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Citizenship Rubric

Student misses almost Student is rarely If student is Student is occasionally Student misses a lot of
no class time absent and is not late occasionally absent, absent, shows limited class time from
more than once during he or she makes up all effort to make up absences and does not
Attendance a grade period missed work; student missed work and/or make up missed work
is not late more than has more than two adequately. Three or
twice during grade tardies. more tardies in a
period grading period.

Student is consistently With few exceptions, Student is often not

ready to learn, student is normally ready to learn,
prepared with books ready to learn, unprepared with books
Readiness to
and materials and prepared with books or materials or attention.
Learn enthusiastic alertness and materials and
to classroom activities. appropriately alert to
classroom activities.

Student consistently Student submits almost Student turns in little

submits all work and all significant work work and rarely
Product and
participates in all and participates in most participates in learning
Participation learning activities. significant learning activities.

Student always models Student usually shows Student is too often

positive and positive and negative and
Attitude and cooperative attitude cooperative attitude uncooperative to
Behavior and behavior with and behavior with adults and peers. Does
adults and peers. adults and peers. not take responsibility
for own actions.

Student participates Student participates Student is personally

productively and productively to unproductive and
Group Interactions demonstrates positive complete the group goal disrupts the activities of
leadership to meet and cooperates with the group toward the
group goals. peers. group goal.

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