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Prevent Illness, Slow Aging With Ionized Water!

The Japanese call Ionized Water, “Miracle Water” and have been using it in their
hospitals for a generation. Here’s why.

Science tells us that the majority of our chronic, degenerative diseases, and aging itself
is brought on by what we eat.

The National Cancer Institute says, “Serious (degenerative) diseases, such as stroke,
cancer and diabetes, that are linked to what we eat, kill 3 out of 4 Americans each

Dr C. Everett Koop, the former Surgeon General of the United States , says that,
“Eating the Standard American Diet kills 2 out of 3 Americans who die each year.”

The Standard American Diet (SAD) or the Sickness And Death diet, as it is also known;
damages our bodies and destroys our God-given ability to heal ourselves, known as

You sweat when you’re hot, you shiver when you;re cold. When a blood vessel is
damaged, your body repairs it with cholesterol and fibrin, forming a plug to stop the
bleeding. All examples of homeostasis.

The SAD diet, with its paucity of water, excesses of sugar, protein, processed foods and
carbohydrates; produces 3 dangerous conditions common to all chronic, degenerative
diseases and visible aging:


Over Acidity

Oxidative Damage

Your body is 70% water, maintaining that level is crucial. We all lose 2-3 liters of water
every 24 hours, and it must be replaced on a daily basis. Going 9-10 days without water
is fatal.

The Ph level, a measure of the balance between acidity and alkalinity in our bodily
fluids, must remain at about 7.365, (slightly alkaline). If it drops below 6.8, (acidic) you

Oxidative damage occurs when an apple is cut and exposed to the air, it begins rotting.
When iron nails are put in water, they begin to rust. Both are examples of oxidative
damage. In your body, oxidation rots cells, tissues and organs.
In 1933, a German scientist, Dr Otto Warburg, received the Nobel Prize for discovering
that harmful viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells need an acidic, low oxygen
environment to live.

Unless you replace the water you lose daily your body becomes dehydrated.
Dehydration causes the cells to shrivel and to become acidic, which reduces their
oxygen levels, making them susceptible to accelerated aging and disease.

The horrendous amount of sugar in our diets, averaging 140 lbs per year per person,
vs. 4 lbs per year in the pre-modern era, produces acidity, oxidative damage and low
cellular oxygen levels.

Excessive meat, dairy, processed foods and sodas make our bodies very acidic.
Homeostasis cannot function optimally in such an environment, resulting in diabetes,
hypertension and other diseases.

The foods we eat that have been cooked in vegetable oils cause massive oxidative
damage, producing heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other fatal diseases and visible
aging of the skin.

Replacing the 2-3 liters of water we lose every 24 hours with Ionized, alkaline water will
reverse the damage done by SAD, slowing the aging process and allowing homeostasis
to heal many chronic illnesses, such as acid reflux, allergies, arthritis pain and high
blood sugar. Ionized water:

Is more alkaline than any fruit or vegetable, quickly eliminating over acidity.

Contains hundreds of times more antioxidants than fruits or nutritional supplements,

halting oxidative damage

Contains hundreds of times more oxygen than regular water, killing viruses and

If you want to stay healthy and young, you must drink Ionized, alkaline water every
day! We provide a free, 2 week trial of Ionized water to all new subscribers to our
newsletter, Apple Health News.

Bill Young, Nutrition Therapy Coach

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