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Fish Slough Petroglyphs

Bishop California
By Aeverie Belle Gillen

This video talks about Fish Slough

This is me and my step Dad in a little shelter by the petroglyphs.

This petoglyph looks like a turtle

This rock is covered with petrogly phs

Fish Slough Petroglyphs in Bishop C.A. resemble signs that show the Native Americans markings that could show ceremonial,practical,functional, or even whimsical markings that they showed through drawings that they chiseled into rock . The petroglyphs show animals like deer,bighorn sheep and birds. They also show humans with spears.The one with the deer on the first slide is jumping over a swirl of somthing .These pictures show markings of indians stories. If you go there you should probaly Know that ACEC is an important place .The marsh creates a rich enviermont supporting divrese plant and animal life, including several unique and sensitive speices.The land is dry and mostly dirt, about 30 minutes away from Bishop CA. Fish slough's abudant resouces naturally attrated Native Americans to the area. The area is rich with wildlife and other sources of food and likely was seen as such by native inhabitants.The terrain was formed by volcanic activity. The Valley floor is decomposing volcanic tuff from pyroclastic flows which occurred about 750,000 years ago .The petroglyphs are important because They are the Native American's stories that they drew because they didn't have books to write stories in. The Paiute Shoshone descendants in Bishop C.A. wont tell people what the drawings exactly mean . The Fish Slough Petroglyphs are important because the Native Americans were already here before California was popular and it is ancient markings.

My resources are,Fish Slough and Indian art Fish and Slough Petroglyphs.

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