Petition Notice A4 Poster

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Time is running out to sign the petition

against Water Fluoridation…

Industrial-grade fluoride is due to be added to the drinking water of the
Southampton area. The consultation showed that 72% of local people were against
compulsory water fluoridation. Despite this, the Strategic Health Authority (based
outside the area in Berkshire) is determined to push the scheme through before
they are abolished in 2012. Is this fair? Is this ethical? Is this democratic? Is
Southampton willing to be both the first and last area to be used to further the pro-
fluoridation lobby?

If this makes you angry and you live, work or study in Southampton, then please
sign the petition calling on Southampton City Council to take action and have a
Full Council debate on this. Full details of how to do this below:

The e-petition is on Southampton City Council’s website:
D=5121510&HPID=5121510 or go to the website ( and
click on Your Council (bottom right hand side) and then click on Petitions and then
browse All Petitions.
Alternatively, contact Hampshire Against Fluoridation for details of how to sign
the paper version of the same petition (Tel: 02380 493776) or email

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