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The Beneficent of Straw as An

Organic Fertilizer in Increasing

Paddies’ Field Productivity
“An Alternative Solution of Increasing Paddy Production As an Effort Of The
National Food Security's Sustainment”

Winda Rianti

“Suatu Solusi Alternatif Peningkatan Produksi Padi Sebagai Upaya Pencapaian

Ketahanan Pangan”

In order to sustain the National Food security,
Indonesia is needed to increase its production
of food. But the problem we face is that the
food production growths (paddy) tend to
every year caused by the decreasing
of the farm productivity.
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
one of the factor caused the decreasing efficiency
of productivity is the effect of the imbalance soil’s

Using Inorganic fertilizer that gets to intense and

keep increasing it without considering the fecundity’s
level, availability of organic matter, and balance
nutrient element at the deep soiled, including
micronutrient, cause the yield of paddies’ productivity
is getting lower in each time.
the content of organic material in most of
the field in java island tend to decrease
and left in only less than 1% on the soil.
Eventually the ideal content of the organic
material is around 5%
Ideal soil

organic material
The lack condition of this organic
material causing a lot of problem,
for example: the low efficiency of
fertilizer, the low content of soil’s
microbe activity, and the
distraction of the soil’s structure.
The effect is the paddies’
production get to decrease and
fertilizer’s requirement
(inorganic) keep increasing each
time. Make the cost getting
higher but the yield
getting lower
Because on a long term of using
over-do inorganic fertilizer could
decrease the soil’s quality that
may be someday our field cannot
be cultivated again and the
National Food Security threaten
to be failed
organic fertilizer is the
best solution that can be on the
market in this such situation.
Organic fertilizer can fix not only its
soil’s chemical that has a complete
nutrient whether its macro or micro
nutrient but also soil’s physical which is
the soil’s structure that help soil to
adsorb the water and nutrient and
soil’s biology which is microbiology
accomplishment that help soil to get its
decomposition .
One more interesting point is that organic
fertilizer can also reduce greenhouse gases
that contain in agricultural sector that
consider as one of main greenhouse
gases producer in Indonesia.
Farmer forgets one of
soiled organic matter that
may keep the fecundity in
a right way, which is:
STRAW. The using of the
rest paddy harvests’ straw
for compost step by step
can restore the soil’s
fecundity and increasing
paddy productivity
The using of the straw’s
compost in Karawang
relatively stills in the
small number though it
tends to develop. In
Karawang' itself the
straw’s waste just being
burnt and made to be a
mushroom develops’
media. Only 5 to 10%
farmers in karawang have
done this composting.
Though it’s only 5 – 10 % But the
paddy’s production of the balance
fertilizing within add the straw’s
compost comes in the great number
around 7.2 tons per hectare eventually
average paddy production in karawang
per one hectare is only 5 tons
In the previous time, the straw’s composting
has once been encouraged, but this program
wasn’t going well because several things. One
of them was the composting techniques
weren’t so simple and it was hard to do to the
Based on severally experiences above, the straw’s
composting shall get to do by the simple, affordable
and easily way, such as:
1. Straw’s composting is made at location whereabouts
the straw is harvested.

2. Straw’s composting is done without chopping and

without the added of unreachable matters.

3. Straw’s composting can be made by the lowest cost

as possible and not needs a lot of labor.
4. Straw’s composting doesn’t require a machine or
complicated and expensive tool.

5. Straw’s composting has to be able made by

available simple equipment around the field or
affordable for the farmers.
So these are some easy step of making a straw’s compost ;

The rest of straw by the

harvested shouldn't be
burnt .
But we should restore
them to the soil, because
organic material could
bring the fecundity to the
right level.

The composting time should be done right after the paddy was harvested.
Which is when the seeds’ bed till before the implant time.
Put layer after layer to the mould and don’t
forget to add the activator in every layer
And tread them layer after layer also.
After the
fermentation you can
see the depreciation
down to the 50 %
from the former
The straw compost that already done is marked by;
1. Blackish tan colored straw
2. soft and brokenable
3. temperature is equal to the composting startup temperature
4. odorless stings, and
5. volume decreases until half.
Straw’s compost that already have such marking means it was ripped
enough and ready to be applied to the field.
The unpopular using of the straws among the
farmers because most farmers see the straws as
problem not solution.

The less information to the farmers is one of the

reason why the using of straw as an organic
fertilizer is unpopular among them.
The lack of labors at BP4K
(Badan Penyaluran Penyuluh
Pertanian Perikanan dan
Informational Agent for
Farming , Fishery and
Forestry) in forwarding
agricultural information to
the farmer under the duty of
agricultural local
department has also became
one of resistor within
popularize the straw’s
composting effort.
As an agent of change, college student is really has a big
role to do something about it. BEM(Badan Eksekutif
Mahasiswa / The Committee of Student’s Executive)‘s
working program of the Agricultural Faculty as a reflect
of the third point of TRIDARMA PERGURUAN TINGGI
which is the devotion to the society, the participating of
the agricultural college student that has capability in this
area, can be a solution of the lack Agricultural
Informational Agent and the beneficent of straw as a
organic fertilizer can be spread out through the farmers.
Government in particular agricultural ministry
necessarily could give more space and collaborates with
the educational institution such as local agricultural
Faculties to take a hand in this activity.
The beneficent of organic matter, in this case straw
apparently can fix not only its soil’s chemical that has a
complete nutrient whether its macro or micro nutrient but
also soil’s physical which is the soil’s structure that help
soil to adsorb the water and nutrient and soil’s biology
which is microbiology accomplishment that help soil to
get its decomposition . The microbe could live because
the available carbon-organic that contains in organic
The using of organic fertilizer apparently
can increase the farm productivity because
the soiled fecundity is restored
Therefore the straw composting should
not be hard to do and not spend a lot of
cost is a choice to choose.

And the participating of college student

for get into the event and making the
straw’s compost become more popular
among the farmers is really


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