Plate Tectonic Theory Is Proved To Be Wrong by Scientist.G.Ponmudi

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Plate tectonic theory is proved to be wrong by Scientist.G.Ponmudi.

Dear Sir,

I submit to state that I have disproved the plate tectonic theory and discovered that earthquake and tsunami is caused by the
sudden rising of underground rock strata.

South America Africa India and Australian continents are believed to be moving away from the central Antarctica
continents by sea floor spreading process is proved to be wrong.

Researchers who believe that all the continents are moving also believe that new sea floor is being formed at the
Central region of the Atlantic Ocean, a process which the called sea floor spreading .

According to them new sea floor is formed in that region by upwelling magma which surfaced and cooled and
solidified and finally formed new sea floor rock. As this process continues new sea floor rocks are formed in the
central region which pushing the old sea floor rock to the side.

Therefore the sea floor is moving in opposite direction (east and west) therefore the continents of South America
and Africa which is said to be on the moving plate also moving in opposite direction(east and west).

This kind of sea floor spreading can be called as longitude spreading since all the longitude has same length. So
there is no problem in this kind of explanation.

But the researchers who believe that all the continents are moving on the surface of the earth also believe that
South America Africa India and Australian continents are moving away form the central continent of Antarctica.

and the researchers believe that the Antarctica continents is surrounded by sea floor centre where new sea floor is
formed and spreading toward the north therefore the southern continents which rest on the moving plate also
moving towards the north i.e. moving away from the central Antarctica.

But in this case unlike the longitude spreading the latitudes are having different length.

Particularly the latitude near the South Pole (smaller circumference) i.e. just around the central Antarctica is
smaller then the northern latitudes which is near the equator (bigger circumference).

Therefore if new sea floor is formed around the Antarctica (smaller circumference) as the researchers believed and
moved towards the north (bigger circumference).
Then huge gap will be formed around the central continent of Antarctica.

Therefore the newly formed sea floor can not carry huge continents and move along with huge continents as a
single plate.

Therefore this sea floor spreading model around the Antarctica is proved to be wrong as well as the notion of the
moving of the southern continents also proved to be wrong

There are reports about rising of land surface during earthquake and tsunami. Therefore the reason for the
earthquake and tsunami is sudden rising of under ground rock layers.

Hope this could help your research.


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