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Completing World History HW Assignments

How to complete a homework assignment out of the textbook…

The homework process works as follows:

1) Textbook sections will be assigned for the unit on the FIRST day of the unit
2) Each student will write a one-page reflection upon the reading, below are sample
Sample themes to write about:

i. Tie in the reading to current events

ii. Expand upon a topic or concept. Do you think the book does justice to what you read?
iii. Does anything confuse you? Does anything need clarification?
iv. Do you disagree with the textbook about a concept or the presentation of information?

3) On the day the homework assignment is due, each student will hand in their work

All homework assignments out of the World History textbook, Glencoe World History: Modern Time, will
be complete according to the following criteria:

Homework Rubric:

1) Homework must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, Double spaced

2) Your name, class period, date, and Homework Section (ie. Ch. 1- Sec. 1) must be in the

3) Your work must be NO LONGER then 1 page

4) Your writing properly addresses the textbook section and shows effort and thought put
into the work

5) Your homework was turned in on time

There are two possible points for each criterion. Your final score is determined by doubling your points
received to reach a final grade out of a total of 20 points.

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