UN Is Not Solutions

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English Task

“Hortatory Exposition”

By : Abdul Haris Manggala Putra

Class : XI IPA 3

TP 2009/2010
UN Is Not Solutions

The goverment have decided the passing standar of senior high school graduation is
UN. But, there are many complains from students about this problem. Here are some
complain why UN is not solutions.

Indonesia has many provinces, so each province have their standart curriculum. And
also the quality of teacher, education facility, and school are different. Like in Jakarta,
Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Their school have complete facilities like internet and multimedia
room. From that, are this fair for school in village ?

Before students face UN, they have to prepare about 10 months. While they prepare
for UN, all students just thinking about the pass of the exam or not. Not only tired, the
students will get stress to think about it. They will suffer pecimis or depretion. It doesn’t just
make they become stress, the student don’t concentrate in study but also sick.

In senior high school we have 3 years before graduating. The students have learned
many subjects or other prestations in some intrakurikuler competition. They get many
knowledges in 3 years. But the UN just in 6 days will decide their graduation. UN just do test
about 6 from 16 subjects. So, why the students must study hard for 16 subjects if in the UN
there are just 5 subjects. If they failed, their bright achievement will useless.

From that situation, the government should change their program for decided the
passing standar of senior high school. But, if the government still want to continue UN, they
must improve the quality of school in other provinces like in Irian Jaya, or other region that
don’t reach by government.

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