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Kubera mantra-s with text in Devanāgarī characters, roman

transliteration and English translation.

k…berXyanm!, kuberadhyänam|

k…ber< pu:pkgit< inixiÉnRviÉyuRtm!,

suv[Rv[¡ ip¼a]< mnsa ÉavyaMyhm!,

kuberaà puñpakagatià nidhibhirnavabhiryutam|
suvarëavarëaà piìgäkñaà manasä bhävayämyaham|

I imagine in mind golden coloured Kubera with yellow eye, 1 riding his Puṣpaka
(aeroplane), who possesses the nine treasures of wealth.2

nmae nm> k…beray zŒpÒinixàÉae,

xnxaNysm&iÏmeR TvTàsadan! miy iSwra.

namo namaù kuberäya çaìkhapadmanidhiprabho|
dhanadhänyasamåddhirme tvatprasädän mayi sthirä||

I salute again and again you, O Kubera, the custodian of the treasures Śaṅkha and
Padma. By your grace, let there be abundance of wealth and crops in me for ever.

ïImhalúmIsiht< xnak;R[àd< ïIk…berraj< Xyayaim,

çrémahälakñmésahitaà dhanäkarñaëapradaà çrékuberaräjaà dhyäyämi|

According to legends, Kubera is also residing in the mountain Kailasa, the abode of Śiva. Once he looked at
Pārvatī with his left eye with lust, at which Śiva became angry and made the eye blind. On being propitiated,
he regained his eye-sight, but remained yellow left eye for ever.
The nine treasures are Padma (mines), Mahāpadma (minerals), Śaṅkha (conch-shell),
Kacchapa (tortoise or turtle shell), Nīla (antimony), Makara (black antimony), Kunda
[arsenic (to produce bell-metal)], Mukunda [mercuric sulphide or cinnabar,
sindhura (refined to produce quicksilver] and Kharva (baked cup).
I contemplate on Lord Kubera, accompanied with the Goddess Mahālakṣmī, who
causes the attraction of wealth.

• Kubera-gāyatr3ī

• Aae< y]rajay ivÒhe AlkaxIzay xImih tÚ> k…ber> àcaedyat!,

oà yakñaräjäya vidmahe alakädhéçäya dhémahi tannaù kuberaù pracodayät|

We take refuge in the king of yakṣa-s and we contemplate on the king of Alaka (the
capital of the world of Yakṣa-s. Therefore may Kubera inspire us.

• k…bermUlmÙ>, Kuberamülamantra.

Aae< ÿI— y]ay k…beray vEïv[ay xnxaNyaixptye xnxaNysm&iÏ< me deih dapy

Svaha oà hréà yakñäya kuberäya vaiçravaëäya dhanadhänyädhipataye dhana- dhänya-

samåddhià me dehi däpaya svähä.

Salutations offered to You Kubera, the yakṣa and the son of Viśravas, who is the
lord of wealth and crops. Please bestow on me and make others give me the prosperity in
the form wealth and crops.

• Dhyāna of Viṣṇu

zu¬aMbrxr< iv:[u< zizv[¡ ctuÉuRjm!,

àsÚvdn< Xyayet! svRiv¹aepzaNtye.

çuklämbaradharaà viñëuà çaçivarëaà caturbhujam|

The Gāyatrī is basically a name of a Vedic metre, an generally used to denote the popular Savitṛgāyatrī
composed in the metre praying the Sun God to inspire our minds and thoughts. In an extended sense, it is
used to denote any prayer to other Gods to inspire
The next verses are not strictly related either with Kubera, but with Viṣṅu, the husband Lakṣmī to be
worshiped along with her. Here, the form of Sūryanārāyaṇa or the form of Viṣṇu, residing in the disc of the
Sun is contemplated on. That is why, the praising Viṣṇu, along with Savitṛgāyatrī.
prasannavadanaà dhyäyet sarvavighnopaçäntaye||

I contemplate on the pleasant faced Viṣṇu, in white clads, who is having the colour of
the moon, for getting rid of all the obstracles.

• Savitṛgāyatrī.
Aae< ÉU> Aae< Éuv> Aae< suv> Aae< mh> Aae< jn> Aae< tp> Aae< sTy
oà bhüù oà bhuvaù oà suvaù oà mahaù oà janaù oà tapaù oà satya

Aae< tt! sivtuvRre{y< ÉgaeR devSy xImih ixyae yae n> àcaedyat!,
oà tat saviturvareëyaà bhargo devasya dhémahi dhiyo yo naù pracodayät|
We contemplate on the excellent lustre of the Sun God, who will inspire our

Here the complete mantra-s of Lakṣmī Kubera Pūja are not given as the concentration here is on the
production of the text of Aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī or the worship with addressing the one hundred and eight
names of Kubera. Only important mantra-s are given. Bhūr, bhuvas, suvar, mahar, tapas, janas and satya
are syllables to precede any mantra for its completion. These are the names of seven worlds upwards
beginning from the earth, of which the seventh is considered to be abode of Brahma, the Creator God. The
other seven are beneath the earth, making a total of fourteen worlds according to the Purāṇa-s. These worlds
form the cosmic body of the Supreme Being, or God embodied in the form of the Creation of the Creator. T
That is why, the names here uttered herein. In this form, he is called Virāṭ Puruṣa, described in the
Puruṣa-sūkta and also in Bhagavadgeeta Ch.11.
,ïIk…bre aòaeÄrztnamavlI,
|çrékuberäñöottaraçatanämävalé |

1. Aae< k…beray nm> oà kuberäya namaù

• Salutations to Kubera, who is

2. Aae< xnday nm> oà dhanadäya namaù

• the bestower of wealth;

3. Aae< ïImte nm> oà çrémate namaù

• the owner of the riches;

4. Aae< y]ezay nm> oà yakñeçäya namaù

• the Lord of Yakṣa-s;6

5. Aae< guýkeñray nm> oà guhyakeçvaräya namaù

• the Lord of Guhyaka-s;

6. Aae< inxIzay nm> oà nidhéçäya namaù

• the custodian of the (nine) treasures;

7. Aae< z»rsoay nm> oà çaìkarasakhäya namaù

• the friend of Lord Śaṅkara;

8. Aae< mhalúmIinvasÉuve nm> oà mahälakñméniväsabhuve namaù

• the abode for residence of Goddess Lakṣmī;

9. Aae< mhapÒinxIzay nm> oà mahäpadmanidhéçäya namaù

• the lord of the treasure Mahāpadma;

10. Aae< pU[aRy nm> oà pürëäya namaù

• the complete one;

11. Aae< pÒinxIñray nm> oà padmanidhéçvaräya namaù

Yakṣa and Guhyaka are the names of sub class of demi-gods or special class of gods ruled by Kubera.
• the lord of the treasure Padma;

12. Aae< zŒaOyinixnaway nm> oà çaìkhäkhyanidhinäthäya namaù

• the custodian of the treasure Śaṅkha;

13. Aae< mkraOyinixiàyay nm> oà makaräkhyanidhipriyäya namaù

• one fond of the treasure Makara;

14. Aae< sukDpinxIzay nm> oà sukachapanidhéçäya namaù

• the custodian of the treasure Sukacchapa;

15. Aae< muk…Ndinixnaykay nm> oà mukundanidhinäyakäya namaù

• the owner of the treasure Mukunda;

16. Aae< k…NdaOyinixnaway nm> oà kundäkhyanidhinäthäya namaù;

• the lord of the treasure Kunda;

17. Aae< nIlinXyixpay nm> oà nélanidhyadhipäya namaù

• the custodian of the treasure Nīla;

18. Aae< mhÏRye nm> oà maharddhaye namaù

• one who possesses great prosperity;

19. Aae< vrinXyixpay nm> oà varanidhyadhipäya namaù

• the protector of precious treasures of wealth;7

20. Aae< pUJyay nm> oà püjyäya namaù

• the venerable one;

21. Aae< lúmIsm&iÏdaykay nm> oà lakñmésamåddhidäyakäya namaù

• the bestower of abundance of wealth;

22. Aae< #liblapTyay nm> om ilabiläpatyäya namaù

• the son of Ilavilā;8

This could have been better kharvanidhyadhipäya meaning the custodian of the Kharva treasure as
this name of this nidhi has not come anywhere among the 108 names. But the text provided reads
only as above. This can be accepted in my opinion.
23. Aae< kaezaxIzay nm> oà koçädhéçäya namaù
• the owner of the treasures;

24. Aae< k…laxIzay nm> oà kulädhéçäya namaù

• the lord of the families;

25. Aae< AñaéFay nm> om açväruòhäya namaù

• one who is rider on horseback;

26. Aae< ivñvN*ay nm> oà viçvavandyäya namaù

• one who is worshipped all over the world;

27. Aae< ivze;}ay nm> oà viçeñajïäya namaù

• the one possessed of special knowledge;

28. Aae< ivzarday nm> oà viçäradäya namaù

• the learned one in sciences;

29. Aae< nlkªbrtatay nm> oà nalakübaratätäya namaù

• the father of Nalakūbara;9

30. Aae< mi[¢IvipÇe nm> oà maëigrévapitre namaù

• the father of Maṇigrīva;

31. Aae< gUFmÙay nm> oà güòhamanträya namaù

• the one possessed of secret mystic spells;

32. Aae< vEïv[ay nm> oà vaiçravaëäya namaù

• the son of Viśravas;

33. Aae< icÇleoamn>iàyy nm> oà citralekhämanaùpriyaya namaù

• the lover of Citralekhā10

The name of the father of Kubera is Idavid and that of his mother is Ilāvilā. From both, the name Ailavila,
the epithet of Kubera can be derived.
Nalakūbara and Maṇigrīva are the names of the two sons of Kubera.
Citralekhā seems to be some apsaras or celestial dancers in the assemble of Kubera in the Mountain
Gandhamādana. But not attested.
34. Aae< @kip¼ay nm> om ekapiìgäya namaù
• one who has a yellow mark or colour (in the eye);11

35. Aae< AlkaxIzay nm> om alakädhéçäya namaù

• the lord of Alakā12

36. Aae< paElSTyay nm> oà paulastyäya namaù

• the grandson of Pulastya;

37. Aae< nrvahnay nm> oà naravähanäya namaù

• one who rides in a charriot carried by men;

38. Aae< kElaszElinlyay nm> oà kailäsaçailanilayäya namaù

• one having the Mountain of Kailasa as the residence;

39. Aae< raJyday nm> oà räjyadäya namaù

• one who gives kingdom;

40. Aae< rav[a¢jay nm> oà rävaëägrajäya namaù

• the brother of Rāvaṇa;13

41. Aae< icÇcEÇrway nm> oà citracaitrarathäya namaù

• one who is having beautiful vivid coloured Caitraratha Garden;

42. Aae< %*anivharay nm> om udyänavihäräya namaù

• one who is fond of recreation in his garden (Caitraratha);

43. Aae< suk…tUhlay nm> oà sukutühaläya namaù

• one having much curiosity;14

44. Aae< mhaeTsahay nm> oà mahotsähäya namaù

See Note No.1 above..
The Alakā is the name of the capital of Kubera’s kingdom.
Both Rāvaṇa and Kubera are the two sons of the sage Vaiśravas. Before Rāvaṇa gained power by of boons
propitiating Brahma, Kubera ruled the demons in Laṅkā, and on his being expelled by the powerful Rāvaṇa,
he made Alakā as his city and ruled the guhyaka-s. and siddha-s.
This name is because he is very curious about knowing the secrets of the hidden treasures anywhere in the
• one having great energy;

45. Aae< mhaàa}ay nm> oà mahäpräjïäya namaù

• one having great knowledge;

46. Aae< saxupu:pkvahnay nm> oà sädhupuñpakavähanäya namaù

• one having the beautiful aeroplane Puṣpaka;15

47. Aae< savRÉaEmay nm> oà särvabhaumäya namaù

• the lord of all the worlds;

48. Aae< A¼naway nm> oà aìganäthäya namaù

• the lord of limbs (of human beings);16

49. Aae< saemay nm> oà somäya namaù

• the one manifest in the form of Soma;17

50. Aae< saEMyidgIñray nm> oà saumyadigéçvaräya namaù

• the lord of the north direction presided by Soma;

51. Aae< pu{yaTmne nm> oà puëyätmane namaù

• the meritorious soul;

52. Aae< puéøtiïye nm> oà puruhütaçriye namaù

• the one having the wealth equal to that of Devendra.18

53. Aae< svRpU{yjneñray nm> oà sarvapüëyajaneçvaräya namaù

• the king of all the demons;19

Puṣpka is the name of the chariot of Kubera, which was seized by his brother Rāvaṇa, but Kubera cursed
him that it would be of no avail to his use and would be seized from him in turn. It is after Rāma killed
Rāvaṇa and taking back it to Ayodhyā, that it was returned to its original owner Kubera. See Note No.13
The idea is not clear. It could not be the the kingdom of Aṅga. No clue in this matter.
The deity presiding the northern direction is called Soma. It seems Kubera is identified with this
deity. The next epithet makes it clear.
Puruhūta is the name of Indra, the king of gods. The allusion to Indra may be simply meaning that he is
equal to Indra in riches or Indra owns riches due to him as the custodian of the treasures.
The demons also called Puṇyajana-s tauntingly. Before Rāvaṇa became the ruler of Lañkā, Kubera was the
ruler of Laṅkā and the demons. This term is applied to the Yakṣa-s also.
54. Aae< inTykItRye nm> oà nityakértaye namaù
• the one possessed of eternal glory;

55. Aae< nIitveTÇe nm> oà nétivettre namaù

• the knower of polity;

56. Aae< l»aàa´nnaykay nm> oà laìkäpräktananäyakäya namaù

• the erstwhile ruler of Laṅkā20

57. Aae< y]ay nm> oà yakñäya namaù

• the yakṣa;21

58. Aae< prmzaNtaTmne nm> oà paramaçäntätmane namaù

• the most tranquil soul;

59. Aae< y]raje nm> oà yakñaräje namaù

• the brilliant one among the Yakṣa-s;

60. Aae< yi][Iv&tay nm> oà yakñiëévåtäya namaù

• one surrounded with the yakṣiṇī-s22

61. Aae< ikÚrezay nm> oà kinnareçäya namaù

• the ruler of Kinnara-s23

62. Aae< ikMpué;ay nm> oà kimpuruñäya namaù

• the one with distorted figure;24

63. Aae< naway nm> oà näthäya namaù

• the lord;

64. Aae< Sva¼ayuxay nm> oà sväìgäyudhäya namaù

See note above.
This epithet is simply because the ruler of Yakṣa-s is also considered as a yakṣa.
the female of yakṣa class.
Kinnara-s are a class of demigods, with a human body with a horse-face.
the name kimpuruṣa is the same as kinnara-s in the previous epithet. Logic is the same as above, the one
with distorted figure, some with horse-face with human body, some with human face with animal body and
the like. These are described in the Purāṇa-s as performing the service of singing in the celestial assemblies.
• one having his body as the weapon;25

65. Aae< vizne nm> oà vaçine namaù

• the ruler having everything in his control;

66. Aae< $zanaxIzay nm> om éçänädhéçäya namaù

• the lord of rich men;26

67. Aae< vayVysmaïyay nm> oà väyavyasamäçrayäya namaù

• one residing in the north-west direction;

68. Aae< xmRmgERkinrtay nm> oà dharmamargaikaniratäya namaù

• the strict follower of the rigteous path;

69. Aae< xmRs<muos<iSwtay nm> oà dharmasammukhasaàsthitäya namaù

• one who stands facing the righteousness;27

70. Aae< inTyeñray nm> oà nityeçvaräya namaù

• the ever rich;

71. Aae< xnaXy]ay nm> oà dhanädhyakñäya namaù

• the treasurer;

72. Aae< AòlúMyaiïtay nm> om añöalakñmyäçritäya namaù

• the resort for the eight types of Lakṣmī;

73. Aae< mnu:yxmR[e nm> oà manuñyadharmaëe namaù

• the one having similarity with human beings;28

74. Aae< sÖ¯Äay nm> oà sadvåttäya namaù

• one having noble characters;

75. Aae< kaezlúmIsmaiïtay nm> oà koçalakñmésamäçritäya namaù

• the patronage for the Lakṣmī in the form of treasures;

The idea is not clear. May also be, as we can see from the images of figure, his huge body serves as weapon
or he may himself be imagined as a boxer.
This may also mean one having Īśāna or Śiva as his lord.
This simply means that he is attracted towards righteousness.
This may be because he is like kinnara, a distorted human form; a large belly, small head and a club.
76. Aae< xnlúmIinTyavasay nm> oà dhanalakñménityäväsäya namaù
• the permenant residence for Lakṣmī, the goddess of riches;

77. Aae< xaNylúmIinvasÉuve nm> oà dhänyalakñméniväsabhuve namaù

• the place of residence of Lakṣmī, the goddess of riches in the form of

78. Aae< AñlúmIsdavasay nm> om açvalakñmésadäväsäya namaù

• the permement residence for the Lakṣmī (the wealth) in the form of

79. Aae< gjlúmIiSwralanay nm> oà gajalakñmésthirälänäya namaù

• the permenant tying rope for pegging the Lakṣmī in the form of elephants;

80. Aae< raJylúmIjNmgehay nm> oà räjyalakñméjanmagehäya namaù

• the house for the origination of Lakṣmī, in the form of kingdom;

81. Aae< xEyRlúmIk«païyay nm> oà dhairyalakñmékåpäçrayäya namaù

• the receptacle for the favour of Lakṣmī, in the form of valour;

82. Aae< Ao{fEñyRs<yu´ay nm> oà akhaëòaiçvaryasaàyuktäya namaù

• one possessed of undiminishing wealth;

83. Aae< inTyanNday nm> oà nityänandäya namaù

• the one possessed of eternal bliss;

84. Aae< suoaïyay nm> oà sukhäçrayäya namaù

• the resort for pleasure;

85. Aae< inixÇaÇe nm> oà nidhiträtre namaù

• the protector of the treasures;

86. Aae< inrazay nm> oà niräçäya namaù

• one without any desire (to be fulfilled);29

It is because he is beyond all the desires because there is nothing to be desired as he is having every kind of
wealth and pleasure.
87. Aae< inépÔvay nm> oà nirupadraväya namaù
• one who does not make any harm;

88. Aae< inTykamay nm> oà nityakämäya namaù

• one who desires the eternity only;30

89. Aae< inrakaka'œ]ay nm> oà niräkäkäìkñäya namaù

• one who is expecting nothing (from others);31

90. Aae< inépaixkvasÉuve nm> oà niurupädhikaväsabhuve namaù

• the owner of unrestraint place of residence;

91. Aae< zaNtay nm> oà çäntäya namaù

• the tranquil one;

92. Aae< svRgu[aepetay nm> oà sarvaguëopetäya namaù

• one endowed with all the merits;

93. Aae< svR}ay nm> oà sarvajïäya namaù

• the omniscient one;

94. Aae< svRsMmtay nm> oà sarvasammatäya namaù

• one whose orders are followed by everyone;32

95. Aae< zvaR[Iké[apaÇay nm> oà çarväëékaruëäpäträya namaù

• one who is has received the favour of Goddess Pārvatī;

96. Aae< ztanNdk«palyay nm> oà çatänandakåpälayäya namaù

• the one receptacle for the favour of Śatānanda;33

97. Aae< gNxvRk…ls<seVyay nm> oà gandharvakulasaàsevyäya namaù

• the one served by the hosts of Gandharva-s;34

He desires only the eternal and permenant things and not any temporary things.
This means that he is self-content without any dependence on others for his requirements.
Or one liked by every one.
The name Śatānanda is the name of a son of the sage Gautama, but his relation with Kubera is not known.
But this may mean simply the resort for hundreds of pleasures due to his immense wealth.
Gandharva-s are said to be the celestial dances and singers.
98. Aae< saEgiNxksumiàyay nm> oà saugandhikasumapriyäya namaù
• one fond of Saugandhika flowers;35

99. Aae< suv[Rngravasay nm> oà suvarëanagaräväsäya namaù

• one residing in the a golden city;

100. Aae< inixpIQsmaïyay nm> oà nidhipéöhasamäçrayäya namaù

• the resort for the seat of treasures;

101. Aae< mhameêXvRSwaiyne nm> oà mahämerürdhvasthäyine namaù

• one resides on the peak of the Meru mountain;

102. Aae< tuòay nm> oà tuñöäya namaù

• the ever content one;

103. Aae< zUpR[oaJyeóay nm> oà çürpaëakhäjyeñöhäya namaù

• the brother of Śūrpaṇakhā;36

104. Aae< izvpUjartay nm> oà çivapüjäratäya namaù

• the one intent upon worshipping Lord Śiva;

105. Aae< An"ay nm> om anaghäya namaù

• the one free from sins;

106. Aae< rajyaegsmayu´ay nm> oà räjayogasamäyuktäya namaù

• one possed of the fortunes of a king; 37

107. Aae< rajzeorpUjkay nm> oà räjaçekharapüjakäya namaù

• the devotee of Rājaśekhara;38

108. Aae< rajrajay nm> oà räjaräjäya namaù

The saugandhika flowers are grown in the garden of Kubera, protected by the yakṣa-s and rakṣas.. Bhīma,
was able to pluck one flower from it for his wife Draupadī, defeating the guards of the guarden.
See note 13 and 15 above.
This may also mean who is following Rājayoga as preached in Bhagavadgītā, enjoying the royal pleasures
with aloofness and detachment of mind.
Rājaśekhara is an epithet of Śiva as he is having the moon (rāja) as the ornament for his head (śekhara).
• the king of kings;39


The following were found additionally in some texts:

[Aae< mhi;Rg[s<Stutay nm>, (oà maharñigaëasaàstutäaya namaù

• the one praised by the host of great seers;
Aae< inTyt&Ýay nm>, oà nityatåptäya namaù
• ever content;]

Rājarāja is also an epithet of Kubera.

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