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Journal #2 Dailin Hernandez

Good or bad? Or both?

The cell phone gives us the ability to communicate quickly, efficiently and reliably

between two or more persons to and from remote locations. People can communicate with each
other no matter where in the world they are. Cell phones help to keep us in contact with our families
and our work. With this need for constant communication, cell phones have had a "boom" that has
invaded every country, however, every technological advance brings with it advantages and
disadvantages to the direct users, and also because, for the indirect.

With mobile phones, parents can now keep a closer watch over their children, while allowing
them the freedom that they need. There are even applications, like Family Locator, that allow parents to
track the movement of their children's phones. Through the cell
phone can communicate with friends and family although they are across the world. The address book
and contacts list on phones is our social interface. Without the phone, many of us would be quite lost in
connecting with other people. The calendar function on mobile phones can help us track our lives.
Phones can also function as radios. For some, the mobile phone also becomes a notepad. Owners also
have tended to customize phones, with their own ringtones, themes and wallpapers. We can use the cell
phone as a camera, voice recorder and video camera. Also the phone can be used to connect to any POP
or IMAP server and allow receiving and sending email. The phone can also be used to pay for purchases
like a credit or debit card. There is already a billing relationship that exists between the subscriber and
the operator, and that can be used to make payments to merchants. Mobile phones let people stay
updated on important travel details, like traffic or airport delays. Many phones also have built-in
navigation software to help people get where they are going.

We cannot deny the advantages of the cell phone in order to take advantage of the

time, but there is no doubt that many users have lost the practice of good manners when using
the phone. With the greatest audacity, when the cell phone rings, they interrupt any
conversation, only to answer. According to Reuters, (01/20/2006) "New Study Shows Cell Phones Cause
Brain Changes", There have been studies in which rats were constantly exposed to  cell phone use
developed tumors. Many people do not know when to turn off their cell phone. Personal contact and
good listening skills have become less of a commodity than availability. Another disadvantage is the
effect on
families and relationships.Today people socialize through the cell and this result gives some insulation. It
is therefore natural that some people are offended when his companion did not pay attention because
of talking or texting, which can cause anger, aggression and even violent behavior. In many places,
phones are disruptive and make the experience less enjoyable for everyone. Theaters and churches
have begun asking people to turn off their phones before entering. Cell phones in public are a nuisance
to other people. Finally and most important, cell phone use while driving. The motorist, as it
is shown that mixing alcohol with driving is dangerous, cell phone mixing with the wheel also is,
and is usually a person driving while talking on his cell phone. The next time you drive and notice that
the car ahead begins to make some strange maneuvers you will note that generally that driver is talking
on the phone. It is always necessary to use a hands free device when you're driving.

Cell phone is not only used for oral communication, written communication but also, and

even new verbal expressions are intended to diversify the existing language, and simplify it for use in
this environment. All this has been inspired by a device so small, yet so versatile. Despite
not being the most economical tool for contact, the cell phone has become a fundamental part of
everyday life of students, professionals, housewives, and a lot of people. Must know how and when to
use the phone. Having a cell phone is not bad, bad is abusing or completely dependent on it.

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