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Personal Paternity Analysis Report

Case Number: T340956/Originator ID: GCS March 31, 2011

Relationship: Child Alleged Father

Specimen ID: S570103 S570104
Date of Birth: 1/31/2011 11/15/1989
Race/Ethnicity: Black
Collection Date: 3/25/2011 3/25/2011

LE DONTE C BODY JR is excluded as the biological father of KING ROMELLE FRANKLIN.
LE DONTE C BODY JR is not the biological father of KING ROMELLE FRANKLIN. LE DONTE C BODY JR does not carry paternally-derived DNA
present in KING ROMELLE FRANKLIN at multiple genetic systems. The Combined Parentage Index is 0 (corresponding to a Probability of Paternity of
0%, assuming prior probability = 0.5).

Genetic Child Alleged Father Relationship Index

CSF1PO 11 12 0.00
D2S1338 17, 22 18, 23 0.00
D3S1358 15, 17 16 0.00
D5S818 12, 13 12, 13 1.72
D7S820 8, 10 9, 11 0.00
D8S1179 11, 14 13, 15 0.00
D13S317 8, 12 11, 13 0.00
D16S539 11 12 0.00
D18S51 14, 19 16, 17 0.00
D19S433 11, 16.2 13, 16.2 6.88
D21S11 27, 30.2 33.2 0.00
FGA 24, 25 19, 20 0.00
TH01 7, 8 7 1.31
TPOX 8, 9 9, 11 1.13
vWA 17, 19 17, 20 1.14
AMEL X, Y X, Y -

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was isolated from the specimens submitted for each study participant and was characterized using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at each genetic system listed above.
Associations of name, relationship, date of birth, and race/ethnicity with the accompanying results rely strictly upon information provided to the laboratory. The collection, transport and testing of
specimens for the purpose of generating the data shown above were not performed in compliance with established Chain-Of-Custody guidelines. Therefore, neither Identigene nor its reference laboratory,
Sorenson Genomics, is responsible for the integrity of these samples prior to arriving at the laboratory.

All laboratory work and data analysis was performed by Sorenson Genomics, LLC. Sorenson Genomics is L-A-B Accredited Certificate Number L2201 Testing to ISO 17025. These results are intended
solely for the purposes of ascertaining the above-described relationship(s). Interpretation of the genetic data for any other purpose is done without the consent of Sorenson Genomics.

Anthony Carter, Ph.D., Laboratory Director

Identigene DNA Testing Center

2495 So. West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84115; (888) 404-GENE(4363)

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