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Adams County, WI
Strengths – Adams county is a rural area that prides itself on its low key tourist attractions. In fact, you’d
be at a loss to find any attractions located indoors. On their website they list two attractions that are
indoors, one is a house that is a little over one hundred years old and the other is a library. That being
said the outdoor attractions are numerous and seem to offer something for any outdoorsman. Whether
it’s fishing, hunting, trapping, skiing, horseback riding, canoeing, Adams county seems to have you
covered. Ever wanted to try a professional bobsled track, they’ve got one of those too. The fishing area
isn’t much to gloat about, but does offer a number of different lakes at a number of different depths
which does offer variety if you’re not fishing for an exclusive type of fish. Musky fisherman beware as
their pamphlets would mislead you into believing they do have musky in their area, which they don’t.
They have lakes that are at the proper depth for musky’s but don’t actually have any lakes that have
musky’s in them.

Weaknesses – It’s hard to know where to start, but the fact that their website looks like it was designed
by my four year old nephew is a start. The pictures are stretched without being re-formatted and the
website is shared jointly with the Adams County economic development department, which isn’t really
relevant when looking for a place to travel. On top of all this is the fact that you never really know
where Adams county is. There’s a tiny map in the right hand corner of the website but I could have
easily mistaken Adams county for about ten other counties that are in the area. My favorite part of the
website is the ‘about Adams county’ section which features ‘ancient history’ which is not something I’m
all that interested in especially when they start going into the Paleolithic ice age.

Opportunities – Their website needs work, no question about it, but in this techno-savvy age even a
website like Adams county’s isn’t beyond repair. Throw in a facebook page, some twitter memorabilia
and maybe they’re headed somewhere. A smart thing to do would be to utilize the economic
development part of the page by uploading the updates on myspace, facebook, and twitter. Then post
news stories on the Adams county web page in conjunction with the Digg website and make videos that
can be simulcast on youtube and you’ve got yourself a winner. It’s not that Adams county doesn’t have
anything to offer, it’s that if they do have anything to offer we don’t know about it and can’t know about
it because there is no accessibile means to find out about it. A quick website update from the stone age
to the bronze age could do that for them.

Threats – They’re threatened by just about everyone north of Waupun. There is no cohesive message
that can be derived from anything that Adams county has put out so there is little to distinguish it from
the rest. There are also many parts of their current websites that are misleading and could use a simple
update. The problem here is pretty simple, there is nothing that distinguishes them from any other
central or northern county in Wisconsin and as long as that’s your problem you’ve got more questions
than you do answers.

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