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Heating, Ventilation and Cooling

System Efficiency (HVAC)

The building is designed to need less, mechanical, generation or discharge of
heat mechanisms and improves the building's HVAC efficiency.

Static Air Heat Gain

Cross ventilation Rising Air

Allows air to enter, refresh the Rising Air inside of the building absorbs
inside with colder air, take the hot heat form people, lights, machines and
air and exit easily. cause it to rise
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling
System Efficiency (HVAC)
The building is designed to need less, mechanical, generation or discharge of
heat mechanisms and improves the building's HVAC efficiency.

Solar Heat Gain

Double Glazed Windows Shading Devices

Certain window types, such as double Preventing excess solar gain by means
or triple glazed insulated windows of solar shading devices in the summer
with gas filled spaces and low months is important to reduce cooling
emissivity (low-E) coatings needs.
Renewable Energy Generation
Solar Panels

Photovoltaic solar panels, in true-south facing orientation, help to

provide maximum yield of sustainable electricity for any use.
Renewable Energy Generation
Wind Turbines

Wind turbines must be installed at locations that are known to receive

an average wind speeds of more than 15 mph
Renewable Energy Generation
Solar Water Heating

Solar water heaters can cut the energy use in half if used with solar
collectors to generate hot water for the building
Renewable Energy Generation
Heat Pumps

Like an air conditioner, an Air-source heat pumps (ASHP) can take heat
from a relatively cool space and dump it into a hot place.

The condenser and evaporator of an ASHP can absorb heat from the
hot inside and dump it into the outside.
Sustainable building materials
Minimize use of new materials

The reduction in use of new materials creates a corresponding

reduction in embodied energy

When older buildings are demolished, frequently any good wood,

stone, doors windows, mantels, floor tiles and hardware are
reclaimed, renewed, and reused
Sustainable building materials
Lower Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

Lower VOCs can be used in finishing materials (paint) or building

insulation materials, such as recycled denim or cellulose insulation, to
avoid sick building syndrome symptoms caused by high VOC materials
Water Management
Rain and Grey Management

Rainwater harvesting and grey water reuses are some of the

possibilities for reducing water demand

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