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Eats well with others

Millet for Breakfast

Organic millet from the bulk section is super cheap, and is a good source of
magnesium. It tastes great warm, but you can also make more than you need for
one morning and save it in the fridge.

To prepare the millet, rinse it thoroughly, and then bring one part millet, and three
parts water to a boil. Millet expands a lot – ¼ cup will be enough for two people.
Add dried fruit, shredded coconut, and cinnamon as desired. Dried plums are
especially tasty with millet! Upon boiling, turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for
about 30 minutes. The texture of the millet will be fluffy, and most of the water will
have been absorbed.

For a nuttier flavour, you may lightly roast the millet prior to boiling. Place the
grains in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring frequently. When they reach a
golden colour, add them to boiling water.

Apple Crisp

“Grow apples and grow rich in Appledale!” was the slogan used to promote
Appledale to Europeans in the early 1900’s. While apples are no longer the main
industry, the area where Bryn grew up is still home to many apple trees which
blossom every fall. In fact, there are many apple trees throughout Nelson and the
entire Slocan Valley. Bryn and I would go on many apple missions, filling his truch
with apples picked from neglected trees throughout the region. We made litres of
apple sauce, and numerous apple crisps.

Core and dice apples. Toss with cinnamon, lemon juice, and honey.

For topping, mix rolled oats with flour, lemon juice, cinnanom, honey, butter, and a
small pinch of salt.

Bake at 350 until topping is crispy.


Core apples. Place apples in a large saucepan, filled with about 2 – 3 inches of
boiling water. Add cinnamon as desired. When apples are soft, use an immersion
blender to puree until smooth.

Plum Sauce
Plums are another fruit of abundance here in the Kootenays. Once pitted, they
freeze well. One of my favourite ways to eat plums, asides from raw, is to cook them
down into a tasty sauce. To do this, simmer pitted plums with a bit of water over
medium heat until soft. Use an immersion blender to puree. This sauce tastes
fantastic mixed with rice milk as a beverage, and over ice cream.

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