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Sarba moldovenilor - Orch, Paraschiv Oprea 2-~ 19

2. Joe moldovenesc - Orch .. Paraschiv Oprea 2:37

3. Joe din Bacau - Orch, Paraschiv Oprea 2: 50

4. Perinita - Orch, Ionel Budisteanu 4:-15

5. Hora din Moldova = Toni Iordache-tambal 2: 17

6. Sarba si hora din 'Tei~- Grigoras Dinicu-vioara 2:43

7. Hora lui Dobrica - Grigoras Dinicu-vioara 2:31

:8. Sarba lui Pompieru - Grigoras Dinicu-vicara 2:44

9. Suceveanca- Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:06

[0. Sarba de la F,agadall - Marcel Budala ... acordeon 2:56

'~ 1. Doins haidnceasca - Silvestru Lungoci - tilinca 1 :23

.2. Batuta de la Horodnic - Silvestru Lungoci 2:03

- fluier & pasi ~ Orch, Paraschiv Oprea


1. Ciocarlia - Orch. Paraschi v Oprea 2: 15

2. Cantec de ascultare si Breaza - Toni Iordache-tambal 2:31

3. Hora dinspre ZiU.3 din Bolintin ~ Toni Iordache-tambal 2:25

4. Cantec ~i Breaza ca la Fantanele - Toni Iordache-tambal 4:35

5 .. Ca la Breaza- Toni Iordache-tambal 2.: i8

6. Hora de ilia Popesti - Toni Iordache-tambal 2: 19

7. Geampara munteneasca - Marcel Budala-acordeon 2 :21

8 .. Hora de m,ana =Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:02

9 .. Sarba de la Titu -Marce~ Budala-acordeon 2:32


10. Dunare, apa zglobie - Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:32

11. Hora lui Visan - Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:28

'~2. Geampara ca la B,ucur'c!jti- Marcel Budala-acordeon 2: 10


1. Calusu] oltenesc - Orch, Paraschiv Oprea 2: 18

2. Brau oltenesc - Orch, Paraschiv Oprea 2:14

3. De la Dragasani incoace ~. Orch. Parasehiv Oprea [:59

4. Sarba de la Motru ~ Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:05

5. Mai neicuta, mai gorjene _. Toni Iordache-tambal ill :44

6. Nuneasca de la Craiova _, Toni Iordaehe-tambal 2:39

7. Doina Oltului si Au plecat olteni la coasa 2:47

~ Grigoras Dinicu-vioara

8.. Sarba dobrogeana- Toni Iordache-tambal 3:09

9. Geamparalele lui Haidim - Toni Iordache-tambal 2:24

10, Sarba de la Medgidia - 'Toni Iordache-tamba] 3: 19

11. Gearnparale dobrogene - Marcel Budala-acordeon 2:27

12. .. Geamparauaconstautenilor- Marcel Budala-acordeon 1 :58


I. Joe banatean - Orch. Paraschiv Oprea

2. Sus pe eulmea dealului - Efta Botoca-vioara

3. Braul lui Nicolae Botoca - Efta Botoca-vioara

4. Vara, vara, primavara - Efta Botoca-vioara

5. Joe pe loc - Efta Botoca-vioara

6. Doina din Paduren i - EIDta Botoca - vioara

7. Sorocul - Efta Botoca-vioara

8. Bine-i, marna, cui e bine - Efta Botoca-vioara

9. Zdrfinga (joe de nunta) ~ Efta Botoca-vioara 10.. Doina din Brestea - Efta Botoca-vioara

1 I. Zvoanele - Efta Botoca-vioara

12. Doina lui Efta Botoca - Efta Botoca-vioara

3:22 3:09 2,:16 3:03

2'3: .,

• ",.J

3::13 3: 12 2:42 2:46 3: 18 2,:40 3:37


1. Hategana ca la Turda - Alexandru Titrus-vioara 1 :56

2. Invirtita de la Sibiu _. Alexandru Titrus-vioara 2.:45

3. Purtata de pe Somes - Alexandru Titrus-vioara 2: 51

4. Vine lancu din Ardeal - Alexandru Titrus-vioara 2:34

5. Joe de nunta de pe Mures -Alex.Titrus-vioara 1 :36

6. Ardeleana de pe Somes- Alexandru Titrus-vioara 2 :20

7. Hategana de la Unirea ._ Alexandru Titrus-vioara 1 :29

8. Hategana de pe Murcs - Alexandru Titrus-vioara I. :42

9. A plecat motu la tara - Alexandru Titrus-vioara 1 :34

10., Hategana din Oena Sibiului - Alex, Titrus-vioara 1 :41

11. Ardeleana - Efta Botoca-vioara 2:00

.12. Ardeleana lui Ion Laica- Efta Botoca-vioara 2:08

Historv of'RomanianFolklore


Folk music LS" on one hand, the oldest form of Romanianmusical creation, characterized by perennially great vitality, and on the other, a source of inspiration for sophisticated musical compositions, both religious and lay. In the conservation and development of folk music an important role has been played, besides the permanence of the audience" by great performers.

Moldova is a region in the East of Romania; neighboring Ukraine. The music of this area is enriched by Slavic, Jewish and even Turkishinfluences.

A group (tarafJ composed of the fiddle' tscripcdi, the dulcimer (JambaIJ, and unfretted lute (cobza) rus the. modern format most common m Moldavian dance music. George Enescu, born in this land, seized upon the richness of this folklore and was inspired by it when he wrot e his two Rhapsodies, true masterpieces comprising the whole emotional content of the local music, Two of their main themes are taken from the folk melodies "Hora lui Dobrica" and "Sarba lui Pompieru".

Dobrogea's population is especially diverse, and there exist elements of traditional Tartar" Ukrainian, Turkish and Bulgarian music among those populations. The most popular dance from Dobrogea is the geampara, which ills very different frOITI the other traditional dances of Romania.

Muntenia is home to the taraf bands (a small instrumental group), which are perhaps the best-known expression of Romanian folk culture. Dances associated with tarafs include brau, geampara, sarbaand hora. The fiddle leads themusic.with the dulcimer and the double bass accompanying it Themembers of the taraf are known by the generic name ofIautari (fiddlers). They perform in villages or at the periphery of the cities, during popular events, To introduce to a wider audience the beauty of Roman ian folklore, larger orchestras were formed ~ commonly caned "ensembles of folk music" - comprised ofmany instrumentalists with advanced musical studies, under the direction of conductors specialized in this musical genre. 'Oftentimes a folk 'Song is adapted to be performed in a larger setting, Thusly, in all the regions of Romania, Ensembles ofF olk Music were formed" which concertize and perform on television and radio. In addition, many albums were recorded with instrumental or vocal folk music,

Long the capital region of Romania, Muntenia has a more diverse set of instrumentation, hut presently clarinets and accordions are 010re often used, Accordionists include the renowned performer Marcel Budala,

Oltenia's folk music and dance is similar to Muntenia. Violins and pipes are used, as are tambal and guitar, replacing the cobza as the rhythmic backing for tarafs, The cimpoi (bagpipe) is also popular in

this region, This is where the world- famous "Cdlusui" dance is performed -whic.h is actually a ritual dance with ancient, savage roots, In Banat, the violin is the most common folk instrument, now played alongside imported woodwind instruments. Efta Botoca is among the most renowned violinists from Banat,

Transylvania has been historically and culturally more linked to Central European countries than Southeastern Europe, and its music reflects those influences. Transylvania is. comprised of several areas, like Ardeal, Crisana, Maramures, Oas, Bela Bartok and Kodaly collected many folk songs from Transy 1 vania early in the 20th century.In our days, Deep Forest included folk songs from Transylvania on their albums. A well-known representative of Transylvanian folk music is the fiddler Alexandru Titrus,

The melodies in thismiscellany collection are culled frorn the Romanian folklore's treasure trove. Many of them were recorded long ago, but their priceless quality convinced us to re-master them carefully fOT safe-keepingc research an.d documentation of the richness of this country's folklore, and last but not least for the enjoyment ofspecialized and wide audiencesalike.

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