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According to wikipedia, communication is an activity of conveying meaningful information.

Whereas Dra. Elin Rusoni, M.Pd. said that communication is a process by two or more persons and
occur an information exchange inside it. So, we can say that communication is a social process because
it can happen when there are two or more persons. As a social beings we always need to communicate
with other to exchanging information.
The main required to occur communicate in English is strong character built from strong
personal integrity (Steven Covey). So to be able to communicate each other we have to build personal
integrity to reach strong character. Personal integrity make us get a trust from other. It make us easy to
conveying information, and other person can received it well.
Also, in communication, we need five laws of effective communication, ther are:
1. Respect
We must respect to other person that gets our information.
2. Empathy
We must be able to put ourselves in other person condition and situation.
3. Audible
We must be able to conveying information to other person well.
4. Clarity
We must be able to make our information as clear as possible so there are no multi
5. Humble
Humble attitude is needed to respect to other person.
The acronym of five laws is REACH, it’s mean that communication in facts is our effort to
gain attention, love, interest, concern, sympathy, responsiveness, and positive respons from other
Communitacion is very important to support our success to survive in global era, just right now.
Especially communication in English. There are some reasons why we must be able to do that. That
reasons are:
1. Indonesia is surrounded by countries that many of them use English as their first or second
2. We must be able to communicate in English because English is International Language.
3. The most information in the world is served in English.
4. English is a key to open sience and technology.
5. Commonly job vacancy need ability to communicate in English.
And many other reasons why we should be able to communicate in english. So, that’s why we must be
able to communicate in English.

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