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Checklist of E/OHS Activities for Bloodborne Pathogens

Program Contact Person: Sr. Kathy Kuchar

Is the Bloodborne Pathogens Written Plan in place? Yes No

Has the Plan been reviewed this school year? Yes No

List job categories that may be at risk to exposure: All-staff are considered at risk of
coming in contact bodily fluids.

What is this school’s policy regarding Hepatitis B vaccinations for employees

considered at risk versus employees considered not at risk in the Exposure Control
Plan? Staff may use their wellness benefits through Blue Cross & Blue Shield to receive
the vaccination series.

Is training provided at this school on methods and techniques to reduce exposure

incidents? Training is provided during all-staff development days either by use of a
video tape or hired consultant.

New Employees: Trained during fall staff development days.

Have the employees identified as first aid responders been given at a minimum Red
Cross First Aid Training? Yes No N/A
Note: Those that wished, went for a refresher course at Northwest Medical Center,
fall, 2006.

Are Exposure Control Kits available to staff? Yes No N/A

Location(s): In each classroom and the Main Office.

Status of Declination forms:

How is blood or bodily-fluid-containing materials handled at this facility?

Policy regarding cleanup: Custodians are considered first to respond to events.

Only in the absence of custodial staff are teaching staff required to clean spills.

Location of biohazard bags at school: Each classroom and Main Office

Approved disposal location for biohazard waste:

Note: Training was completed in10 October 2010 conducted by Lee Carlson

Program Activities Advanced Health, Safety and Security

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