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Its value

1. Moderation in all things. ( the saying can be traced back to Hesiod [8 th century BC])
2. Measure is treasure. ( the saying probably derives from the “golden mean”
recommended by Horace [Odes, 1st century BC])
3. Measure is medicine.
4. The half is better than the whole.
5. Measure is a merry mean.
6. The mean is the best.
7. Virtue is found in the middle.
8. Safety lies in the middle course.
9. It is good to be neither too high nor too low. [Chinese proverb]
10. Reason lies between the spur and the bridle.
11. Too much spoils, too little does not satisfy.
12. Soft fire makes sweet malt.
13. Love me little, love me long. {Implies that a calm and durable affection is better than
a sudden passion.}

Against excess

14. Better go away longing than loathing.

15. Leave off with an appetite.
16. Make not your sail too big for the ballast. ( A sailing vessel that does so is in danger
of overturning. The warning is against overenthusiasm.)
17. Sow with the hand, and not with the whole sack. [the saying can be traced back to
Plutarch, 1st- 2nd centuries AD]
18. Take no more on than you’re able to bear.
19. Do not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all
you know.
20. Never take a stone to break an egg, when you can do it with the back of your knife.
21. Burn not your house to fright a mouse away.

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