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Code No: C1EC03-C1406 NR

I B.Tech (CCC) Regular Examinations, December 2006

(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks:100
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) State and explain kirchoff’s Laws?

(b) Find the currents flowing in the branches and total current in the circuit shown
in figure 1. [8+12]

Figure 1:

2. (a) Explain the concept of

i. Susceptance and
ii. Admittance
(b) An inductive coil takes 10A and dissipates 1000 watts when connected to a
supply of 250v, 25Hz. Calculate.
i. the impedance
ii. the effective resistance
iii. reactance
iv. the inductance
v. power factor. Also, Draw the vector diagram. [8+12]

3. (a) Define the following and explain by taking an example.

i. Node
ii. Tree
iii. Sub graph
iv. Loop

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Code No: C1EC03-C1406 NR
v. Links
vi. Directed graph.
(b) Find the fundamental tie-set and cut-set matrix for the graph and for the tree
shown in the figure 2. [11+9]

Figure 2:

4. (a) State and explain Thevenin’s theorem. [3+5]

(b) Estimate the power loss in the 8Ω resistor using Thevenin’s theorem. as shown
in figure 3 [12]

Figure 3:

5. (a) A dc voltage of 100V is applied in the circuit shown in figure 4 and the switch
is kept open. The switch K is closed at t = 0. Find the complete expression
for the current.
(b) A dc voltage of 20V is applied in a RL circuit where R = 5Ω and L = 10H.
Find [10+10]
i. The time constant
ii. The maximum value of stored energy.

6. (a) Determine the Z-parameter of the network shown in figure 5.

(b) The y-parameters of a two port network are y11 =0.6 mho, y22 =1.2 mho and
y12 =-0.3 mho.

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Code No: C1EC03-C1406 NR

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

i. Determine the ABCD Parameters and

ii. Equivalent Π network. [10+10]

7. (a) Derive relation between VSWR and reflection coefficient. [10]

(b) Find out VSWR when
i. ZL = Z0
ii. ZL = short
iii. ZL = open circuit.
iv. ZL is purely reactive. [10]

8. (a) Describe all the characteristics of UHF Lines? [10]

(b) Explain the significance and design of single stub impedance Matching. Dis-
cuss the factors on which stub length depends. [10]


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