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Hartland Today

My thoughts on Netflix
I have to confess that I am so impressed with Netflix that I’ve actually changed my spending
habits when it comes to buying movies on DVD. Now, instead of asking myself if I really need a
movie or volume of TV episodes, I’ll ask myself if it is something I could just watch on Netflix
after it becomes available for streaming.

Take, for example, Season 8 of “24.” I have seasons 1-7, so it should be a terrible bummer that
I haven’t been able to “complete” my collection by purchasing the final volume. Other than the
fact that the last season was a little subpar, I knew that it would be coming out on Netflix soon
enough. And...sure enough! About a week ago, I watched the first couple of episodes from
Season 8, and plan to watch more the next time I get the chance.

And, now that I have an iPad I sometimes wonder if I even need to bring movies for the kids
when we travel. As long as there is wifi, we would be able to collect from a huge library of
movies or TV shows. On Thursday night, for instance, I streamed “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” onto
my iPad and TV for the kids to watch. This wasn’t a movie that we saw in the theater, and not a
movie that I would want to own, but it was good enough for some lighthearted entertainment on
a Friday night.

So, I’m excited that Netflix is making deals to stream movies from more studios. Episodes from
three “Star Trek” spin-offs will be available for streaming soon, and just recently they signed a
deal with Miramax.

Are you a Netflix subscriber? What are some ways that the service have changed your life?

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