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20 of 20 words were placed into the pu
Note: The part of speech used in the fill-in-the-blanks (indicated next to the blank)
may be different from that of the word in the word bank (or vocab book). Also,
“e.g.” means “for example”.
2. e.g. G-rated movies (antonym)
4. A(n) _______________ [adjective] spider web
5. e.g. Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France
6. e.g. country girl v. big city girl
9. e.g. rubber
10. The holes in the wall prevent _______________ [plural noun] from disturbing
other classes
12. Aversion (antonym)
13. e.g. bombs on an airplane
14. e.g. Elmer's glue
15. The holy man had a(n) _______________ [noun] about him
16. e.g. the Constitution (antonym)
19. A bookworm
1. e.g. Detective Adrian Monk when he sees anything askew
3. Lucid (antonym)
7. Step-up transformers _______________ [verb] electrical power
8. The judge _______________ [past-tense verb] his nonsense statement
11. Structured (antonym)
16. Make a wild _______________ [noun]
17. e.g. the Doves during the Vietnam War
18. Polite

Word Bank
affable aggrandize amorphous aura contraband
erudite gossamer infer inscrutable insular
irrevocable propensity querulous remonstrate repudiate
resilient reverberate scurrilous sedulous sleazy

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