He constructed
roads, bridges and canals to develop Garhi
Khero, Shahdadkot, Kamber and Larkana areas
and brought peace and trade in a turmoil land.
Jacobabad died in 1858.
Army of the Indus passing through narrow path of Sir-e-Bolan 1839
After 1858 Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-I took initiatives to rehabilitative the town and in this connection he
brought Mian Noor Muhammad Mekan, his family members, disciples and other Hindu traders from Kanda to Mirokhan on 60
Bullock carts and made arrangements for their houses. Shahdadkot was again hit by a great flood disaster in 1874.
According to A.W.Hughes, “Shahdadpur was a Government town in Kamber taluka of the Larkana Deputy Collectorate in
1874 and, distant about 30 miles north-north-west from Larkana. It was seated on the west bank of the Dato-Ji-Kur Canal, and
had road communications with Kamber, Garhi Khairo Jamali, and Hamal, and was the Head-quarter Station of a Tapadar.
The population, in number was about 783, comprised 464 Muslims of the Pirzada, Kalhora, Lashari, Sial, Magsi and Muhana
tribes. The remainder (319) being Hindus. The chief man of note in this place was Pir Bakhsh Khuhawar, a very influential and
public spirited Zamindar, who had done much towards raising this town to its former prosperity.” (Gazetteer of the Province of
Sind: Compiled by A.W.Hughes, F.R.G.S., F.S, Bombay UNCOV Civil Service, London George Bell and Sons, York Street,
Covent Garden , 1876) .

Shahdadkot flourished well in 2nd Afghan War in 1880s. The Indian British Government then
thought to make Shahdadkot a taluka, so it was made a taluka of Upper Sindh Frontier /
Jacobabad District in 1883-4. The Vernicular School of Shahdadkot which is now known as
Government Main Primary School was established in 1887. Afterwards a dispensary was
established in Shahdadkot in 1889 with the name of Victoria. In 1891 the total population of
Shahdadkot was 27,380. Faiz Muhammad Khuhawar (Zamindar), Yaro Fakir Awan (Zamindar)
and Fatoo Jagirani (Zamindar) took actively part in the politics of Shahdadkot at the end of 19th
century under Central National Muhammadan Association (1878-1888) platform.

In Shahdadkot, during late British Period Mahraj Kishore Das constructed a Hindu temple on the western bank of Kur Dato
near town. According to the information of Mahraj family it is said that the temple was constructed by the masons of Jaipur /
India. Today this temple is called as “Shiwalo” and is visited by hundreds of pilgrims daily. There is a Makan or Imam
Bargah near this historical temple where Gul Muhammad Soomro alias Ghulamo is performing his duty as a caretaker.
Basically it’s a shrine of Sufi Saint Lakhpati Fakir Bhatti, who was disciple of Sachal Sarmast (1739-1839) and was resident
of Bhanbho Bhatti (Sukkur Wah area) and Sarang Khuhawar (Ghar /Kur Dato) villages. Azadari (Mourning) of Muharam Al
Haram started first time in Shahdadkot from this Shrine or Makan. He was also companion of Mian Ghulam Siddique
Shahdadkoti (1844-1905). There was peace and harmony between Hindus and Muslims of this above Temple and Makan.
Mahraj Kishore Das died without leaving any children. The land revenue and cesses in 1903-4 amounted to 1.8 lakhs.
Portions of the Begari, Ghar and Sukkur canals irrigated the taluka, and a certain amount of cultivation was usually carried
out in the neighbourhood of hill torrents. The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol: XXII Oxford 1908 (page 200) tells that
Shahdadkot taluka contained 62 villages of which Shahdadkot was the headquarter.

While his brother Mahraj Dewan Das had 2 sons. (1) Mahraj Daloo Ram and (2) Mahraj Vishan Das. Among them Mahraj
Vishan Das was a great Ved or Physician. He died without leaving sons and daughters. Mahraj Daloo Ram was highly
respected by Hindu and Muslim populations of the town. He had a son, Mahraj Ramchand. Mahraj Ramchand was born in 1890
and died in 1964 at Shahdadkot. His father and grandfather were both were Physicians or Doctors and their fame was not only
in Sindh but the people of Kalat and Punjab also knew them as well. Mahraj Ramchand had a vast experience in medicines.
Patients used to visit him for treatment and cure from all the directions. Everyone was healed with his medicines. Not only
Hindus but Muslims also thought him as their Messiah. It’s why his house courtyard was always full with bullock carts of
various patients.

During lifetime of Mahraj Ramchand the name of the town was changed from Shahdadpur to Shahdadkot in year 1914, owing
to the confusion caused by the existence of another town of the same name in Nawabshah District. Shahdadkot progressed
under British Rule through PWD and in 1918 it contained a population of 2,405. At that time it had fine avenues of shady trees,
a local fund garden, a district bungalow, a kacheri, police lines, a dispensary, vernicular school, post office and musafirkhana.
There was a Rice Husking factory in the town. The bulk of the trade was in
grain and the merchants had their dealings with the Larkana district rather
than with the Upper Sindh Frontier. (Gazetteer of the Province of Sind: B
Vol: 7, Upper Sind Frontier District Compiled by J.W.Smyth, Indian Civil
Service, printed for Government at the Government Central Press

A railway was constructed in 1920 with the name of Silra Shahdadkot that
connected the town to Larkana and Jacobabad. The Irrigation Bungalows
were built in 1928 while present Mukhtiarkar Office was constructed during
1932, very short after the completion of Sukkur Barrage. In the same year,
Shahdadkot taluka was separated from Jacobabad and was amalgamated
with Larkana district.
The Grand Mosque of Mian Ghulam Siddique Mekan (1844-1905) Shahdadkot
Mahraj Ramchand Shringi was 6 feet tall, with good health. His colour was pink and had Blue eyes. He used to put on Boski
turban on his head. He was fond of watching "Malakhiro" (Cultural Wrestling) and when he was pleased with the game of a
Malh /Wrestler he would have praised him by offering him English Silver Coins. It was his habit that he kept with him 50 or 60
British Coins to encourage Malhs or Wrestlers. His Jhirk Bolati sentence about Malhs was very famous among local people. In
his last days he had started to read Daily Dawn Karachi to know about the current affairs of the world. He was of good humor.
He disliked songs and dance. Jalal Khan Brohi/Raisani of Kotro/Gandawah was his old favourite servant and he used to talk
with Wasu Teenai in Seraiki language. While there was also a lot of number of female servants whose duty was to cook food
and wash utensils. His old Haveli was very famous among Shahdadkot citizens. On Mahraj Ramchand's death all friends and
foes wept alike. Whole of the town was given sweetmeat packets and public was offered with cooked rice. After his death his
daughter in law Sati Devi continued to cure the patients according to the practice and teachings of her father in law. Mahraj
Ramchand Shringi had five sons; (1) Mahraj Parsram (2) Mahraj Tahalram (3) Mahraj Gopi Krishan (4) Mahraj Shankar Lal
and (5) Mahraj Girdhari Lal. Mahraj Tahalram had murdered two persons in Raunti village of taluka Kamber before partition of
1947. He had no daughter.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan was born on 28th June 1910 at Shahdadkot city, taluka
Shahdadkot District Larkana Sindh. His mother’s name was Tilli Bai; she belonged
to village Bubak, District Dadu, Sindh. His birthplace was Street No. 1803/99 or
present Mahraj Gopi Krishan Muhalla, where he opened his eyes in this world. At
that time Shahdadkot was a taluka headquarter of Jacobabad district. It was mostly
the tail end of ancient canals of Ghar Wah, Begari and Edan Wah.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan spent his early childhood in playing and watching Shahdadkot
town. His father Mahraj Ramchand Shringi helped him in reading and writing
Gurmukhi / Hindu Script. His brother Mahraj Tahalram or Tahlio (1908) also learnt
this script from his father. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918
with the death of millions of innocent people. During early years of Mahraj Gopi
Krishan, on 9th July 1920 Rais-Al-Muhajrin Jan Muhammad Khan Junejo hired a
special train and left Larkana for Kabul Afghanistan with 760 Quit India Movement
activists. Many Shahdadkot residents also migrated from Sindh towards Jalal Abad
Afghanistan. Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency in 1935 is the most
important and historic event of young Mahraj's life. Mahraj Ramchand Shringi (1890-1964)


He received his early education from Vernicular/ Main Primary School Shahdadkot. Later on he got his Graduation Degree
from Bombay University India in 1936-7. He was the first person from Shahdadkot who passed his B.A. In this way he became
the first graduate of Shahdadkot. He liked Politics and Public Work from his youth. Probably in 1938 he invited Moulana
Muhammad Ali Johar, Moulana Shaukat Ali Johar and other Congress workers in Shahdadkot for a public gathering/Jalsa. Both
brothers were protected by a dozen of bodyguards carrying Belcha's (Shovels) and bed sheets. Around 500 people attended the
Jalsa in Eidgah. Muslim League supporter Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khuhawar-II criticized on this but Mahraj remained
successful in his aim because he did not want the guests
leaving Shahdadkot without doing Jalsa. They did public
speeches in Eidgah which was a public property at that
time. In 1938 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah also
paid visits to Larkana and Jacobabad districts for Election
Campaign. Second World War (WW2) was fought on
almost every continent on the world from 1939 and 1945.
Around 11 to 17 million civilians died in this war.

Mahraj Gopi Krishan was made member of Sanitary

Committee Shahdadkot in 1939. In this same year Khan
Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II walad Raid
Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-I and Mahraj Gopi
Krishan took steps for peace and brotherhood in tense
Hindu-Muslim Crises. Similarly both of these friends took
initiatives in June 1940 for the Literacy Campaign
Committee in Larkana District.
A view of University of Bombay India 1876
Mahraj Gopi Krishan continued his efforts for social work in Shahdadkot with keen interest. His younger brother Mahraj
Shankar Lal was the first person of Shahdadkot who passed L.L.B and became first advocate of the city. In politics Mahraj was
impressed by Walabh Bhai Patel and Mahatma Gandhi. He got many Afrin Namas or Certificates from British Government of
India for his valuable services during floods.

In 1939-40, during Hindu Muslim crises of Masjid-e-Manzilgah a tension arose in whole Larkana district. All Hindus of Jhall
Magsi and Kachhi Gandava also gathered in Shahdadkot for protests and strikes. Thus being a Brahman and head of
community, Mahraj Gopi Krishan was also annoyed. Arbab Ali Bhatti (1930), a resident of Shahdadkot says that in one of his
speeches done by Mahraj Gopi Krishan during these crises, he angrily said, "If I had given a bowl of a Muslim's blood I would
have drunk it". Even though the people of Shahdadkot loved and respected Mahraj Gopi Krishan as a social worker and son of
the soil. From March 1941 to 1945 he was elected as member of District Local Board from Kamber Division consisted on
Shahdadkot, Kamber, Miro Khan and Warah areas. Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II and Rais Umeed Ali Khan
Junejo were also elected as Muslim candidates.


1942 Flood

Shahdadkot was destroyed by the great flood of July 1942. The flood water of Indus River covered 17 talukas of Shikarpur,
Jacobabad, Larkana and Dadu districts. Vast areas came under water and thousands of people lost their houses, crops, animals
and other properties. Both Hindus and Muslims constructed Bunds (Protective Walls) around Shahdadkot city to protect it from
the inundation water but these could not stand in front of a great flood disaster and in this way whole of the city came under
water and people fled to save their lives. Mr. R.R.Pears, the then Assistant Commissioner was monitoring the flood and was in
Shahdadkot for monitoring relief work done by government, zamindars and citizens. Similarly Mr. V. Eastern was also visiting
the area very frequently.

During flood disaster Mahraj Gopi Krishan arranged boats to evacuate the people from flooded areas and sent them to upon
high sand dunes in the west of the city. He also provided them cooked food and fresh drinking water. He helped those families
who wanted to go for safer places like Jacobabad. He arranged cooked degs for many days so that the flood effects could
survive in hot summers under open sky. For sick and ill people he arranged doctors to treat them. He also tried to help the
people to evacuate their belongings from shops and rice mills. Not only had this but he also did many arrangements for the
cleanliness in the city. Mr. Haroo Mal Sandrani, secretary Sanitary Committee Shahdadkot also looked after the city for
cleanliness it's why he was attacked by Tuberculoses Bacteria (TB) and died for a good cause.

Very soon the Commissioner Mr. C.B. Clee paid a visit to Shahdadkot and after watching whole the disaster and destruction he
did announcement for the establishment of Municipality. The Main objectives of this Municipality were the construction of
roads and drainage system. The population of the town was now reached to 16,000 souls. The British Government of India had
introduced Municipality System in the Indo Pak Subcontinent in 1850s. Its work was to maintain health and hygienic
conditions, schools, colleges and hospitals. It was responsible to install a clock in the midst of the city or town to keep people
aware about the importance of

Railway buildings were also a

beauty of the Municipality in
grand cities like Karachi.
Previously forts and religious
buildings were considered as
very valuable but now under this
system Police also emerged.
Police System in India started in
1861. It was also a responsibility
of Municipality to supply safe
drinking water to the city
dwellers. Streets and roads were
also lightened by the
Municipality at night. The
Larkana Municipality was
established in 1855, Kamber in
1862 and Jacobabad in 1875.

Evacuation during floods

An election of Shahdadkot Municipality was held in December 1942.It had following 16 members:

1. Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi (President)

2. Seth Lalchand Punjabi
3. Seth Herdas Mal
4. Mahraj Shankar Lal Advocate
5. Bhai Saboo Ram
6. Seth Satram Das
7. Seth Jaro Mal
8. Seth Warial Das
9. Mahraj Aso Ram
10. Seth Bacho Mal
11. Haji Ghulam Muhammad Sheikh
12. Seth Karim Bakhsh Khan Sheikh
13. Sirai Nek Muhammad Dakhan
14. Mistri Ghulam Rasool Khan Soomro
15. Haji Darya Khan Mastoi Floral designs on the walls of Mahraj Gopi Kirshan Haveli
16. Khan Sahib Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar

The president of the committee was Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi, who already had a lot of experience of social work in social
work in Shahdadkot. The Municipality Building was at Kotoo Motoo Chowk in Shahddakot. It had a main room for president
and other rooms.


1. Rehabilitation of Shahdadkot

Mahraj Gopi Krishan started his efforts to rehabilitate ruined Shahdadkot very quickly after flood disaster of 1942. In this
connection he got assistance from government and other zamindars of the area.

2. Silra village Rehabilitation

Due to the flood disaster of 1942 whole the Silra village had come under water.
Under government assistance Mahraj Gopi Krishan along with Khan Bahadur
Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II constructed 60 houses in Silra village and did
efforts for the beautification of the village.

3. Eidgah Construction

When Mahraj Gopi Krishan took charge of the president ship of Municipality he
got constructed Eidgah for the citizens of Shahdadkot. For this purpose he had
to collect donations from all Muslims. At that time Eidgah had mud walls with
beautiful gates. The building was destroyed in 1948 flood. Later on it was
renovated by Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II in 1970s.

4. Construction of Roads

In his tenure, Mahraj Gopi Krishan constructed many roads in Shahdadkot

including Shahi Bazzar. For this purpose, services were taken from A.C.C
Cement Company Karachi. It's said that Sikh labour worked for the construction
of roads and lived outside the town on the banks of Kur Dato. The length of Shahi Bazzar road was more than 1 Kilometer from
north to south. The road can be seen till this day in this Bazzar.Some other important roads were between Dargah Mian Ghulam
Siddique Mekan, Habib Masjid and Sheikh Muhalla. Nearly all the roads were constructed within 1 year. Shahi Bazzar road
was covered with cemented drains from both sides. The rain water did not remain in the Bazzar due to this drainage system.

5. Introducing Drainage System

The people of Shahdadkot had no facilities of drainage system in Pre-Municipality period. It was Mahraj Gopi Krishan who
introduced this system here and constructed drains in whole city for cleanliness purposes. These drains were cleaned by Water
carriers regularly with Limestone powder and water. Alan Faqir Silro, Hussain Punjabi and Ismaeil Sheikh were famous water
carriers who used to fill water Municipal Park and other offices.

6. Establishment of Grain Market

The northern side of the city was a hub of grain trade. This
ancient market was always full with countless camels,
bullock’s carts, horses, mules and donkeys. Mules and other
animals of caravans carrying grain of different kinds, cotton
and other agricultural produce and wool. Shahdadkot city
was regarded as one of the chief marts of Sindh. In Kalhora,
Talpur and British rule it was a central place between Sindh,
Kalat, Afghanistan and Iran through Bolan and Mullah
Passes. The Sarai here had many famous grain traders like
Jagu Bhagat, Sojhro Mal, Seth Holo Mal and Gul
Muhammad Dalal.
Shahi Bazzar Road constructed by Mahraj Gopi Krishan in 1943

After the establishment of Municipality in Shahdadkot Mahraj Gopi Krishan made a plan for extending grain market. Therefore
spent on this scheme Rs. 60,000 and a pond was covered with soil near Nishat Cinema in present Mochi Muhalla. Through this
work Shahdadkot Municipality earned a lot of money from the sale of shops. Government Girls College now stands there. Till
this day grain trade is very popular in the city in old Anaj Mandi area. There are many Hindu dealers here. Agriculture
productions of the taluka were Juwar, Rice, Wheat and Barley; of Pulses, Mung, Matter and Gram, of Oil Seeds, Sarsu and Till,
besides Sugar-Cane, Cotton, Tobacco, Indigo and a large variety of garden

7. Vegetable Market

One of the achievements of Mahraj Gopi Krishan is the construction of a

Vegetable Market. It had 15 shops. This market was situated besides former
Umer Medical Store in Shahi Bazzar area. People used to buy fresh vegetables
and fruits from here. Later this market had been damaged during flood of 1948
and was reconstructed in 1951 at Kotoo Motoo Chowk. Afterwards it was again
established at present Sabzi Market near Fish Market.

8. Grass Market

It was situated at former Taj Hotel in the neighborhood of historic Qazi Mosque
Shahdadkot. The municipality got taxes from this Grass Market. The Hindu
Punchayat used to spread Bullock carts of grass on the roads in the evening for
cattle. It was a charitable act. The market was also called as Gah Piri by the

9. Mutton and Beef Market Vendors selling vegetables on Railway Station Road

The Mutton and Beef market was too constructed after the president ship of Mahraj Gopi Krishan. The market was located near
Kotoo Motoo Chowk. The butchers used to sell meats here who were more than 10 in number. Different kinds of fish were also
sold here in the southern part of this building. The market consisted on 15 shops.

10. Dhobi Ghat

A Dhobi Ghat was earmarked by Mahraj Gopi Krishan outside the city in north where washer men used to wash clothes from a
freshwater pond. The number of washer men working here were in great number probably more than 30. Whole of the town
could listen the sounds of washer men's beating from a long distance. They had wooden and cemented plaques of 6x2 feet.
They could easily get water from Tanwary Branch for cleanings. Mostly zamindars, officials and merchants could avail facility.
The washer men could get 1 Rupee for wash and iron services.Ghulam Dhobi, Zeerak Khati, Ali Bux Qureshi, Kalu Khati and
Sher Muhammad Soomro were famous among washer men.

11. Post Office

Mahraj Gopi Krishan gave his personal building to government for post office on rent. Initial rent started with Rs. 30/- and
ended at Rs. 500/- per month. The post office had a big hall where old wooden chests were kept for the parcels. It had total area
of 3000 feet. The Post Office staff worked here till 1980. Afterwards it was shifted to another building of Mahraj Gopi Krishan
near Shiwalo. This office was also shifted apposite to Urdu Primary School and was completely burnt after the martyrdom of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto in December 2007.The old post office building was beside present Taluka Nazim Office. Even today
old people of the city call this road as "Old Post Office Road". J.W.Smyth mentions this Post Office in 1919 in Sind Gazetteer.
12. Slaughter House/Kos Ghar

It was also built by Mahraj Gopi Krishan during his first tenure of Municipality (1942-1945). Whole of the slaughtering work
was done by the butchers in Slaughter House or Kos Ghar, situated at a distance in the south –west of the town on Bago Daro
Road. The area near this Kos Ghar was known as Golimar, actually a Firing Range for Police Training. Later this slaughter
house was shifted towards S.D.M Office Muhalla in 1960s. The slaughter house was carefully watched. The result was a large
decrease of sickness, especially amongst the poor classes.

13. Octori Posts

One of the important achievements of Mahraj Gopi Krishan was Octori

Posts. Nearly all the main and important roads had Nakas (Octori Posts)
where a tax was paid on every production. Some of these Nakas were
constructed at Dost Ali Road, Kamber/Larkana Road, Garhi Khairo Road,
Qubo Saeed Khan Road and Bago Daro Road. Mahraj Gopi Kirshan
would visit these posts and checked the receipts. Octori rates were like;

2 Pais per maund on all kinds of grain

2 Pais per maund on all kinds of oil seeds
Same was the rate for Sarsu and Tills which were cultivated in villages
and in the Kachho or mountainous area of Khirthar Range
A painting of Sinde Dawkwallahs delivering posts on foot

After one year the Municipality was able to do a lot for the development and beautification of Shahdadkot. In 1943 Mr. Sir
Hugh Dow, the Governor of Sindh and Lady Hughdow visited Shahdadkot and admired the efforts taken by Municipality under
the President ship of Mahraj Gopi Krishan. In his speech he claimed that one day Shahdadkot Municipality would lead the rest
of Municipalities in Sindh. Sir Hugh Dow, GCIE, KCSI was born on born on 8th May 1886 and died on 20th November 1978.
He was Indian Civil Servant during British Raj. Dow entered the Indian Civil Service in 1909 and served in various senior
administrative and advisory capacities in pre-war India. From 1939 to 1941 he was Director-General of Supply and President of
the War Supply Board, India, and from 1941 to 1946 Governor of Sind. He became Governor of Bihar in 1946. He was
appointed a CIE in 1932, a CSI in 1937, knighted with the KCSI in 1940 and appointed a GCIE in 1947. After leaving India he
was Consul-General, Jerusalem, and then Chairman of the Royal Commission on East Africa. Dow served as the
second Governor of Sind from 1 April 1941 to 14 January 1946. He laid the foundation stone of Dow Medical College (now a
constituent college of Dow University of Health Sciences), Karachi in December 1945. He was succeeded by Sir Robert
Francis Mudie.
Due to 2nd World War (WW2) this Municipality could remain functional for 3 years i.e. from 1942 to 1945. He was honoured
with a Gold Medal by Indian British Government for his services done during 1942 flood disaster. In January 1946 another
Municipality Election was held in which following members were elected;

1. Seth Jaro Mal (President)

2. Rais Feroz Khan Khuhawar
3. Mahraj Gopi Krishan
4. Seth Lalchand Punjabi
5. Mukhi Melho Mal
6. Mahraj Aso Ram
7. Seth Kheal Das
8. Seth Sobho Mal Mangtani
9. Bhai Saboo Ram
10. Wariyal Das
11. Satram Das Relwani
12. Khan Sahib Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar
13. Sirai Safder Ali Khan Khuhawar
14. Seth Juma Khan Sheikh
15. Seth Mehrullah Khan Sheikh
16. Seth Latif Khan Sheikh
Sir Hugh and Lady Dow, as Governor of Sindh
The Municipality could not work better and was dismissed by Mr.Tufail Muhammad. Whole Municipality system was damaged
during partition of august 1947. Most of the old record pertaining to this Municipality was destroyed in the floods of 1948. At
last once again the Municipality system started its work after 1950. At this time Khan Sahib Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar
was its president. In 1951 the population of Shahdadkot was 8,994 while in 1961 its population was 15,043 showing an increase
of 67 %. During 2nd tenure of Mahraj Gopi Krishan about 7 Lakh Rupees balance was in Municipality between 1960 and 1965.
In 1959 some elections were held under Basic Democracy System in which 5 Union Committees were formed and their
chairmen were Haji Safder Ali Khan Khuhawar Ward 1, Fateh Muhammad Khan Sheikh Ward 2, Mr. Ghulam Qadir Magsi
Ward 3, Syed Ashique Ali Shah Ward 4 and Mahraj Gopi Krishan Ward 5. After Pak-Indian War of 1965 whole of the
Municipality affairs were administrated by government officials. Mr. Lal Chand Retai was headclerck in the Shahdadkot
Municipality. Municipal Elections were held in the whole of the country in 1969, in which Sardar Muhammad Bux Khan
Khuhawar walad Khan Bahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-II walad Rais Muhammad Bux Khan Khuhawar-II walad Khan
Bahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I was elected as Municipality Chairman. Its
other members were; Haji Abdul Ghafoor Sheikh, Nadir Ali Sheikh, Nazeer
Ahmed Sheikh, Ameer Bux Sheikh, Sultan Ahmed Khuhawar, Ali Nawaz Khan
Khuhawar, Muhammad Hayat Soomro, Ghulam Ali Soomro, Altaf Hussain
Langah, Nazeer Hussain, Abdul Jabbar Langah, Syed Wajid Ali Shah, Syed Ali
Akber Shah, Ahmed Bux Sial, Abdul Ghani Bhatti, Ahmed Ali Jarwar, Seth
Khudadad Khan Khoso, Rais Khuda Dino Khan Chandio, Bakhsho Mal, Mrs.
Muhammad Qasim Sheikh and Muharam Ali Mirjat. These Octroi Posts remained
functional till Nawaz Sharif government.

14. Drinking Water Provision through wells

Mahraj Gopi Krishan dug many wells for the Shahdadkot public in order to provide safe drinking water. Such wells were near
Mahmood Shah Makan and in village Silra. The well near Mahmood Shah Makan was known as "Sheikhan
Waro Khooh".Mian Ubedullah Mekan was taken to Silra village for the Well Opening Ceremony. Some other wells were at
following places; at Municipal Park, at Municipality. Nearly at every chowk there were some pitchers of water for travelers
placed beside cabins. The travelers were also fed with "Kohars" (Boiled Grams) to protect them from sun and strokes.
A Persian Wheel or Naar with big gates was beside present Taluka
Nazim's Office where Hindu Muslim population took bath and
washed clothes daily. It was looked after by both Hindu Panchayat
and Municipality.

15. Provision of Electricity in Shahdadkot

In the President ship of Mahraj Gopi Krishan the whole town was
lighted with English Lamps. There were more than 100 Lamps which
were cleaned by Municipality. Such Lamps were installed at all
chowks and in the streets. Mistri Abdul Latif Muhajir repaired these
lamps in Shahi Bazzar. Mahraj also tried for the access of Electricity
system for the citizens of Shahdadkot in 1960s and he met Zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto and Habib-ul-Nabi for this purpose.
Ayub Khan shaking hands with notables of Kamber in 1960s
16. Visits of Educational Institutes

Mahraj Gopi Krishan gave importance to Education in his all life. It's why he frequently visited all Educational Institutes in
Shahdadkot during his tenures. He used to visit primary school, middle school and high school in the city. With his efforts and
resolution Municipal High School or present Government Provincialized High School was established in 1963. Its foundation
stone was laid by Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Minister of External Affairs Government of Pakistan on 24th March 1963. The plot
for the school construction was donated by Sirai Ghulam Mustafa Khan Khuhawar. Actually this plot was a Mango garden of
Sirai Ghulam Mustafa Khan Khuhawar. It had an area of 5 acres or 10 Jarebs.

17. Vetenary Hospital

It also mentioned that early Vetenary Hospital was

also achievement of Mahraj Gopi Krishan. He
wanted to help cattle breeders. Here horses, cows,
buffaloes, sheep, goats, and other animals were
treated for their diseases. Probably this Vetenary
Hospital was built in 1959-60.

18. Water tanks for animals

There were many water tanks in Shahdadkot which

were constructed by Mahraj Gopi Krishan for
animals like Cows, Horses and Donkeys. These
water tanks were very useful for animals to quench their thirst in heat. Water tanks were at Nishat Cinema, near Classic Bakery,
opposite Urdu Primary School, near Lakhpati Makan, Garhi Khairo Nako, near Kheal Das grocery shop in Hindu muhalla,
Diko Railway Station, Old Municipality Building and near Khan Bahadur House. The plot of Water Supply Scheme near
Tanwary Distry was also property of Mahraj Gopi Krishan. The sweet water of Shahdadkot had changed after 1942 and 1948

19. Assistance in Railway Station Renovation

The Railway system was introduced by Sir Shah Nawaz Khan Bhutto in
Shahdadkot from 1920 because he had to collect grain from his lands situated at
different villages like Muhammad Khan Bhutto (Shahdadkot), Dodapur (Garhi
Khairo), Muhammadpur Odho (Garhi Khairo), Miranpur Buriro (Garhi Khairo),
Sheranpur Thahim (Garhi Khairo), and Allah Abad (Garhi Khairo) of Larkana and
Jacobabad districts The Shahdadkot Railway Quarters were built in 1922. This
Railway Track was between Larkana, Shahdadkot and Minhon Leghari. After the
flood of 1942 Mahraj Gopi Krishan tried his level best to renovate and maintain
the Old Railway Station, its Godowns and Quarters to facilitate the passengers.
The new Railway Track was between Larkana, Shahdadkot and Jacobabad. It was
used after 1940s.

20. Municipal Park

Shahdadkot Railway Station Water Storages
Municipal Park was in good condition under the president ship of Mahraj Gopi Krishan who tried to plant countless flowers and
trees in this beautiful garden. Lunch parties were arranged here for Mukhtiarkars and other officials on various occasions. Such
a party was arranged by Haji Illahi Bux Khokhar on 2nd October 1951 in the honour of Mr.N.S. Agha, Mukhtiarkar Shahdadkot.
There was a big well in it which was annually cleaned by the prisoners in summer days. This park was spread on 5 Jarebs.

21. Installation of Municipal Bell in Shahi Bazzar

Mahraj Gopi Krishan procured and installed a large bell in

Shahi Bazzar Shahdadkot for alarming purposes. This bell had
been used to alert the public to proclamations or civic danger
i.e. during fire incidents, earthquakes and floods. The
Municipal bell originally weighed more than 60 Kilograms.
The bell was 70% copper & 25% tin, with small amounts of
other metals.

This bell was installed by Mahraj Gopi Krishan during his first
tenure of Municipality in 1942. The bell was fixed in a
wooden piece near Ramzan Lohi Shahi Bazzar Shahdadkot.
The bell was out of use before 1965 because at that time sirens
were used to alert the civilians regarding Indo Pak War.

With the threat of a fire incident in 1975, this bell was hastily
removed from Shahi Bazzar and was submitted in Municipal
Committee Shahdadkot. 3 Cloth shops of Khuda Bux Sheikh,
Rahmatullah Kamboh and Qadir Bux Sheikh, 1 Medical Store
of Seth Bhawan Das and a Godown of the Sheikh family were
destroyed in this fire incident. Since that time nothing is
known about this historic bell of Shahdadkot. Many stories are
related to this bell which shows its historical importance and
value. Probably this bell was stolen by thieves from Municipal
Committee Shahdadkot. No doubt this was a Liberty Bell of
American Independence for the people of Shahdadkot.

22. Clearance of Abrio Wah

The Irrigation Department of British Government of India had dug many small watercourses to irrigate the lands near the city.
One of them was Abrio Wah which carried its water from Tanwary Branch and flowed through Railway Station Road, Noor
Rice Mill, Rawat Magsi Hotel, and Noorey Waro Makan to the fields. Its sweet water was used by the residents till 1980s. The
Public used its water for bath and washing clothes. It was also looked after by the Municipality.

23. Libraries

As a social worker and politician Mahraj Gopi Krishan encouraged people to promote private libraries. He provided some
valuable books in Sindhi, English and Urdu to the schools and other institutions on different subjects. There was a library in
Vernicular / Main Primary School Shahdadkot which was given much attention by Mahraj. Akhbar-e-Taleem was a famous
Educational Magazine for both teachers and students. It was published from Training College Hyderabad, Sindh. Naib Master
Mr. Tanu Mal was a regular writer of this magazine from Shahdadkot. The Vernicular / Main Primary School, English School
(Kamboh Muhalla), and Municipal High School were regularly donated
with books, magazines and newspapers by Mahraj Gopi Krishan. A
bookshelf was placed in Shahdadkot Municipality for readers which
were full of books, magazines and newspapers. These books were also
issued to the readers.

24. Look after of Akhara/Dharam Shala

Mahraj Gopi Krishan looked after both Akhara's of Hindu Muhalla and
Drib Muhalla Shahdadkot. The big Akharo had 100 rooms while the
small Akhara was consisted of 30 rooms. Basically both the Akhara's
were a Rest House for pilgrims and travelers that used to visit Lakho
Pir Shrine, situated in the north west of Shahdadkot. Pir Lakho is a
famous place near Jhall Magsi, where bathing cures many skin
diseases. Therefore, visitors are visiting Pir Lakha from far flung areas
of Sindh and Balochistan. According to some historians the Shrine of Pir Lakho was constructed by Mir Nasir Khan Noori
(1749-1794), the Khan of Kalat Balochistan. The custodians of this shrine are Barija Fakirs who live on Sindh-Balochistan
border. These Dharam Shala's were also used during Marriage Ceremonies and Bhagats or Religious Gatherings. Once Bhai
Kanwar Ram Sahib (1885-1939) collected money while singing in a Dharam Shala for the poor. The Dharam Shala was
occupied by the Muslims after the Partition of 1947 but later on Retai Hindus bought houses from the settlers. Master Chander
also stayed here during his travels. Once a dense forest was situated here and a graveyard was adjacent to it in 1870s. The grave
of Mehmood Lohar was also situated here under a Kandi Tree. Perhaps this graveyard was washed away during 1874. The
travelers were given food and other facilities in these Akhara's. While their animals were also fed with green grass and other

25. Gaoshala

Mahraj Gopi Krishan rared 25 Cows and their Calves at his sweet home. He was in charge of a Gaoshala or House of the Cows.
It was in the south of Dr. Mandho Hospital in Hindu Muhalla. Here, Mahraj Gopi Krishan looked after the old, weak and
wounded Bulls, Cows, Buffaloes, Donkeys, Goats, and the Sheep. He fed them Gram, Juwari, Peas, Fruits and Grass etc. it's
said that there were more than 200 animals of the town under the supervision of Mahraj Gopi Krishan. This Gaoshala was
present till the end of Z.A.Bhutto Government.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi is one of the prominent writers of Shahdadkot, who has produced substantial number of Research
Papers, Articles, Essays and Letters. But his most important work is a Research Paper, "Shahdadkot Shahar Aen Municipality"
(Shahdadkot Town and its Municipality), published in a book entitled "Larkano Sah Sebano" 1984. Honestly speaking, within 9
pages, it's a complete and nearly accurate research on Shahdadkot City and its Municipality. It has descriptions of early history
of Shahdadkot area, ancient canals, attractive villages, chronology, lifestyle of its old residents, casts and tribes, zamindars,
floods, madressahs, mosques, temples, government buildings, Hindu Muslim shrines, politics, drama, art, celebrities, social
workers, officials, and Municipality affairs. Due to the importance of this article Veena Shringi, the daughter of Mahraj Gopi
Krishan published it in his famous book "Kuchhan Tan Kafir", Delhi, 1992.

Sometimes Mahraj Gopi Krishan attended literary meetings of poets in Shahdadkot. He took great interest in them especially in
"Jamiat-e-Shuaerae Sindh" meeting which was held in Shahdadkot in March 1943 after flood disaster. Fakir Ghulam Ali
Masroor, a well-known poet recited his poems in this historic meeting. He was also active in "Bazam-e-Adab" of Hakim
Muhammad Chhatal Fida Sheikh. It's possible that he might have written his Autobiography.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan remained silent in Ayub Period from 1955 to 1960. After the Indo Pak War of 1965 he renounced from
politics because he was sent forcibly to Shahdadkot, Larkana and Central Jail Sukkur for 3 months under Pakistan Defense Act.
There he came into contact with Sheikh Ayaz and Rasheed Bhatti, two prominent Sindhi poets and writers. He was mentally
upset due to Government's policies for Hindus. He and his family loved Sindh very much therefore he did not migrate to India

in 1947. Many of Hindus left Sindh and went to India but Mahraj didn’t do it. He supported Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto after 1971
Crises for the implementation of Socialism in Pakistan. Several times Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto came to Mahraj's House. Afterwards
this family started Rice Trade because the Bengalese were very fond of eating Rice. Mahraj Gopi Krishan facilitated
Shahdadkot Citizens during Bolan Flood in 1976 and conducted meetings with Government Officials.

In 1978 he showed his soft corner to National Democratic Party (NDP). At that time a
Jalsa was organized at Admani Rice Mill Shahdadkot where Sardar Sherbaz Khan
Mazari, Mir Ghous Bux Khan Bijzinjo, Hakim Ali Zardari, Shah Muhammad Shah,
Begum Naseem Wali Khan, Amanullah Khan Sheikh, and other leaders made their
speeches. Nearly 5000 people attended this public gathering at Lakhpati Road. Ahmed
Ali Brohi and Muhammad Ali Brohi gave donations for this historic Jalsa. The guests
also went to Sirai Ahmed Yar Khan Khuhawar, Atta Muhammad Magsi, Eid Muhammad
Brohi and Lal Jan Shanbani. Mahraj Gopi Krishan was now old and weak.

He saw MRD Movement in general Zia period (1978-1988) in Shahdadkot. Mahraj Gopi
Krishan was wounded by extremists of Babri Mosque in Shahdadkot. Later, he died at
Larkana Hospital on 15th December 1992. Therefore Veena Shringi calls him a Martyr.
On the death of Mahraj Gopi Krishan all citizens of Shahdadkot wept and they
distributed 50 Degs in the remembrance of a great person who spent whole of his life for
the betterment of the society. Mahraj Gopi Krishan's ancestors had a land more than 1500
Acres or 3000 Jarebs in Kamber, Miro Khan and Shahdadkot Talukas in District Larkana
Sindh. He also had a Dall Mill at Jaipur/India. Sheikh Ayaz


He was a Sindh Lover who devoted all of his life for the betterment and welfare of public. He was a brave and honest man. He
always represented and loved his city like Jamshed Mehta for Karachi. He was an influential person second to Kahn Bahadur
Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II. He spent a simple life. His dress was a White Kurta with Black waistcoat. He was 6 feet. He
had kept Deers and Dogs in his Otaks. Apart of land he had a lot of personal property like shops, hotels, rice mills, and plots.
Shiwalo was his ancestral property which is still in his family’s hands. Nearly all social and political persons of the city used to
visit his Otaks regularly. He was fond of Huqqa/Hubble Bubble. He used a stick while walked outside the house. He saved
Mas’an or Shamshan Ghat (spread on 32 Jarebs) from Muslim encroachers always. He did not cover his head with a cap or
turban. He was the first person in Shahdadkot who allowed his daughters to get Education in Government Schools and
Colleges. There was no proper trend of Girl’s Education in whole Shahdadkot taluka he pioneered Girl’s Education.

His family was known as an educated family of Shahdadkot. He always helped the needy according to his status. That’s why he
was very popular among people. He gave many of his buildings to poor Hindus for living. He solved disputes and quarrels of
his community in an impartial way. He was a complete Philanthropist. He never hurt animals. Mahraj Gopi Krishan could
speak English, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Hindi, Brahui and Siraiki languages. He had close relationship and correspondence with
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1928-1978), the Ex-President and Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Chairman
of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). He visited India several times. A booklet was published in his honour for his services before
and after partition. He never took bribes during his tenure of Municipality and always made efforts for Hindu-Muslim
Brotherhood. Not only Hindus but Muslims also presented gifts to this great person on Hindu Religious Festivals (Tehwars) and
Eids. Everyone saluted him wherever he came to city.

He was called “Lion Heart” in his prime days .Most notorious

dacoits, robbers and thieves feared him and never stole from
his house. He never wore a dress without White colour in his
whole life without few occasions. He solved all decisions with
Justice. He also encouraged Malhs or Local Wrestlers. He
started the trend of festivals in Shahdadkot and its environs.
Except of Hot Khan Langah and Gul Muhammad Langah,
Jamadar Panjo Jat was also his Haveli’s main watchman. He
knew all thieves and criminals of the area. He always paid
visits to Lakhpati Makan/Imam Bargah and presented cooked
rice degs there on every Cheti Chand.

Mahraj Gopi Krishan was a great planner. He started the trend

of Social Work in Shahdadkot area. He was fond of Russian
Literature. He was a Husan Parast (Beauty Lover) and he
always liked and encouraged the Truth. Sometimes he used to
sing songs in Sindhi language with a sweet voice. He and
Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-II assisted Gulmoo Faqir Soomro on the issue of Lakhpati Makan against Syed
Mahdi Shah. He was against unnecessary of access expenses. He performed all religious rituals of “Wedi” or Wedding
ceremonies without any cost. He helped people even in criminal matters. His house was full with Law Books and other
publications. He used to consult his wife in all matters. She was very sensitive in this regard. Mahraj Gopi Krishan believed in
simplicity hence he always gave lessons of it. His favourite topics for chat were; social work, politics and current affairs. He did
not occupy property of fleeing Hindus in 1947. Mahraj Gopi Krishan was of a secular nature. He disappointed and felt sorry on
the fall of Soviet Union.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan had many friends and companions in throughout Pakistan. Some of them were;

Sir Shah Nawaz Khan Bhutto,

Khan Bahadur Muhammad Ayoob Khuhro,
Nawab Sir Ghaibi Khan Chandio,
Qazi Fazalullah,
Comrade Hyder Bux Jatoi,
Major Dost Muhammad Khan Hakro,
Moosa Khan Bughio,
Ghulam Umar Unar,
Sardar Sherbaz Khan Mazzari,
Syed Ali Muhammad Shah Rashidi,
Hakim Ali Zardari,
Wali Khan,
Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai,
General Sherof Marri,
Nawab Nabi Bux Khan Bhutto,
Mehmood Khan Qusoori,
Nawab Khair Bux Khan Marri,
Mir Ghous Bux Khan Bizanjo,
Mehboob Ali Khan Magsi,
Sardar Pir Bux Khan Bhutto,
Yousif Ali Khan Magsi,
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto,
Mumtaz Ali Khan Bhutto,
Mir Saifullah Khan Magsi,
Khan Bahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-II,
Abdul Ghafoor Bhurgari,
Haji Illahi Bux Khokhar,
Comrade Jam Saqi,
Khan Sahib Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar,
Sirai Safder Ali Khan Khuhawar,
Allah Dito Khan Khuwaja,
Ahmed Nawaz Khan Khuhawar,
Lutuf Ali Khan Chandio,
Comrade Sobho Gianchandani,
Hoond Raj Dukhayal.

It’s also said that Seth Jaro Mal, Diwan Kheal Das and Khan Sahib Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar were his rivals. His other
friends were; Comrade Illahi Bux Qureshi, Comrade Shahan Sial, Ghulam Rasool Dakhan, Sirai Muhammad Azeem
Khuhawar, Ghulam Muhammad Sheikh, Ghulam Hussain Bhatti, Kareem Bux Sheikh, Allah Wasayo Sheikh, Mukhi Manoo
Mal, Bego Leghari, Daryano Mal, , Seth Lalchand, Jamaldin Punjabi, Abdul Razzaque Soomro, Advocate Manghoo Mal, Seth
Holo Mal, Habib-ul-Nabi (SDO WAPDA Shahdadkot), Mian Abdul Haleem Mekan, Ghulam Mustafa Wadho, Diwan
Gianchand, Wariyal Khan Jamali, Shah Murad Chodhio, Yar Muhammad Sheikh, Abdulah Sherdil Pathan, Haji Khuda Dino
Khan Chandio, Seth Hazzari Mal, Seth Karori Mal, Miran Bux Cha’ki, Ali Bux Cha’ki, Faiz Muhammad Khoso, Muhammad
Younis Khan Mastoi Advocate, Wadero Kaloo Khan Silro, Bhai Tejoo Ram, Paman Mal, Hoondal Khan Sheikh, Allah Bux
Khan Junejo, Sirai Shah Dino Khan Khuhawar, Karam Khan Jarwar, Bakhtiar Khan Brohi, Bhai Tula Ram, Mehrullah Khan
Sheikh, Jahan Khan Niazi, Taj Muhammad Nangrani, Banho Khan Tunio, Seth Sabal Das, Juma Khan Sheikh, Haji Ghulam
Farooque Khokhar, Allah Warayo Qureshi, Abdul Sattar Bhatti, Muhammad Aslam Sheikh, Moulvi Azizullah Jarwar and
Muhammad Chhatal Fida Shahdadkoti.

Mahraj Gopi Krishan was married with Sati Devi Jetley in 1935. She was Karachi based and her father’s name was Pandit
Sahaj Ram Jetley, a well-known Zamindar of Karachi. She was class fellow of Miss Fatima Jinnah and Miss Shireen Jinnah.
Shrimati Sati Devi was head of Congress in Old Town Karachi and was General Secretary of Kanya Nari Mandli. She worked
with Aamil Girl’s Wing of Old Town and conducted meetings with Mahatma Gandhi. Sarojni Naido, Vonodeni, Sir Raman
Bhai, Lady Haroon Mota and Seth Ratan Chand. Once she went to the public protest with Dadi Jethi Sipahimalani to boycott
foreign clothes in Karachi and motivated people to use Desi Clothes. Dadi Jethi Sipahimalani, Sati Shahani and Savitri Advani
respected her for her Social and Political Work. She was against of the British.
At that time Sati Mata had collected Rs.500 and donated in Bihar Flood Fund.
Due to her nature and personality no one could deny her for social funds. Dada
Sadhu Waswani has mentioned her in his book with Sati and Savitri. Both
were natives of Karachi and were famous for social activities, character and
behavior in the city.

Sati Devi left Karachi and started living in remote and backward area of
Northern Sindh; Shahdadkot with her husband Mahraj Gopi Krishan. She
knew many Pakistani Politicians and met Begum Naseem Wali Khan in
Shahdadkot. She died after her husband’s death on 4th February 1999. She
taught her children about good manners and etiquettes.


Mahraj Gopi Krishan had 5 sons;

1) Mahraj Umesh Chander: He was born in 1936 and lives in New Delhi,
India. He is a retired Assistant Commissioner Delhi. He is married to Saroj
Shringi. Umesh Chander has 2 sons; Dhuruv Shringi (M.B.A) and Chartered
Accountant. He has a business of 100 crores and Yudhister Shringi (M.B.A &
B.Com). He is Manager MNC Eco Honours. This family lives in Delhi, India.
Sati Devi
2) Mahraj Ashok Kumar: He was born in 1939 and has business in import and export in Madrid, Spain Europe. His wife’s
name is Maria. They have one daughter Susana Kumar. She has passed law and aims to join Judiciary.
3) Mahraj Kantesh Kumar: He was born in 1946 and lives in Madrid Spain and does Import Export Business. He is married to
Poornima. She also does business. They have 2 sons; 1) Sindhu Desh and 2) Divesh Kumar.

4) Mahraj Jai Parkash alias Ramesh Kumar: He was born in 1949. He is President of Hindu Panchayat Shahdadkot and
Senior Vice-president of Hindu Panchayat in District Kamber-Shahdadkot, Sindh. He also trades in grain and owns 4 Rice
Mills in Shahdadkot, 35 shops, 2 warehouses and 50 Jarebs of land near Dargah Mian Shahal Muhammad Kalhoro in Kamber
Taluka, District Kamber-Shahdadkot, Sindh. He started a movement for joint vote system in Pakistan during former elections.
After a long struggle he succeeded in this movement in General Musharaf’s regime. On this success he was interviewed by Ali
Hassan, BBC Representative.

Mahraj Ramesh Kumar is married to Urvashi. She is

Chairman of Keenjhar Public School Shahdadkot. They
have two sons: (1) Sidharth and (2) Kapil Shringi. Among
them Kapil Shringi was recently kidnapped in Sindh but
later recovered from Karachi. Now he studies in New
Delhi, India.

5) Mahraj Rajender Kumar: He was born in 1955. He

has Zamindari in Shahdadkot/Pakistan and New
Delhi/India. His wife’s name is Seema Shringi. Mahraj
Rajender Kumar has two daughters; (1) Vasudha Shringi
and (2) Dikhsha Shringi. Mahraj Rajender Kumar is
associated with social, cultural and literary activities in
India and Pakistan. Nowadays he lives with his family in
Shahdadkot, Sindh, Pakistan.

1978: Sati Devi & Mahraj Jai Parkash alias Ramesh Kumar with Sardar Sher Baz Khan Mazzari & Begum Naseem Wali Khan in Shahdadko, Sindh..


Mahraj Gopi Krishan had 3 daughters;

1) Promila Shringi: She was born in 1941. She has a Publication Company with her name in Inderpuri New Delhi, India. She is
married to Mr. K.D. Sharma, a lawyer in New Delhi. She doesn’t have any children.

2) Veena Shringi: She was born on 16th February 1948 at Shahdadkot, District Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan. After the separation
of Bengal in 1971 she left Pakistan and started living with her brothers in C-84 Inderpuri New Delhi, India. She is unmarried.
She is translator, announcer and producer in All India Radio Sindhi Service. She played a great role in the first Sindhi Drama
telecasted from Delhi Satellite Television. She participated with well-known Sindhi Poets like Dr. Haroo Mal Sadargani,
Naryan Shyam, Arjun Shad, and Dr. Moti Lal Jotwani in various Mushairas. Veena Shringi has interviewed Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto, Ghulam Mustafa Shah, Abida Parveen, Mian Ghous Bux Pirzado and others. Similarly she has also did interviews of
famous Indian Celebrities; Hoond Raj Tahliani, Jashan Waswani and Hari Devi.
Veena Shringi is a poetess, writer, senior broadcaster and dedicated social
worker. She is also member of the Sindhi Academy Delhi. She belongs to
Brahmin Family; her progressive outlook rebelled against the old age bondage
of Orthodoxy.

After Graduation she took an appointment with All India Radio in Sindhi
Service of External Service Division in 1976. Since, she first took job of a
Broadcaster with All India Radio. She has travelled a long way. Her restless
spirit was not content with the waves of sound alone. She used her sharp pen
too, and recorded her Reminiscences. These were published in a book “Kean
Visaryan Verhichan” (1984). The book was in an instant success. It won her
award from Central/ Hindi Directorate. This book was later included in the
Exhibition of Indian Bookfair at Moscow and other countries. Veena Shringi
visited Shahdadkot, Sindh in 1986 and 1989. Her short story book "Zindagi Hik
Natak" was awarded cash prize and merit certificate from Nai Duniya
Publication. Her articles and poems have been published from different forums.
She has participated in Urdu National and International Mushaera's and also
attended International Sachal Congress at Karachi Pakistan in 1989 and
1990.She has widely traveled to different parts of the world and participated in
many cultural events of SANA at Washington, New York, Toronto, Miami,
Canada, London and Spain. 1970s: Veena Shringi and Shalini Sagar

Among various honours she has received, a mention may be made of Ishwer Bai Buxani Award of Women of the Year 1994.
Dr. Sadargani Gold Medal in 1995 and All India Sindhu Cultural Society, Jaipur Award for outstanding and selfless services to
Sindhi Literature. As a General Secretary of "Maruee"(a social, cultural and literary organization of Sindhi Women). Veena has
traveled abroad in 1984, 1990, 1995 and 1999. In Spain she visited Tolodo, Cardova, and Swejjah. In Portugal she saw Pardo
Museum, City Palace, Escoriale, Valley of Fallen, and Khetano. In America she visited Chikago and Sat Naraen Temple New
York. In England Veena Shringi visited London, Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum, British Museum and Shakespeare's
birthplace Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Veena Shringi has authored following 16 books on various subjects;

1. Kian Visariyan Verhichan, 1984.

2. Munhje Peshey Ja Gul-o-Khar, 1986.
3. Pakha Aen Panhwar Dithey Moon Deenhan Thiya, 1987.
4. Zindagi Hik Natak, 1988.
5. Munhja Masoom Sajan, 1989.
6. Adh Khulyoon Akhyoon, 1990.
7. Kuchhan Tan Kafir, 1992.
8. Wasna Jo Waseeng, 1996.
9. Ajanta Ji Moorat, 1997.
10. Sindhu Jot Dehli Academy, 1997.
11. Saah Sebana Supreen, 1998.
12. Sindhua Kinarey…..Leah Ladakh Tey, 1998.
13. Asan Jo Wirso; Dinwar, 2000.
14. Wayoon Wanjaran Joon, 2002.
15. Kechan Ayo Kafilo, 2005. Shalini Sagar with her daughter Chidambra
16. Sarang Sar Lahej, 2006.
3) Shalini Sagar: She was born in 1951. She lives with her husband Baldev Anand Sagar in New Delhi, India. Shanti or Shalini
Sagar has one daughter; Chidambra and a son Jai Dev Sagar. Shalini Sagar is also associated with All India Radio working as
senior Broadcaster in Sindhi (ESD) for last 31 years. She has also participated in International Seminars on "Oriental Trends of
Indian Culture" in Katmandu, Nepal in February 1997 and Colombo, Sri Lanka in June 1997. She is author of "Tanhaee", a
book of Short Stories, published in 1998, New Delhi, India.


Through this M.A. Sociology Research Thesis a new Horizon has been opened for Sociology and
History Lovers. It's shared here that Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi spent all his life for serving
people therefore he must be remembered always and some Educational and Scientific Institutes,
Libraries or Roads and Chowks should be named after him in Shahdadkot for his valuable services
about bringing Shahdadkot first. It's also suggested that a Community Centre must be established
in his name where farmers and labourers should be educated and given awareness about
Modernization. This Research Thesis is a gift and it can be informative source for Social Workers.

Mahraj Gopi Krishan in 1984


1. Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kabool, in 1838-39, By R.H.Kennedy, Vol: I, London, Richard
Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1840.
2. Memoirs on Sind, Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government, No. XVII-New Series, Bombay Education Society’s
Press, 1855.
3. Gazetteer of the Province of Sind: Compiled By A.W.Hughes, F.R.G.S, F.S, Bombay UNCOV Civil Service, London , George Bell
and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, 1876.
4. Gazetteer of the Province of Sind: B Vol: 7, Upper Sind Frontier District, Compiled By J.W.Smyth, Indian Civil Service, Printed
for Government at the Government Central Press Bombay 1919.
5. Old Record of Vernicular/Main Primary School Shahdadkot from 1911-1924.
6. Sindh Jay Hindun Ji Tareekh, By Kako Bheru Mal Maharchand Advani, 1946, Reprint Gulshan Publication Hyderabad /Larkana,
Sindh, 2002.
7. Larkano Saah Sebano, Editor in Chief Dr. Memon Abdul Majeed Sindhi, Compiler Gul Muhammad Gaad, Municipal Employers
Union Larkana,1984.
8. Kian Visariyan Verhichan (Reminiscences); By Veena Shringi, Promila Publications C-84, Inderpuri New Delhi-110012, 1984.
9. Various Issues of Serial wise “SAROH” Shahdadkot from 2005 to 2008, Editor Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi, Shahdadkot.


1. Muhammad Umar Soomro (1920-2010), Shopkeeper, Lakhpati Makan Area, Shahdadkot.

2. Muhammad Yousif Soomro (1922), Retired Primary School Teacher, Martin Abad Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
3. Abdul Sattar Bhatti (1930), Retired Head Master Government (Prov :) High School Shahdadkot, Kalo Makan Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
4. Arbab Ali Bhatti (1930), Grain Trader, Bhatti Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
5. Chain Lal Ahuja (1932), Assistant Engineer in Highways Department (Roads), Mochi Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
6. Comrade Rajaldas Ramrakhiani (1936), Member Hindu Panchayat Shahdadkot, Dargah Sharif Road Shahdadkot.
7. Mai Ameerzadi Soomro (1940), W/O Ghulmoo Faqir Soomro, Custodian Lakhpati Makan, Lakhpati Road Shahdadkot.
8. Ali Bux Dayo (1942), Farmer, Siddiqui Madressah Road Shahdadkot.
9. Qadir Bux Silro (1947), Member Sindh Hari Committee, Village Silra, Shahdadkot.
10. Diwn KIshan Chand Advani, (1947), Cloth Merchant, Shahi Bazzar Shahdadkot.
11. Agha Sikander Ali Khan Sheikh (1948), Trader Qazi Masjid Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
12. Ghulam Sarwar Silro (1948), President Hotel Mazdoor Union, Baqarabd Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
13. Mahraj Jai Parkash alias Ramesh Kumar Shringi (1949), President Hindu Panchayat Shahdadkot.
14. Comrade Wali Muhammad Manganhar (1950), Senior Journalist and Sindh TV Representative, PWD Colony Shahdadkot.
15. Altaf Hussain Qadri (1950), Assistant Professor in Government College Shahdadkot, Kotoo Motoo Chowk (KMC) Shahdadkot.
16. Ahmed Ali Sabir Chandio (1952), Story Writer, Poet & Columnist, Hirabad Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
17. Muhammad Mughal Lohar (1953), Shopkeeper, Dargah Mian Ghulam Siddique Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
18. Saifullah Soomro (1960), Govt: High School Teacher & Social Worker, Eidgah Muhalla, Shahdadkot.
19. Muhammad Hassan Babar (1963), Writer & Columnist, Saifullah Magsi Colony Shahdadkot.
20. Comrade Wahab Pandrani (1967), Human Rights Activist & DCHD Provincial Coordinator, Mochi Muhalla, Shahdadkot.

1. Mahraj Rajender Kumar Shringi

2. Veena Shringi
3. Professor Khalid Hussain Channa
4. NGOs Development Society (NDS) Shahdadkot, Sindh.
5. Pirbhat Women’s Development Society (PWDS) Shahdadkot, Sindh.

1920s: A group photo on the marriage ceremony of Mahraj Parsram Shringi in a garden near Kur Dato Shahdadkot

1960s: Allah Dito Khuwaja, Mahraj Gopi Krishan , Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Khan Bahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar, Mahraj
Rajender Kumar, Veena Shringi, Mahraj Ashok Kumar and Jamaldin Punjabi Councilor at Irrigation Bungalows Shahdadkot.
1960s: Mahraj Gopi Krishan talking with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto & Habib-ul-Nabi SDO WAPDA Shahdadkot.

Sati Devi, Mahraj Ashok Kumar, Veena Shringi and Shalini Sagar
Mahraj Umesh Chander with his wife Saroj Shringi, New Delhi, India. Mahraj Ashok Kumar with his brother Mahraj Kantesh Kumar and a friend

Veena Shringi is being awarded with gifts and certificates Mahraj Ramesh Kumar addressing media persons

Mahraj Rajender Kumar Shringi Shalini Sagar presenting Bouquet to Mahraj Kantesh Kumar

Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi

(M.A.Sindhi Literature, M.A. Sociology & M.Phil Studies Sindhi)

Shahdadkot, Sindh, Pakistan.



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