Propaganda Passage

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The very best thing in the world a person can do is exercise and eat right.

And the very best way to be sure you are doing this is to go to a gym and enlist the
help of a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. These trained professionals are
available to help you examine your lifestyle and reorder your daily priorities so
that your body and your health are your number one priorities. Your trainer will
look at your activity level and help you work exercise into your day. He or she
will introduce you to new exercises that will strengthen your body and invigorate
you. Your energy level will increase. Your nutritionist will consider your diet:
what you do eat and when? He or she can help you change the way you eat so that
you are providing fuel for the efficient machine your body truly is. These are the
steps you must take on your road to health and fitness. Without your health, you
have nothing. You can’t work; you can’t enjoy your life, your family, your
hobbies. If you don’t take care of your body while you can, you will regret it down
the road, when you are plagued with chronic illness and injury. You don’t have to
follow this path! A new and healthy life await you at your local gym. Pick up
your telephone book and look one up right now. You’ll be glad you made this one
call, and you can thank me for this advice for the next 20 or 50 – healthy years of
your life.

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