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South Africa

Colonisation : The Portuguese were very regarded for the

achievement of circumnavigation South Africa, but they had no
interest in colonising because of the bad natural feature of the
region. The Mozambican court was more benefit for them as they
had the responsibility to use the bays as way stations and as links to
gold. The Portuguese were fine their and didn’t have any
competition while trading with Mozambique and Dutton started to
challenge them. The Cape started to become a stopover for scurvy
infected crews on board the English ships. In fact the first setters
were a crew of a Dutch vessel that had crashed on shores of south
Africa, they built a fort and stayed there for an entire year until they
were received. Later on the Dutch Eart India company decided to
settle permanently. An major European trading noose wanted to
establish a base camp where ships could shelter and stock up on
supplies. The trading house releaied a small number of dutch
employees from their contracts and gave them the possibilities to
establish farmi witch were very successful and that later on started
growing in size and numbers. In addition to this the importation of
slaves war established, wich war the reason of the expansion of the
European to the north and east. The African population war droven
from their traditional lands, enslaved and there who faught back
were killes with introduced disease or with superior weapon.

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