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The Quran states:

Nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the
flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...[Holy Quran: Hujurat: 49:12]

The Prophet (Pbuh) said:

Gossip will ruin a Muslim's religion faster than food gets digested in his stomach
[Vasa'il, v.72, p.152]

He also said:
I admonish you against gossiping as it is worse than fornication [Bihar al-Anwar,
V.75, p.222]

The Prophet (Pbuh) said:

On the Night of Ascension, I saw some people who were peeling off their skin of
their face with their nails, I asked Gabriel who they were. He said they are the
ones who gossiped. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, pp.332-333].

The Prophet (Pbuh) said:

God has forbidden gossiping, as he has forbidden harming a Muslim's property
or life. [Ibid]. The Commander of the Faithful said:

Gossiping is a sign of hypocrisy.[Ibid]

He also said:

Gossiping about the good people is one of the most wicked acts.[Ibid]

The seventh Imam said:

One who gossips about his believing brothers is deprived of God’s Mercy [Bihar
al-Anwar, V.77, p.117]

The Master of the Martyrs (Imam Husayn) told a man who was gossiping:
Protect yourself from gossip as it is the food for the dogs in the Hell [Bihar al-
Anwar, v.78, p.117].

In fact, there is no reason to gossip about a lustful, oppressive ruler or one who is
already an evil-doer. [Bihar al-Anwar, V.75, p.253]
The Commander of the Faithful has said:
One who listens to another who gossips is similar to one who gossips [Mizan al-
Hikmat, V.7, p.352].

There is also a tradition from the Prophet (Pbuh) related to not listening to
God will protect whoever defends the honor of his Muslim brothers in front of
one who gossips, from the Fire of Hell. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, p.353].

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