Matrices and Determinants Class Test-01: I Answer ALL Questions: .... 1 X 5 5

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Matrices and Determinants

Class Test-01
Max Marks:30 II PCMB/E
Time:1 hr

I Answer ALL questions:………………………………………....…1 X 5 = 5

1. If D 2 3 4
2x 3x 4x S.T D = 0.
2. State Caley’s-Hamilton theorem.
3. A matrix M has a multiplicative inverse, if M……?
4. Evaluate: 81 82 83
84 85 86
87 88 89
5. Find the value of 243 156 300
81 52 100
-3 0 4

II Answer ANY 5 questions:………………………………………2 X 5 = 10

6. If A = 2 -1 S.T A2 – 4A +3I = 0
-1 2
7. P.T eigen values of 1 -1 are equal.
1 3
8. Solve by Cramer’s rule x – 3y = 5
3x – y – 7 = 0
9. Prove that if each element of any one row (or column) of a determinant is a sum of two terms then
the value of the determinant can be expressed as sum of two determinants.

10. If A and B are two matrices of same order then prove that ∆ (AB) = ∆ (A). (B)

11. Find the inverse of 3 5

6 1
III Answer ANY 3 questions:…………………………………….…5 X 3 = 15
12.Solve by matrix method, x - y + z = 4
2x – y – 3z = 0
1 3
13 Verify Caley – Hamilton theorem for the matrix   and hence find the inverce
 3 4 
x x2 yz
14. P.T y y2 z  x = (x - y)(y - z ) (x + y + z)
z z2 x y
15. (a) Find the adjoint of 1 4 -2 (3 + 2)
-2 -5 4
1 -2 1
(b) Find the characteristic equation and characteristic roots of 1 4
2 3

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