Gatsby Timeline Project

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American Lit

The Great Gatsby

Timeline Project

Instructions: Construct a time line on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 white paper placing on

the timeline the events in the novel. Beginning with first chapter, the characters
site years of events. With a partner, go back and review the novel and make note
of all reference to years and events. You must create your own timeline to turn
in. Some events have specific years, for example the year 1919 when the World
Series was fixed. Other events, like when Jay Gatz went to war may not have a
specific year, but you are able to estimate the year because it falls between two
other events that you do know the years. The idea is to place as many events
from the novel onto the time line. This assignment is worth 15 points and will be
turned in after reading the last chapter. You will be graded on your efforts and
the number of events you place on the timeline.

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