Is That A Scorpion

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Is That a Scorpion?

By: Daniel
Do you like what a scorpion likes? A scorpion
mostly likes to eat insects. Are you sure you
want that diet?
Scorpions mostly live in the southern U.S. ; they live
in the Brazilian forests, and in cool damp places .
The scorpion is also nocturnal which means it
sleeps through the day and is active at night wow!

For a lot of other things about the scorpion turn the

Body Traits
Scorpions have two black stripes along their
backs. They also have Eight! Legs that’s 4
times as many legs as we have. They live
about 3-8 years and they can’t live without
soil. They have 6-12 eyes wow they can see
everywhere, and are the oldest arachnids.
Scorpions have two body parts and change
moods quickly they have tiny pincers and
large claws.

• There are over 1,200 species . Only 25 species

have venom that can kill human. They give
birth to live young, and are warm blooded

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