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Engineering Faculty Student Union

Faculty of Engineering,
University of Ruhuna,
Galle. Tel: (+94)912245763

From : The president, Engineering Faculty Student Union, Hapugala, Galle.

Through: Dean. Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.

To : Head of the Department, Department of Inter disciplinary studies, Faculty of

Engineering, University of Ruhuna.

Subject : Requesting sound equipments for talent show practicing.

Date : 26/05/2011

Dear Sir,

The Engineering faculty students union has organized “THAMBARAWILA” as a talent show function. It has
been decided to hold this event on 19 th June 2011 . We kindly request following sound equipments from 26 th
May to 19th June 2011 to the Art society room for practicing.

Sound equipments : 1 mixer, 2 Speakers, 2 wire microphones

We certify that to take the total responsibility of sound system for the time period mentioned above.

Please be kind enough to make necessary arrangements to issue above sound equipments.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours truly,

…………………………. ………………………………
(Liyanage B.P.) (Dr. Jayasundara N.D )

President – EFSU. Senior Treasurer-EFSU .

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