The Famous Bread Commercial

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The Famous Bread Commercial

Scene 1
Nar: In the house in Meadow Village, Ted and Jeffrey are watching
Ted’s latest TV commercial.

Com: Are you in need of something to eat while doing anything?

Ted: I need those everyday!

Com: Then, what you need is the new Canned Bread.

Ted: Hmm! That’s delicious! I can’t wait to show this to my friend!

Jef: It’s alright I guess. But you’re acting sucks.

Ted: Ugh, atleast I got on TV!

Scene 3

Nar: As they walked down the street. Ted And Jef Was encountered by
Ted’s Fan.

Girl: Wow, I saw you last night on a commercial. Was it a Canned Bread
Commercial? Can, I get a picture?

Ted: Sure!

Girl: Ugh, I ONLY take picture with famous people! Get out of here

Nar: The girl despise him so much. That he made Jeff fall down. Then
spit on him.

Scene 4
Nar: Jeff’s jealousy rose as people keep treating him like he’s not there.
So he made a fake Commercial.

Jef: It was on last night while you were sleeping. So I recorded it.

Com: Do you have Friends that you hate so much?

Jef: I have so much of that!

Com: Then, what you need is this Gizmo that’s named ‘I Despise My
Enemies So Much That I Want To Shrink Them But I Can’t, But I
Can Make Them Unhappy’ For An example,

Gah: Hello, I’m Jeff’s Enemy. And I’m here to approve this commercial
that is not fake.

Jef: Hello enemy. *ZAP*. Now you’re unhappy!

Ted: Ugh! That was totally fake!

Jef: No, it wasn’t!

Ted: Why can’t you just admit, that you’re never going to be in a real

Jef: Well, why can’t you just admit that you’re a gigantic idiot!?

Scene 5

Nar: As Jeff ran far away with shame. He saw a illusion of Ted saying
bad things about him. Then he met a robber that used him.

Ted: You’re never going to be in a real commercial.

Jef: Shut up!

Guy: Hey, I heard you wanted to be in a commercial

Scene 6

Nar: The Mysterious Guy asked him Jeff to steal all the china table
wear. So that he could have it all to himself. But Jeff doesn’t know

Guy: Now in this commercial, you sneak in to that house. Steal all the
china table wear. And come out without anyone noticing.

Jef: Ouh, okay!

Scene 7

Nar: After sneaking into the house. Jeff got a lot of Plates. But
something happened.

Pat: Hey! What are you doing?

Jef: Ouh, this is for a commercial. :D

Pat: Ouh, go right on ahead sir

Scene 8

Nar: the girl from before showed up. And made Jeff fell again. But
thankfully he didn’t drop the plate. But she spit on him again.

Ted: You think you’re in a real commercial? He’s only using you to get
the plate! You idiot!

Jef: Shut Up! I Hate you! And I especially hate you’re stupid Hair!

Guy: Hey, Buddy! This haircut cost me 37 dollars at the salon!

Know what! You’re fired! Ouh, yeah and you’re acting sucks!

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