Comet Elenin Planet X Here Now

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Comet Elenin – Planet X. A Search For Clues To The Future.

Reprinted with permission from “Family Survival News.”

Preparedness News
Comet Elenin And “Planet X”
Brace Yourself.
We're following up on our previous articles in Family Survival News that said something like “get
ready for Planet X to pay a visit – like a bull in a china shop.”
We straddled the fence a bit back then, doing our best
to give you both sides of the debate, with those on the
“pro” side saying Planet X has been here before and
caused widespread earthquakes, while on the other
side, we quoted NASA as saying it was all an Internet
Then we left you to think it over, and hopefully keep
an eye on what was happening around the world in
terms of strange weather, volcanic eruptions and,
most of all, earthquakes.
But we made it clear that we felt that officialdom
(NASA in particular) was doing everything it could
to keep us ignorant of the existence of this wandering Artist's impression of Planet X trajectory through our solar system.
planet – even though it was NASA which said back
in 1983 that it had detected something they said at the time was “Planet X.”
Well, stories do change over time, and that's what NASA has done, to the extent that we're now
supposed to take their word for it that there is no such monster out there – just an innocuous
insignificant little NEO (Near Earth Object) that will pass us by over the next few months with
absolutely no effect on our planet whatsoever.
To be blunt about it, our ongoing research and monitoring of the situation tells us very clearly that
NASA (aka “Never A Straight Answer”) has been playing a double game.
They've done this by totally denying the existence of “Planet X” while at the same time making a big
feature out of a space object they have dubbed C/2010.X1 (elenin).
Our conclusion is that NASA has deliberately created confusion about this issue, at least in the minds
of most people, yet at the same time, it has been dropping clues in plain sight for those willing to
think and see for themselves.
Why would they do that?

Let's take it that they do not want to create panic among the vast numbers of people who would react in
absolute fear if they were told that “The Destroyer,” as it was known in ancient times, is back with a
vengeance and there's nothing any government can do to stop it ravaging its way through the solar
system, creating global havoc on its way by.

Instead, they deny its existence and attribute all the major earthquakes and tsunamis, the shifting of the
earth on its axis by a few inches during the Chile earthquake, the movement of the South Island of New
Zealand eight inches closer to Australia during another earthquake, and the subsidence of Japan by as
much as 20 meters to “Natural Causes.”

This placates the majority, keeps most of us ignorant, and allows the world to go on playing war
games and watching propaganda and political theater on television as if everything is quite

But it isn't. And some people at NASA do know the full story, which is why, if you dig deep enough,
you'll be able to separate the truth from the BS, or at least be able to see a slightly different picture or
vision of the future once you fight your way through the smoke and mirrors to find that they've actually
been taking this “comet” very seriously indeed.

To illustrate what we see as the smoke and mirrors aspect, let's look at a post on the Internet by a
NASA mouthpiece who is styled as an astrobiologist who answers people's questions. In doing so, go
along with us in our awareness that there is a lot of deliberate deception out there, and there is no way
of being absolutely certain that any individual is being completely truthful. Remember too that the art
of deception is to mix truth and falsehoods together, or to bamboozle your reader with semi-truths and
red herrings that seem on the surface to be straight talk, but on analysis have major but subtle flaws.

On one of many sites that you'll find pondering what's up with this Comet Elenin, you'll find this one
on which “Ask An Astrobiologist” says this (starting with a comprehensive question that he may well
have written himself).

Question: So what the deal with comet elenin, there does not seem to be too much credible
information. Everyone seems to be freaking out about it, but no one even knows how big it is.
Does this comet pose a threat and what is its size and nature? AND I have read about comet
Elenin and how some nasa people want to keep it a secret. what are the chances of it coming to
earth and what threat does it bring with it, and has this comet got anything to do with 2012 hoax?
AND Elinin is only .117 au from earth on mar 11,2011. From march 8 to mar 15, 2011, what are
the chances that Elinin either impacts us, or gets close enough to cause a major catastrophy.
Please be honest.
(Note that this “question” was written and answered on March 1 2011. It is crafted in such a way that it provides a perfect
opportunity for the astrobiologist to cover several points that are made in the “question” which includes “hot” or fear-
generating words such as “freaking out,” “threat,” “2012 hoax” “major catastrophe,” and that final call to trust the reply by
using the words “please be honest.” It's a perfect set-up for molding gullible public opinion).
Here's the answer, in abbreviated form.
“I have been receiving many questions about Comet Elenin. Many of them refer to the outrageous lies
on some conspiracy theory websites, which are amplified by people who seem to think this comet is
highly unusual. It is not unusual, and it is not a threat to Earth.

“Part of the Internet chatter concerns its size. Comets are exceedingly small and enveloped in a tenuous
cloud of gas and dust, so the only way to be sure of their actual dimensions is to visit with a spacecraft.
Half a dozen comets have been the target of spacecraft missions, and all of them (even Comet Halley)
are less than 10 km in diameter. There is no reason to think Elenin is any different.

(NB: If you're an astute person who can read between the lies (lines) you'll be asking how NASA can assume there is “no
difference” between this comet and others, when it has NOT sent a space craft to check it out. But a gullible person would
accept this sleight of hand as fact, which is what the writer goes on to claim it is).

“In spite of these simple facts, some websites (such as godlikeproductions) are making wild claims that
Elenin will hit the Earth, or disturb our orbit, or cause tides, or interact with our magnetic field. Such
claims are pure fiction.

“One of the worst examples is a video that someone posted on the NASAbuzzroom website that claims
that the magnetic field of the comet will cause a large shift in the rotation axis of the Earth and produce
mega-earthquakes on March 15, 2011. It is hard to imagine anyone would take this seriously...”

David Morrison
Astrobiology Senior Scientist
March 1, 2011

Again, note the date this was written by this NASA “expert.” March 1 this year.

And then recall that within a matter of months after Christchurch New Zealand was hit by a major
'quake and thousands of aftershocks, Japan slumped 20 meters, lost thousands of people, got hit by a
tsunami, and is now battling the lethal radiation from several damaged nuclear reactors – because there
was an unprecedented 9.0M earthquake right on its coast on March 11....very close to that March 15
date that was predicted by some who are convinced this is Planet X – not just a bunch of ice and dust.

Are we connecting dots yet? And are we separating truth dots from false dots? Or are we just feeling
uncomfortable, with a twinge of fear or apprehension tugging at our abs?

NASA claims that “Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) is a long-period comet discovered by Russian
astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010 at the International Scientific Optical Network‘s
robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico, U.S.A.

“C/2010 X1 will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 10 September 2011 at a distance
of 0.4824 AU.[3] On 16 October 2011, the comet will pass within about 0.23 AU (34,000,000 km;
21,000,000 mi) of the Earth at a relative velocity of 86,000 km/hr.”

The next question is, if they're so convinced that this “comet” is no threat to Earth, why would
NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory go to such lengths to show those of us who care to do
the searching, that it is going to be with us, day in and day out, for many months to come?

And during its trip through our planetary system, it is going to follow a trajectory that will have it pass
right through our spinning planets as they constantly change their relationship to each other, and the

Why would they give us a perfect illustration of how close it will get to Earth, if it is going to have no
effect on us at all? Again – how about there is one story for the gullible, and another raft of clues
available to the sensible? Sensible being people who think for themselves, and NASA/JPL is letting
you know that there's much more to this story than meets the eye – or than they are willing or able to
say openly. They may even be hoping that you will see through the BS.

We say there is a relationship between the presence of Comet Elenin (Planet X), and the increase in earthquake and volcanic
activity down here. Looking ahead - how much more can we expect in the way of disasters in coming months? And are we ready?

What a person is prepared to accept as truth varies from one individual to another. Therefore, we don't
expect you to accept the way we interpret this issue as “the truth” - for you. But it might be very close.
However, that fear and apprehension we mentioned, has to be considered. It has a way of shutting
down our minds, or instantly putting us into denial mode. That's exactly what you see happening with
those you try and talk to about preparedness and survival planning. They'll likely scoff or laugh it off as
if you're some sort of nutter because you think it's a good idea to have your own independent supplies
of water and food and medical kits – because you know that without them, when the fit hits the shan
you can either be part of the problem – or you already have the solution.

On the other hand, the implications of this “comet” actually being Planet X are pretty hard to get
your head around. Which is why the naysayers, many of whom are paid to do so, are saying....
“For instance, Discovery Science says that (its) trajectory places it at about 21 million miles from Earth (more than
80 times farther away than the moon) at it’s closest pass and considering the minuscule size of the object it will have
the equivalent effect on earth as a mosquito would if it hit head on with a ocean cruiser. In case you didn’t catch that,
it won’t have ANY effect on Earth. It’s not going to slam into us, it’s not Nibiru, it’s not inhabited, it’s not the
fulfillment of a Mayan prophecy, none of that. Even the closest fly-by’s of other comets haven’t created natural
disasters historically and this one will be much farther away than many have been.”

Doesn't that make you feel better? Whoever that writer is, he's obviously up with the play on cosmic
events, and he can say categorically that NOTHING untoward is going to happen while Comet Elenin
traverses our solar system and flies by earth.

He probably also believes there is no connection between the gravity tugging and pulling between the
earth and the moon and the sun and the planets.

Hopefully, you're smarter than that. Smart enough to remember that the NASA astrobiologist
who said there would be nothing untoward happening on Earth around March 15, was proven
absolutely wrong. So on a planet riddled with fault lines, what's next?

The Ring of Fire continues to be very active, and this USGS map shows us that the US West Coast is
definitely under stress. Obviously, the tectonic plates are constantly in motion, and stresses are on the
Have you noticed that there's a Magnitude 6.0 'quake almost every day now? Do you recall us
saying we expect another Big One to hit Japan?

Now that we have found a well-hidden JPL animation of the course this comet/planet is on, we could
go so far as to say it is likely to happen next September, when Comet X (Elenin) is much closer than it
has been so far. There might also be some really major earthquakes in June.

And when you look at this animated applet (above - java required, and you may have to click on the
“show/hide orbital diagram” link when you get there) that JPL has hidden on its web site, you'll have to
be asking yourself, when you study the position of the planets in relation to this “comet,” just what
might happen in mid June, and then in August and September through to October as this little ball of
“ice and dust” makes its closest approach to Terra. Play with it. Replay it. Learn from it.
It's a remarkable animation really, because you can clearly see how this comet/planet will sail through
our solar system. You'll see how the earth was hanging out by itself in space on March 11, open to a
long-distance interaction that we say (advisedly) is the real cause of recent volcanic activity and high-
magnitude earthquakes.

But we're not prophets. We’re common sense folk who have figured out that Nature does things that
scientists are still learning about – or denying.

Yet we are thankful to science, and to those in NASA who hid these clues in plain sight.

Click here to watch the animated Java applet of the Elenin orbit

And here to read NASA's explanation of it as a comet.

And...a late entry....Japanese superquake moved ocean floor 79 feet sideways and 10 feet up - and
new data shows region is under more strain. (Which FSN foresaw, very clearly, in previous
PS: Before we went to press, so to speak, we also received the following email.

Hello All..

I do not normally send out these type of emails but it is important for you to know what potential
lays ahead of us this year.

There is a comet heading for a very close fly-by earth, each time it has aligned with the earth and sun
over the last 18 months it has caused massive earthquakes and that's before its in our system of planets.

NASA have released a trajectory model for the comet and its pattern of flight please take the time to
see it here:
%2F2010%20X1;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#orb (the comet is on the BLUE line, the date is on the
bottom right of the screen, you will have to learn how to control the forward and backward functions)

The important date regions are: (approximate, as the comet gets closer the trajectories get more

 June 15th (comet enters our system)

 August 23rd
 September 23rd (rough)
 October 17th (crisis point very large gravitational effects on the sun and earth)
 November 5th (crossing the tail of the comet, much debris)
Please understand that the effects on Japan and Christchurch when the planets aligned with this comet
were when it was still so far away. This year that same comet comes in between the sun and us here on
earth at a very close range with potentially devastating consequences.
NASA and other agencies are now putting the information out in the fringe media and on their own
sites, do not expect to see all about this in your main stream media sources because that may cause a
Prepare for the following, huge solar flares which stop all electrical devices, no deliveries of food
to your local shops, no water coming out of the taps, the Earth may well take large tumbles and
rolling around to deal with the changes in gravity. Put up enough food, water, hand tools, seeds
etc to ride these changes should they occur and if possible do as nature and get underground if
this triggers the catastrophic changes.

Remember, its better to have knowledge, remove disabling fear, prepare before panic sets in and not
have to use your supplies because it did not happen, rather than have to prepare when everyone is doing
the same.

Read this however you will and know that it simply comes from Love and please pass this email onto
all of your friends and family..


Here are 2 great videos from You Tube:

Look for the words ‘Orbit – Elenin. ‘;orb=1;cov=);log=0;cad=1#orb
YouTube - Comet Elenin - Path and Information - Oct. 2011 - It will be Upon Earth

YouTube - Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) Orbit Illustration
I know I have heard much about the Mayan Calendar and 2012. What IF, the Mayan calendar
was off by a year. Calendars have been known to change such as the Julian Calendar to the
Gregorian Calendar. What if this year is 2012??? It is something to think about. Nothing is set in
concrete except a sidewalk, and then it can crack.

World Watch

Iceland Volcano Erupts

Grimsvoetn, Iceland’s most active volcano at the heart of its biggest glacier, began erupting late on
Saturday, sending a plume of smoke and ash 12miles high.
So much ash was blasted into the sky that it blocked out the sun and covered nearby villages and farms.
Ash could reach northern Scotland by Tuesday and parts of Britain, France and Spain by Thursday or
Friday if the eruption continues at the same rate, airlines were warned on Sunday.
“Mega-float” For Radioactive Water
A huge floating structure to hold radioactive water has been berthed at the quay of Japan's disaster-hit
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Meanwhile, a water leak from the crippled nuclear power station earlier this month resulted in about
100 times the permitted level of radioactive material flowing into the sea.

Officials say floodwaters to linger into June

The Army Corps of Engineers and local officials are warning Vicksburg residents that they should not
think that Thursday's expected crest of the Mississippi River means the end of the flood. They could
still be walking in water into June.

Please note that The Portland Preparedness Center obtains much of the information used in our classes, presentations,
and newsletters from articles, both public media and non-public sources.

We provide this information about things going on around the world and within the USA from sources that are
considered reliable. However please understand that it is sometimes impossible to provide detailed sources for much
of this information. We suggest you check it out for yourself before making any decisions

All books, video tapes, articles, and comments are for educational purposes only. The Portland Preparedness Center
shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this information. The contents of this newsletter, web page or web site
have not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing reported in this web page, newsletter or site is intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Family Survival News is published by The Survival Center

Preparedness News is published by The Portland Preparedness Center


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