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Axel Kipp Reading

May 17,2011 narrative "poem

Once upon a time, a hungry boy in a bakery,
Picked up a harmless donut to devour the perfect pastry.
He went to take a bite, blind to the donut's fakery,
But it went sailing through the air, and landed in a cakery!

The boy looked up astonished to find an oldish gent,

Who had knocked it from his hand, and flying it went!
"That donut is so evil; can't you see its mal intent?
Its anger is so potent it wafts through here like a scent!-

'Once upon a time in a far and distant land,

Where pastries ruled supreme and nothing tasted bland,
Where lava was fondue and sugar cane was sand,
There was an evil samurai, jelly like blood, running down his hand.'

*So many donuts he had killed,

More than a thousand jelly filled,
He sent them packing so hard, some even rolled uphill!
He was very vicious, but the Jellies were strong willed!

King Donut of the Dunkins,

Who quite frankly smelled like pumpkins,
Banned the savage Samurai to be sunken,
Upon the Waffle Warship of the Dunkins.

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In the end the Jellies won, )- /

But he sure wasn't done!

I do believe his final fun- \'~J ,;'
Destroying Creamy Bos- Ton! \

So do not eat the donut,
For despite the donut's deliciousness,
It is a despicable dastardly devil,
So conniving and so mischievous."
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