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How to control population growth in

There are many ways in which population growth can be controlled in

Pakistan such as through:

1. Education:

As we all know that education is important for everyone. But in country like Pakistan it is given

less importance and to the fact that women don’t need to have a proper full education. Women

are more likely to be seen as housewives staying home and taking care of children while men go

out and work for supporting their family. One way to control population growth is that if women

get a chance to get education and join the workforce afterwards they will think less about having

a big family. Instead they will focus more on having a good career instead staying home and

taking care of children. Women will have the freedom, the independence they will earn their own

money and live their lives the way they want instead of staying at home. If they start their career

they will probably marry late and focus on having smaller families because as age increases

female's reproductive rate decreases.

2. Incentives from the government:

Another way population can be controlled is through government intervention. The government

can introduce incentives for the couples that if you have a smaller family approximately 2 to 3

kids they will provide benefits for the family such as paying for their tuition fees, doctor visits

and even providing them with a home. The government will lessen some of their expenses if they

have smaller families. This will be a great advantage to smaller families because they will have

now fewer burdens on them and on the other hand it’s better for the government too as they will
be able to support small families and in this way the population rate will remain controlled.

3. Decreasing immigration:

Many people travel around the world, some to settle some to visit. Many people come to

Pakistan to settle from countries like America and Canada etc; this also increases the population,

now where there were 5 people living 10 live there now. In this way population increases, what

the government should do is keep a check on who's coming and what are they coming for. Can

they afford to let a lot of people come in their country? Only let people come who are here for a

visit or urgently need to come for something. Because, if the immigration process is not

controlled many people will start to come and the population of Pakistan will increase in large


4. Creating awareness:

Moreover what the government can do is to start create awareness that how smaller families are

much better than having big ones. It's fewer burdens of the parents and if you have less kids you

have fewer worries. Because when they are small there are small problems you can cope with

them but as they grow older their problems grow, education comes in, and where you live the

size of your house etc starts to matter. For instance, there is a family of 8, 2 parents and 6

children; you can imagine yourself that how hard it could be for the parents to pay for everything

for these kids, their expenses must be large. So it’s better to have smaller families. Government

can introduce family planning programs to create awareness among people about have smaller

families and how it will help them later on in life.

5. Laws

China has created a law that a family can only have 1 child, because the Chinese population

growth rate is really high, so in order to control it they have introduced this one child policy. The

government pays for the child, for its education and etc and in this way the population remains

controlled. Pakistan can introduce a law similar to this for the families. And if the law is

successful then Pakistan might be able to control the population growth.

6. Economics

Economics also plays an important role here. Pakistan is not a very highly developed country

like America and Canada. Countries that are highly developed tend to have a lower population

because they are urbanized and the cost of living is higher and people are not able to afford many

children, because the cost of one person is really high, the standards are really high. Whereas we

are a less developed country cost of having many children is lower because in rural areas

children will go work on the farms, and if families have a lot of children it will be a great

advantage to them. As a result Pakistan needs to encourage urbanization and economic

development to lower population growth.

In conclusion we can say that population in Pakistan can be controlled if above measures are

taken. Although there are many other solutions to this problem these were some of the solutions

the Pakistani people can focus on. And it would be a great success if Pakistan is able to control

the population growth. It would be helpful to Pakistan in many ways.




Submitted to: Sir Sohail Ahmed

Submitted by Fareeha Ahmad
Roll no: 13-10645
GEOG 133

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