Topic: Computers Can Translate All Kinds of Languages Well. Therefore, Some People Argue That in

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Topic: Computers can translate all kinds of languages well.

Therefore, some people argue that in

the near future our children will not need to learnlanges. Do you agree with this?

Nowadays, people are getting familiar with computers and the Internet. According to that, everyone
can take the materials from the Internet easily, especially when the language barriers are being
vanquished day-by-day by the computers, which are seen as the best multilingual translators. As a
result, some people argue that language courses are not essential for their children. However, I
totally disagree with this. This essay will contrast my personal perspectives about this problem.

First of all, although the computer tranlators such as Google translator, applications, etc. are very
convenient for learning, their output results are definitely inaccurate at some aspects. Computer is
just a passive machine, but language is an active stuff that can diversify in many directions of
meanings due to its situation. Therefore, a computer can’t figure out what the circumstance is in a
text, it can result in a false translation. Consequently, if children don’t want to take unexpected
mistakes, they will obviously have to take language courses.

In addition to the problem above, the lack of knowledge in languages will occur if there are fewer
children come to language courses regularly. Despite the fact that it will be easily to take the
information from the Intenet, it will impact negatively on students. They will be more lazy after then,
and reliant on the computer translators. Learning in this way is not only effective but also transmute
students into worse situations in languages.

In the end, I would rather take a language course than use a computer tranlator due to its
advantages. Learning is a hard work that everyone would ignore but consequently people can get
more than they expect.

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