TSS Statement

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The Second Story youth health service will continue to

provide the ISO and Evolve projects for same sex

attracted and gender questioning young people

The Second Story is the youth section of the Children, Youth and
Women’s Health Service. TSS is a free, confidential health service for
young people aged 12 to 25 years.

Planning for The Second Story youth health service is currently

underway to ensure that we are providing effective, best practice, safe,
high quality health services for all of our clients.

The planning and development process has involved extensive

consultation with staff, service partners and young people and will be
completed by June, 2011.

The aim of the service is to provide better services by improving access

for vulnerable young people to targeted comprehensive health care
services. The service also aims to encourage greater involvement of
young people in their own care and in service development which will
include strengthened partnerships with other services and the
community in general.

The 2010/2011 funding for the Inside Out project, which aims to reduce
transmission of sexually transmitted infections among same sex
attracted young men, is ongoing, and has increased in line with the
consumer price index.

The Inside Out and Evolve projects for same sex attracted and gender
questioning young people will continue to be provided and developed by
The Second Story youth health service.

As part of the service planning for The Second Story, the Inside Out and
Evolve projects will be brought in line with national best practice.

For more information

Community Health Division
Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service
295 South Terrace
Telephone: (08) 8303 1506
Email: brett.sclanders@health.sa.gov.au

© Department of Health, Government of South Australia. All rights reserved.

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