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UNISON/English I/LEI X01

Writing a Paragraph
Dafne Idalia Duarte Vega
March 16, 2011

A Person Who Has Influenced My Life

The person I admire the most is my mother, Bertha. She is the seventh from ten

children. She may not be an outstanding person, but she has certainly fought to get what she

has. Her childhood and youth may have been normal, but it was at the age of 25 that the most

admirable aspects of her begin – or at least that is what I think-; that is when she got pregnant.

She had to leave her work even when she knew she’ll be alone all the way for my

grandparents had already passed away; of course she had all my aunts and uncles, but there is

no comparison. Even with the odds against her, she decided to give birth to me. When I was

born she had begun to work at COBACH and after a short while, she started her degree which

she finished as I was growing up. I admire my mother because since the day I was born –and

even before that- she has been fighting to get through all the troubles that had showed up. She

has been able to raise me well and without being deprived of anything. My mom has even

been able to get a house for us, all by herself, working hard. I admire my mother not because

all the fighting she’s been through –which has been a lot- but because she is still fighting to

live better and better, and I know she has everything she needs to achieve her goals.

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