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(a) Three alpha particles with equal energies are fired towards the nucleus of
a gold atom.

Complete the diagram, showing the possible paths of the alpha particles
(labeled 1, 2 and 3) as they passes by, and then moves away from the
nucleus. [3]
Consider a fourth alpha particle approaching the nucleus head-on. State
the energy changes that take place during approach. [1]

Gold Nucleus

(b) In an α-particle scattering experiment, an α-particle and a gold nucleus (in

a piece of gold foil) collide head on and the α-particle rebounds.
(i) Using the data given, write down a numerical expression for the
electrostatic force of repulsion, F, acting on the α-particle at the instant of
collision when the distance between α-particle and gold nucleus is x.
[For α-particle, A = 4, Z = 2; for the gold nucleus, A = 197, Z = 79.]
(ii) The electric potential energy of the α-particle and the gold nucleus at the
point of impact is Fx. If the initial kinetic energy of the α-particle is 1.8 MeV,
calculate a value for x, assuming the gold nucleus has no kinetic energy initially.
[1.26×10-13 m]
What indication does the value of x give about the size of the two particles

(c) A 92 U nucleus undergoes alpha decay. The resulting daughter nucleus is
Thorium (Th). Write the equation for this reaction. [1]

(d) Ionizing radiation is a ‘two-edged sword’. Briefly describe how gamma-ray

can be both beneficial to medical science and yet harmful to the human
body if not properly handled. [2]

2. AJCP3Q7/part

(c) The isotope Iron-59 is a β-emitter with a half-life of 45 days. In order to

estimate engine wear, an engine component is manufactured from non-
radioactive iron throughout which the isotope Iron-59 has been uniformly
distributed. The mass of the component is 2.4 kg and its initial activity is
8.5 x 107 Bq.
The component is installed in the engine 60 days after manufacture of the
component, and then the engine is tested for 30 days. During the testing
period, any metal worn off the component is retained in the surrounding oil.
Immediately after the test, the oil is found to have a total activity of 880 Bq.
(i) the decay constant for the isotope Iron-59, [1]
(ii) the total activity of the component when it was installed, [1]
(iii) the mass of iron worn off the component during the test. [2]

(d) Two deuterium nuclei fuse together to form a Helium-3 nucleus, with the
release of a neutron. The reaction is represented by
2 2 3 1
1 H + 1 H → 2 He + 0 n + energy
rest mass of 1 H nucleus = 2.013 66 u

rest mass of 32 He nucleus = 3.014 93 u

rest mass of neutron = 1.008 67 u
rest mass of proton = 1.007 28 u
rest mass of electron = 0.000 55 u

(i) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for

1. the deuterium nucleus, [1]
2. the Helium-3 nucleus. [1]
(ii) How much energy is released in this reaction? [2]
(iii) Estimate the energy available from conversion by fusion of 1 kg of
deuterium into Helium-3. [1]

(e) Explain whether nuclear fusion or nuclear fission releases more energy
per unit mass. [2]
7 -5
(c) 0.0154 / day; 3.37 x 10 Bq; 9.94 x 10 kg;
(d) 1.79 x10-13 J; 4.13 x10-13 J; 7.82x1013J
(e) There is a greater change in binding energy per nucleon during fusion.

3. CJCP3Q8
(ai) State what is meant by the term nuclear binding energy. [1]
(aii) Figure 8.1 shows the variation of binding energy per nucleon number.

A uranium-235 nucleus undergoes fission and produce two fission products of

approximately equal nucleon number. Using the data from Figure 8.1, estimate
the energy released from the fission of one uranium-235 nucleus. [3]

(aiii) One other possible reaction for uranium-235 is

U + 10 n → 236
144 90 1
92 92 U → 56 Ba + 36 Kr + 2 0 n

The masses of particles are given below in atomic mass units, u, where 1 u is a
mass of 1.66 x 10-27 kg.

Mass of 10 n = 1.009 u
Mass of 235
92 U = 235.124 u
Mass of 144
56 Ba = 143.923 u
Mass of 90
36 Kr = 89.920 u
Calculate the energy released by this reaction.
Suggest with a reason which one of the two fission reactions for uranium-235 is
more likely to occur. [1]

[165 MeV; 4.06 x 10-11J]
(bi) Why is radioactive decay described as a ‘random’ process’? [1]
(bII) Describe how you would demonstrate that radioactive decay is a random
process. [1]
(biii) Explain why it is not advisable for pregnant ladies to be exposed to a
radioactive source. [3]

(c) The nuclide 38 Sr is a beta-emitter of half life 28 years but the nuclide
34Pu emits two groups of alpha-particles which differ in energy by
0.045 MeV.
If a 90
38 Sr source emits many beta particles in one second today, how long

will it take it to emit the same number of beta particles in the year 2064 ?
4s [4]
Discuss how the energy is conserved in the two types of plutonium (Pu)
disintegration, despite there being this difference in the energies of the alpha
particles produced. [1]

4. MJCP3Q4
During one particular fission process, s slow moving neutron bombards a
Uranium-236 nucleus giving, among its fission products, s Strontium-90 nucleus
and a Xenon-143 nucleus.

Figure 4.1 shows the variation with mass number of the binding energy per
nucleon for various nuclides.

(a) What is meant be ‘binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus’? Show that
the energy released in the fission process is 247Mev.
What other fission products are produced in this process? Why are these
particles not taken into account in the calculation?

(b) Why does a release of energy occur when there is an increase in binding

(c) One of the fission products, Strontium 90

38 Sr is radioactive and decays with

a half life of 28.8 years via beta decay into an isotope of Yttrium(Y).
Write down an equation for the decay of Strontium-90.
A short while after the fission reaction ended, the activity of Sr was found to be
40 Bq. Find the number of Sr nuclei present in the sample at this time.
[5.25 x 1010]

A student is provided with a freshly prepared sample of a radioactive material
and the count rate C from the source is found to vary with time t as shown in
Fig. 6(a). A second similar sample of the radioactive material is then prepared
and the student repeats the experiment, but with the sample at a higher
temperature. The variation with time of the count rate for the second sample is
shown in Fig. 6(b). The trend lines are also shown in both graphs.

600 600
Fig. 6 (a) Fig. 6 (b)
500 500

400 400


300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

time/s time/s

(a) State the evidence that is provided by these two experiments for
(i) the random nature of radioactive decay,

(ii) the spontaneous nature of radioactivity decay. [4]

(b) (i) Estimate the background count of the second sample (Fig.6(b)).

(ii) Find from the graph the half-life of either sample. [3]

ai) The rate of every single decay is unpredictable.
The short term fluctuations for the two graphs are different.
aii) Both long term trends are exponential graphs.
The decay is spontaneous because its rate of decay is independent of temperature
(external condition).
bi) The graph comes to a constant rate of 100 counts per s.
Back ground count = 100 per s
bii) Re-number the count rate values of y-axis by deducting 100 count per s.
That is 600 becomes 500 and 100 becomes zero.
Then at 0 second, count rate = 450 count per s.
Half of it = 225 count per s.
Time for count rate to drop by half = 100 s from graph

(a) What is meant by the term binding energy for an atomic nucleus and how
can this be calculated? [2]
(b) The relationship between the binding energy per nucleon and nucleon
number is of the form shown in the graph. Explain from this why energy is
released in a fission process. [2]
Binding energy / MeV per nucleon


(c) A possible fusion process which has been suggested for the generation of
energy is represented by the following equation:
H + 1 H → 2 He + 0 n + 5.2 x 10-13 J
2 2 3 1

Rest mass of proton = 1.673 57 x10-27 kg

Rest mass of neutron = 1.674 96 x10-27 kg
Rest mass of H-2 = 3.344 54 x10-27 kg
Rest mass of He-3 = 5.008 35 x 10-27 kg

Using the above data,

(i) explain why H-2 is stable, [2]

(ii) prove that the energy released in the nuclear fusion is 5.24 x 10-13 J. [3]

(iii) Comment on the following statement on the nuclear reaction:

‘The total mass of the two hydrogen nuclei before the reaction is more
than the total mass of the helium and neutron because part of it is
converted to energy.’ [3]
The total relativistic mass has not change. The product particles are moving with
high speeds after the collision. They have more mass than when they are at rest
(which is called the rest mass) because of their kinetic energy. When they are
brought to rest after that, their k.e. and hence some mass will be passed to the
particles of the medium which slows them down. So there is no mass converted
to energy!

(d) In order to accomplish nuclear fusion, the particles involved must first
overcome the electric repulsion to get close enough for the attractive nuclear
strong force to fuse the particles. This requires extremely high temperatures, if
temperature alone is considered in the process.

Consider a proton gas at high temperature. Assume a proton is a sphere of

radius r ≈ 1 x 10-15 m. Two protons are moving at each other with the same
kinetic energy K.

(i) Calculate the value of K which is enough to bring the two protons to
‘touch’ one another so that the nuclear force can come into action. Explain briefly
the number of significant figure given in your answer. [3]
[6 x 10 J]

(ii) If the proton gas behaves like an ideal gas, then the average kinetic
energy of the protons in the gas 2 kT where k is the Boltzmann constant. What
temperature is required for the protons in the gas to have an average kinetic
energy as that calculated in d(i)? [2]
[3 x 109 K]
(iii) Such nuclear fusion process is happening in the core of the Sun.
However, the temperature of the core of the Sun is only about 1.5 x 107 K, which
is well below the calculated value in (d) (ii). Give two reasons, one in terms of
classical mechanics and one in terms of quantum theory, why such process is
able to sustain? [3]

Nuclear Physics 2011

1. Explain how and why the masses of atoms differ from the sum of the
masses of their constituent particles.
Radium (Ra) decays to radon (Rn) by the reaction
226 222 4
88 Ra → 86 Rn + 2 He + γ
The atomic masses are:
Ra: 3.753×10-25 kg, Rn: 3.686×10-25 kg, He: 0.066×10-25 kg.
(a) Estimate the energy released when an atom of 226Ra decays.
[9.0×10-12 J]
(b) Estimate the wavelength of the γ photon emitted during this decay given
that 4% of the energy released turns to γ radiation.
[5.53×10-13 m]
(c) What happens to the remaining 96% of the energy?

2. Sketch a graph of the binding energy per nucleon E against the mass
number A for naturally occurring isotopes, indicating an approximate scale for A.
Use your graph to explain how energy may be obtained from fission of heavy
From the equation
3 2 1
1 H + 1 H → X + 0 n + 17.6Mev
(a) Name the nucleus X.
(b) Given that mass of
0n =1.0087 u, 21 H = 2.0141 u, 31 H = 3.0161 u,
Calculate the atomic mass of X in u. [4.0027 u]

3. The first nuclear reaction induced in a laboratory (performed by Rutherford

in 1919) can be represented by
N + 42 He→ 178 O + 11 H,

in which a collision takes place between an α-particle travelling at 3.0×107 m s-1

and a stationary nitrogen nucleus.
(a) The total rest masses are as follows:
7 N + 42 He = 18.005 68 u,
8 O + 11 H = 18.006 96 u.
Calculate the small change in mass, in kilogram, which takes place in this
nuclear reaction, and the minimum kinetic energy needed by the α-particle to
cause the nuclear reaction. [2.125×10-30 kg, 1.91×10-13 J]

(b) The particles move in a straight line. The speed of the proton after the
collision is 6.0 × 107 m s-1. Use the principle of conservation of momentum to
calculate the velocity of the oxygen nucleus after the collision (magnitude and
direction). [3.53×106 ms-1]

4. Radioactive iron, 59Fe, is a radioactive nuclide with a half-life of 46 days. It
is used medically in the diagnosis of blood disorders. Measurements are
complicated by the fact that iron is excreted, i.e. removed, from the body at a rate
such that 69 days after administering a dose, half of the iron atoms in the dose
have been excreted. That is to say, iron has a biological half-life of 69 days.

(a) If the count rate from a blood sample is 960 counts per minute, what will it
be from a similar blood sample taken 138 days later? [30 counts per min]

(b) How long after the first sample was taken would a further similar sample
give a count rate of 480 counts per minute? [27.6 days]

(c) Derive the relation between T, the effective half-life of the radioactive nuclide
in the body, Tb, the biological half-life, and Tr, the radioactive half-life.

5. An α source with an activity of 150 kBq is placed in a metal can as shown

in the figure below. A 100 V d.c. source and a 109 Ω resistor are connected in
series to the can and the source. This arrangement is sometimes called and
ionization chamber.

(a) What is meant in this case by an activity of 150 kBq?

(b) A potential difference of 3.4V is registered on the voltmeter.
i. Calculate the current in the wire at P. State any assumptions you
have made.[3.4 x 10-9 A]
ii. Calculate the corresponding number of ionizations occurring in the
metal can per second. Assume that every ion formed in the metal
can is singly charged .[2.125 x 1010]
(c) With the α source removed from the metal can, the voltmeter still registers
a potential difference of 0.2V. Suggest 2 reasons why the current is not

(d) The half life of the α source is known to be 1600 years. Calculate the
decay constant and hence deduce the number of radioactive atoms in the
source. [1.37 x 10-11 s-1; 1.09 x 1016]

6. Nuclei of 238Pu decay with a half-life of 90 years, emitting α particles of
energy 5.1 MeV. This isotope is to be used to power a heart pace-maker.
(a) Calculate the decay constant of 238Pu. [2.44 x 10-10 s-1]

(b) Determine the minimum number of atoms of 238Pu which must be present
to give an initial power of 10mW. Assume that the decay of each 238Pu yields
only a single α particle. [5.02 x 1019]

(c) Suggest one reason why 238Pu is chosen for this application. Justify your

7a) Define half life

ln 2
(b) Show that the half life of a radioactive nuclide is equivalent to λ where λ
is the radioactive decay constant.

(c) A fresh sample of 5.00g of sodium-24 (half life 15hrs) is prepared in the
laboratory. After 2 hours, another fresh sample of sodium 24 of mass m is added
to the original sample. Another 24 hours later, the activity of the sample is
measured and found to be 7.00×1017 Bq. Calculate the mass m added to the
sample. [2.03 g]

(d) In order to find the volume of water in a large tank, the sample of sodium-
24 with activity 7.00×1017 Bq is dissolved completely in water. After 3 days,
100ml of the water is extracted and tested for radioactivity. The activity is found
to be 5.00×1011 Bq. Calculate the volume of water in the tank. [5.02 x 106 ml]

Alpha particles are emitted when stationary 226

8. 91 Pa decay into 89 Ac. If the

kinetic energy Kα of the α -particles and its range R in the air are related by the
equation R = 0.138 Kα1.5 where Kα is in MeV and R is in centimeters, compute the
range in air of the α-particles emitted. [5.8313 cm]
[Data: 226Pa =226.0280u, 222Ac =222.0178u, 4He =4.0026u, 1 u = 931.48 MeV]

9. Uranium 238U decays to lead 206Pb with a half life of 4.47 ×109 years. The
equation representing the decay is as such: 238U → 206Pb + various decay
A rock is found to contain 4.20 mg of 238U and 2.135 mg of 206Pb. Assuming that
the rock contained no lead at formation, and all of the lead present now arises
from the decay of uranium,
(a) How many atoms of 238U and 206Pb does the rock now contain?

(b) How many atoms of 238U were there in the rock at formation?

(c) What is the age of the rock?

[1.062353 x 1019; 6.239175 x 1018; 1.686270 x 1019; 2.9796 x 109 yrs]

10. A cardiac pacemaker is a device which is used to ensure that a faulty
heart beats at a suitable rate. In one pacemaker, the required electrical energy
is provided by converting the energy of radioactive plutonium-238. The atoms of
plutonium decay by emitting alpha particles of average energy 8.8 x 10-13 J. The
daughter nucleus is an isotope of uranium. The plutonium has a decay constant
of 2.4 x 10-10 s-1.

(a) How many neutrons are in the nucleus of the radioactive plutonium 94 Pu?

(b) Suggest why alpha particles are more suitable than either beta particles or
gamma radiation for use as the power source.

(c) A new pacemaker contains 180 mg of plutonium

(i) Determine the number of radioactive atoms in the new pacemaker.

[4.55 x 1020]

(ii) Show that approximately 1 x 1011 disintegrations occur each second when
the power supply is new.

(iii) Determine the initial power, in W, of the source when it is new.

[0.088 W]

11. Living tissue contains a small amount of radio carbon-14. Upon death, the
activity of the carbon-14 decreases due to radioactive decay with a half-life of 5.7
x 103 years. The radioactivity reading obtained from a certain mass of living
tissue is (R + 24) counts per minute where R is the number of counts due to
background radiation.
Determine the reading that a sample of dead tissue of identical mass
would give if it came from the Middle Ages (about 1000 A.D.), from the same
meter in counts per minute.
State one essential assumption made during the calculations.
[R + 21]

12. The half-life of a certain radioactive element is such that 7/8 of a given
quantity decays in 12 days. What fraction remains undecayed after 24 days?

13. In a cancer therapy unit, patients are given treatment from a certain
radioactive source. This source has a half-life of 4 years. A particular treatment
requires 10 minutes of irradiation when the source is first used.
How much time is required is required for this treatment, using the same source,
2 years later?
[14.1 minutes]

14. A radioactive source contains the nuclide 74 W which has a half-life of 24
hours. In the absence of this source, a constant average count-rate of 10 s-1 is
recorded. Immediately after the source is placed in a fixed position near the
counter, the average count-rate rises to 90 s-1. What average count-rate is
expected with the source still in place 24 hours later?

15. A stationary radioactive isotope plutonium-238 has a half-life of 86 years

and decays by emitting only an alpha particle. The daughter nucleus is an
isotope of uranium.
The total kinetic energy of the products is 5.649 MeV.
The mass of 94 Pu is 238.0496 u.
The mass of an alpha particle is 4.0026 u.

(a) Write down an equation representing the decay, indicating clearly the
atomic number and mass number of each nucleus.
(b) Calculate the mass of the uranium nucleus formed in the reaction, giving
your answer in atomic mass unit to 4 decimal places.
(c) Calculate the ratio of the kinetic energy of the alpha particle to that of the
uranium nucleus.
[234.0410 u; 58.47]

(d) Satellites can be powered by the energy produced by the decay of Pu-
238. Devices known as radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) on board
the satellites convert energy (in the form of kinetic energy of the products)
generated from the decay into electrical energy.
A particular satellite requires an electrical power of 25 W. The efficiency
of the energy conversion process is 15%.

(i) Explain what is meant by the activity of a radioactive source.

(ii) Show that the rate of energy production from the radioactive source is
1.04 x 1021 eVs-1.
(iii) What must the minimum activity of plutonium-238 be in order to provide
the required energy?
[1.84 x 1014 s-1]

(iv) Calculate the minimum mass of Pu-238 required to provide this level of
[0.284 kg]

(v) What is the minimum mass of Pu-238 that the satellite should carry before
launching if the satellite is intended to function properly at a minimum
power of 25 W for 20 years?
[0.336 kg]

(e) Plutonium is not placed in its pure form in RTGs but is installed as bricks
of plutonium dioxide, PuO2, a ceramic which if shattered, breaks into large
pieces, rather than smaller more dangerous dust.

(i) Explain why there is no difference in the probability of decay of Pu-238

whether it exists as pure plutonium or in the form of PuO2.

(ii) Suggest a reason why large pieces of PuO2 pose less of a health risk than
plutonium dust, which can be inhaled into the body.

16. When iron is irradiated with neutrons an isotope of iron is formed. This
isotope is radioactive with a half-life of 45 days. An iron piston ring of mass 16g
was irradiated with neutrons until its activity due to the isotopes is 3.7 ×105Bq.
Ten days after the irradiation the ring was installed in an engine and after 80
days of continuous use the crankcase oil was found to have a total activity of
1.85×103 Bq.
Determine the average mass of iron worn off the ring per day, assuming that all
the metal removed from the ring accumulated in the oil. [4 x 10-3 g]

Nuclide Half-life/s Decay Constant /s-1 λ -1 -1
Mm /kg s
Americium 241Am 1.48 × 1010 4.68 x 10 -11 1.94 x 10-10
Cobalt Co 4.18 x 10-9 6.97 x 10-8
Phosphorus 32P 1.24 × 106 5.59 x 10-7
24 4
Sodium Na 5.42 × 10 1.28 x 10-5 5.33 x 10-4
(a) Calculate the half life of 60Co. [1.66 x 108s]

(b) Calculate the ratio M for 32P where λ is the decay constant and Mm the
molar mass of the nuclide. [1.75 x 10-5 kg-1 s-1]

(c) Which of the nuclides have the greatest activity per unit mass? Explain
your answer. [Sodium]

(d) Calculate the activity of a mass of 2.0 x 10 -12 kg of the nuclide which you
have named in (c). [6.42 x 108Bq]

(e) Why must radioactive waste normally be stored for a period of time before
disposal into the environment?

(f) A laboratory has facilities suitable for the storage of waste radioactive
material for periods not exceeding 3 months (7.8 × 106 s). For which of
the nuclides would storage for 3 months before disposal be worthwhile?
Give your reasons. [32P and 24Na]

Data Analysis : Radioactivity – Nuclear Reactor

A nuclear reactor throughout its life generates power from fission of uranium-235
by neutrons in a reaction of this type:
92 U + 10 n → 143 90 1
54 Xe + 38 Sr + 3 0 n + 200 MeV

The fission products, strontium and xenon, have very small mass and are mostly
contained within the fuel cells. The neutrons, on the other hand, have high
speeds and are uncharged. These neutrons are able to from the fuel cells into
the graphite (carbon) moderator where they are slowed down. One of the three
neutrons is needed to sustain the chain reaction and the others are absorbed by
the moderator, control rods and concrete sides.

The plan in decommissioning nuclear reactors has to take into account the
following information:

(i) A reactor has a total mass of 300,000 tonnes and 5% of this may be
radioactive. Concrete, graphite and steel take up 8000, 2200 and 3400 tonnes

(ii) The fuel elements can be removed in a normal way. This removes
99.99% of the radioactivity which was on site when the reactor was working.

(iii) The remaining radioactivity is mostly neutron-induced in the steel,

concrete and graphite structures.

(iv) Radioactivity is expressed in Becquerels (Bq). 1 Bq is 1 disintegration per


(v) British law defines a radioactive substance as one with an activity greater
than 400 Bq kg-1.

(vi) There are about 2500 known nuclides. Of these, 79 which have a half-life
longer than 1 year may be present in a reactor. Most of these 79 nuclides do not
reach the activity of 400 Bq kg-1 to necessitate them being called radioactive but
some do.

(vii) The table below shows the activities of 13 such nuclides in the 3 main
sections, namely concrete, graphite and steel of the reactor 10 years after its
shutdown. A dash indicates an insignificant amount of nuclide.

Nuclide Half-life Concrete Graphite Steel Total
(years) (1012 Bq) (1012 Bq) (1012 Bq) (1012 Bq)
1 H 12 - 110 - 110
6 C 5700 - 42 1.7 44
17 Cl 310 000 - 1.3 - 1.3
20 Ca 130 000 0.10 0.90 - 1.0
26 Fe 2.7 0.82 4.0 2400 2400
27 Co 5.2 0.28 11 680 690
28 Ni 80 000 - 0.096 2.1 2.2
28 Ni 92 - 17 230 250
41 Nb 20 000 - - 0.013 0.013
47 Ag 130 - 0.0017 0.017 0.019
62 Sm 90 0.15 0.051 - 0.020
63 Eu 12 0.82 0.11 - 0.93
63Eu 16 0.10 0.61 - 0.71
Total 2.3 190 3300 3500

All figures are given to 2 significant figures.

κ represents κ capture. This is a mode of decay in which the nucleus captures
one of the atom’s orbiting electrons.

Answer the following questions using the above data:

(a) What is the activity in terms Bq kg-1 of each of the three main sections of
the reactor?
[2.88 x 106; 8.64 x 107; 9.71 x 108]
(b) Why is it that over a period of 10 years, the radioactive iron-55 in the
reactor is less of a problem than the radioactive nickel?
(c) Why is it likely that the activity of the long half-life nuclides would be low?
(d) How long after shutdown, will the activity of tritium in the reactor fall below
0.43 x 1012 Ba?
[106 years]
(e) Identify the nuclide(s) that would determine the time required to isolate the
reactor before it is deemed safe to demolish. Explain your reasons.
(f) By making appropriate estimations, evaluate numerically, the number of
years required to isolate the reactor.
[3.3 x 106 years]


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