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What is a “Self-Published” book?

“The key distinguishing characteristic of self-publishing is the absence of a traditional publisher. Instead,
the creator or creators fulfill this role, taking editorial control of the content, arranging for printing,
marketing the material, and often distributing it, either directly to consumers or to retailers.” (Wikipedia)

A self-published author may or, in my case, may not have sought out a traditional publisher. Some
authors write books that touch the lives of those around them, and they are encouraged to publish so that
a wider audience can experience the book. Some authors seek out traditional publishers, who for one
reason or another, pass on the book. “The Shack” is a good example of this. The author sought traditional
publishing and was turned down. He then went and sold around 4 million copies and was on The New
York Times Bestseller List, and, although now many traditional publishers want to publish his book, he
remains self-published.  As you read at the top of this page, many famous books are passed on by
traditional publishers. Traditional publishers have make mistakes many, many times. Usually a traditional
publisher will not even give you the time of day unless you are already famous.

Another reason, that deserves attention, is that the author wants editorial control of the content. Often
traditional publishers want many changes that the author just doesn’t agree to make. When you self-
publish, you can dictate the content and the flow of the story. “When working with a publisher, an author
gives up a degree of editorial control, and sometimes has little input into the design of the book, its
distribution, and its marketing.” (Wikepedia)

You will also find self-published books in many traditional retailers, such as Barnes & Noble. Many are
sold on Amazon. My books, as well as many others found here, are available as ebooks (some on
Amazon as Kindle books). You will find that some books are found in hardcover, softcover, or ebook form
on this site.

Does this mean that all self-published books are good? No. Some are of better quality than others.
However, many are written by authors that were once published by traditional publishers, and, after the
experience, decided to go the self-published route. Authors on this site fall into that category. You also
have several authors on this site whose books are award winning. Many have already been proven to be
of the highest literary quality.

Buying a self-published book doesn’t mean you are giving up quality. It may mean, instead, that you have
found a gem that many haven’t found. But you will be sure to tell your friends about! At, we give these authors a home to market their books. Their wish is that you
enjoy reading them as much as they enjoyed writing them.

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