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aT The Best There Is. OWNER'S MANUAL Carefully read this entire manual before using your new Browning firearm. BT-1OO ssecessun rae sxrain NEW GUN OWNERS RECORD eS KEEP THIS RECORD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Browning Model Serial Number Gauge / Caliber Purchase Price Purchased From Date of Purchase Thank you for choosing a Browning BT-100 shotgun. ‘The BT-100 provides you with every advantage you need to shoot and score beter at the sport of trapshooring. An easily removable and adjusable rigger group, high post rib, sleek forearm and optionsl adjustable stock ensure the highest level of shooting performance. Features like the patented Ejector Selecor™ give you high degree of convenience. From the way the BT-100 fis snug against your cheek, to the clan, crisp tigger and nacaral ability to break clays — the BT-100 spells perfor- mance. Read this manual crefilly to gain the mos: from your new BT-100. With reasonable amount of care, your BT-100 should give you many years of dependable, enjoyable shooting Please fel free to write us immediately ifyou have any cbservations regarding its performance and operation. A prownnG One Browning Place, Morgan, Utah 84050-9326 Distributed in Canada by Browming Canada Sports idle, St-Laurent, Quebec HAS 16 Printed in USA. KP950600/95007 BT-100 SINGLE BARREL TRAP SHOTGUN You Are Responsible For Firearms Safety Asa gun owner, you accept set of demanding responsibil How seriously you take these responsbilies can mean the difference beoween lifeand death, Failure to follow any of these instructions can cause extensive damage to your gun and/or posible serious injury or death to yourself and others THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CARELESS OR ABUSIVE HANDLING OF ANY FIREARM. AT ALL TIMES HANDLE ANY FIREARM WITH INTENSE RESPECT FOR ITS POWER AND POTENTIAL DANGER. READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE CAUTIONS AND PROPER HANDLING PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN THIS BOOKLET BEFORE USING YOUR NEW FIREARM. 1 ALWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE OF ANY FIREARM POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION. Do this even though you are certain iti unloaded. Never point any firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot, Beexcremey alert and aware ofall personsard property within the range of your ammunition. 2 CAUTION: THE BT-100 SHOTGUN HAS NO MANUAL SAFETY. Anrap shooter does not load his or her gun unc moments before a bird is called fo. Fortis reason, and because trapshooting demands intense concentration on shooting technique, no manual safety is provided on your BT-100, There is then no chance for los bird by reason ofthe safery being inadvertently left “on safe.” LOAD YOUR BT-100 TRAP GUN ONLY WHEN SHOOTING IS IMMINENT. ONCE LOADED, THIS GUN IS READY TO FIRE AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED AS SUCH. NEVER TEST THE MECHANISM OF ANY FIREARM WHILE IT IS LOADED OR POINTED IN AN UNSAFE DIRECTION. 3 WHENEVER YOU HANDLE ANY FIREARM, OR HANDIT TO SOMEONE, MAKE SURE ITIS COMPLETELY UNLOADED. Always open the action immediatly, and visually check the chamber. Meke certain thatthe chamber does not inadvertently contain any ammunition, Always keep the chamber empty and che safer in the “on safe” position where applicable) unless shootings imminent. DO NOT TRANSPORT ANY FIREARM LOADED. Keep al firearms unleaded during transport, whether stored in a holster, gun case, scabbard or other container. BEWARE OF BARREL OBSTRUCTIONS. Do this frche fey of bath your gun ard yoursel Mad, snow, and an infnie varity of ether objects may inadvercently lodge ina barrd bore. I takes only one small obstruction to cause dangerously increased pressures tha can ruin (swell or rupture) he finest barr, BEFORE CHECKING FOR A BARREL OBSTRUCTION, BE CERTAIN YOUR FIREARM IS FULLY UNLOADED. Make sure no live round is in the charaber by breaking cpen the action. Look through the barrel to be sure iis clear of any obstruction IFan obstruction i sen, no ‘matter how small it may te, clean the bore with a deening rod and patch as described later in this manual. Before the fis firing, clean che bore with a cleaning rod and gatch, and wipe away any ant-rust compounds in the action/chamber area. ALWAYS COMPLETELY UNLOAD ALL FIREARMS WHEN NOTIN USE. Asa safery precaution, itis preferable co disassemble your gun for storage, Your responsbliies do not end ‘when your firearm is unattended. Store your firearm and ammunition separately and well beyond the reach of children, Take all safeguards co ensure that any firearm does not become available to untrained, inexperienced or unwelcome hands. USE THE PROPER AMMUNITION. ‘The barrel and action of all Browning firearms have been made with substantial safety margins over the pressures developed by established American commercial loads. Nevertheless, Browning assumes no liability fr incidents which occur through the use of cartridges of nonstan- dard dimensions which develop pressures in exoess of commercially available ammunition which has been locded in accordance with standards established by the Sporting Armsand Ammunition Manufactures’ Institute (GAAMD. BE ALERT TO THE SIGNS OF AMMUNITION MALFUNCTION. IF YOU DETECT AN OFF SOUND OR LIGHT RECOIL WHEN A SHELL IS FIRED, DO NOT LOAD ANOTHER SHELL INTO THE CHAMBER, Open the action and remove the shel from the chamber. With the action open, glance down the barr to make sure that a wad or other abstruction doesnot remain in the barrel. Completely clear the barel before loading and fring agzin. Failure to follow these instructions can cause extensive damage to your gun and possible serious injury to yourself and other. 8 MAKE SURE OF ADEQUATE VENTILATION IN THE AREA THAT YOU DISCHARGE A FIREARM. WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER EXPOSURE TO AMMUNITION OR CLEANING A FIREARM. Lead exposure can be obtained from discharging firearms in poorly venelaed areas, deaning fircarms or tandling ammunition. Lead isa sutstance that has been Irnown to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and ther serious injary. 9 NEVERINSERT A SHELL OF THE INCORRECT GAUGE IN ANY SHOTGUN. “The gauge of your shorgua is marked on the side of thebarrl. Storeal shel of dffeene gauges in completely separate and well-marked containers. Never score shells of mixed gauges in a common container or in your pockets EXAMINE EVERY SHELL YOU PUTIN YOUR GUN. NEVER PUT A 20 GAUGE SHELL IN A 12 GAUGE GUN. “The mos cerain way to bulge or rupture a shotgun bar- relis to drop 20 gauge shell into a 12 gauge chamber. ‘The 20 gauge stell, unforcunately, will noc all com- pletely chrough the barrel; its ri is caught by the front ofa 12 gauge chamber. Your gun will misfire (withthe chamber appearing tobe empty), Ieis then possible ro Toad a 12 gauge shell behind the 20 gauge shel. Ifthe 12 gauge shell is chen. ied, the result willbe a so-called “12-20 burst” which can cause extensive damage to your gun and possible serious injury to you and others. 10 USE SHELLS OF THE CORRECT LENGTH. Do not use 3-1/2” shotgun shells ina shotgun or barrel with a 2-3/4” chamber or 3” chamber. Do not use 3” shells ina shorgan chambered for a 2-3/4 shells, Doing so can result ina build-up of dangerously high pressures that may damage your gun and possibly cause serious injury to yourself or others. “The size of the chamber is inscribed, along with gauge and choke designations, onthe side ofthe barrel. 11 DONOT SNAP THE FIRING PIN ON AN EMPTY CHAMBER — THE CHAMBER MAY NOT BE EMPTY! “Treat every gun with che respect duc a loaded gun, even though you are certain the gun is unloaded 12 KEEP YOUR FINGERS AWAY FROM THE TRIGGER WHILE UNLOADING AND LOADING, UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO SHOOT. 13 BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET AND BACKSTOP. Particularly during low light periods. Know the range of yourammunition. Never shoot at water or hard objects. 14 ALWAYS UNLOAD THE CHAMBER OF ANY FIREARM BEFORE CROSSING A FENCE, CLIMB- ING A TREE, JUMPING A DITCH OR NEGOTIATING OTHER OBSTACLES. Never lan or plce any loaded firearm on o against fence, ree, af, or other similar object. 15 WEAR EYE AND EAR PROTECTION WHEN SHOOTING. Unprotected repeated exposure ro gunfire can cause hearing damage. Wear ear protectors (shooting car plugs or muffs) to guard aginst such damage. Wear shooting lasses 0 protect your eyes from flying pacicles. Always keep a safe distance between the muzzle of your firearm and any persons nearby, as muzzle blast, debris and cjecting shells could inflict serious injury. Also, wear ye protection when disassembling and cleaning all firearms to prevent the possibility of springs, spring- tensioned pars solvents or other agents from contacting your eyes. 16 DROPPING A LOADED GUN CAN CAUSE AN ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. This can occuc even with 2 ficarm’s “safety” in the “on safe” positon (remember, your BT-100 has no manual safey). Be extrcracy careful while huncing or during any shooving zctivity, ro avoid dropping any firearm, 17 IF ANY FIREARM FAILS TO FIRE, KEEP THE MUZZLE POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION, Hold this positon for a minimum of 30 seconds Carflly open the acon and remove the hell or cartridge, Ifthe primer is indented, the cartridge should be disposed of in away that cannot cause har. IF the primers not indented, your firearm should be examined by a qualified punsmith and the cause ofthe ralfurction should be concted before further use. 18 BE DEFENSIVE AND ON GUARD AGAINST UNSAFE GUN HANDLING AROUND YOU AND OTHERS. Don’t be timid when it comes to gun safery. Ifyou observe other shooters violating any of these salety precautions, politely sugges safer handling practices. 19 BE CERTAIN ANY FIREARM IS UNLOADED BEFORE CLEANING, Because so many gun accidents cccarwhen afiearm is being cleaned, special and extreme care should be taken to besure your gun is unloaded before disassembly, dleaning and reassembly. Kecp ammunition away from the cleaning location. Never test the mechanical function of any fircarm with live ammunition. 20 SUPERVISE AND TEACH FIREARMS SAFETY TO ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY — ESPECIALLY TO CHILDREN AND NONSHOOTERS, Closely supervise newcomers to the shooting sports. Encourage enrollment in hunting/shooting safety courses, 21 NEVER DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR TAKE ANY TYPE OF DRUGS BEFORE OR DURING SHOOTING. Your vision and judgment could be dangerously impaired, making your gun handling unsafe ro you and tw others. 22 PERFORM PERIODIC MAINTENANCE. AVOID UNAUTHORIZED SERVICING. Your new firearm isa mechanical device which will not lac forever, and as such, is subject to wear and requires petiodic inspection, adjustment, and service. Browning firearms should be serviced by a Browning Recommended Service Center or by Browning's service fadlity in Amold, Missouri. Browning cannot essume any responsibil for injures suffered or cused by unauthorized servicing, alterations or modifications of Browning firearms, 23 BROWNING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ‘SERVICE ON FIREARMS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED, ADDED TO OR SUBSTANTIALLY CHANGED. Removal of metal from bartel(), o: modification ofthe firing mechanism andfor operating part may kad to Browning's refusal of service on such firearms, Browning will charge the owner for pars and labor to return the fitearm to original Browning specifications. Read and heed all warnings in this instruction book, on ammurition boxes and with all accesories that you install on yourfircarm, Iris your responsibilty to secure the most up- to-date information on the safe handling procedures for your Browning gun, Browning assumes no lability for incidents which occur when unsafe or improper gun accessories or ammurition combinations are used DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ALTER THE TRIGGER OR OTHER PARTS OF THE FIRING MECHANISM OF THIS OR ANY OTHER FIREARM. FAILURE TO OBEY THIS WARNING MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS. BE CAREFUL! Figure 1 Recoil Pad Receiver Rib Barrel Ports (optional) “Trigger Heel Buttstock Nomenclature Forearm Barrel 4 Muzzle Ammunition In conventional gun terminology, the position and move- ment of gun parts are described as they occur with the gun horizontal and in norma firing position; ie. the muzzle is forward or frong bute stock is rearward or rear; ciggeris dowmvard or underneath; the rb is upward or on top. For general pars nomencature refer to Figure 1, For specific parts names dated to disassembly se Figure 2. Serial Number The serial number of your BT-100 can be found on the top tang under the top lever. Record this number for furure reference, Figure 2 AILBT-100 Models are cksigned to shoot and function with 2.3/4” 12 gaage tap loads only. Browning can assume no responsibility for incidents which occur through the use of cartridges of nonstandard dimension or dose developing pressures in excess of industry standards establiched by the Sporting Armsand Ammunition Manufactures’ Institute (SAAMD). CAUTION: DO NOT USE 3” OR 3 1/2” SHOTGUN SHELLS IN ANY SHOTGUN OR BARREL WITHA 23/4” CHAMBER, THE SIZE OF THE CHAMBER IS INSCRIBED ALONG WITH GAUGE AND CHOKE DESIGNATION, ON THE SIDE OF THE BARREL. - : e Barrel lug Takedown Lever, Hinge pin Forearm . Takedown bracket lever latch Trigger Group Various posed mata pers of your new BT-100 have been coated at the factory with a rust preventative compound. Before assembling your BT-100, clean che ant-rust compound from the inside ofthe bare and chamber, and generally wipe clean the metal surfices a the rear of the forearm, on the barel lug andthe interior areas ofthe receiver s well as any other parts coated with his com pound. Browning Oils ideal for wiping and cleaning these parcsand for giving your gun its fist lubrication (Clean che barrel using a cleaning red and patch as explained under “Cleaning Suggestions.” Read this entie manual before performing the frst cleaning, to learn necessary information on breaking open the action, ete. Assembly Procedures BEFORE BEGINNING THE ASSEMBLY PROCESS, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS NO SHELL IN THE CHAMBER, 1 After wiping che mechanism clean place one or wo érops ofa quality oi, ike Browning Oil, onthe follow ing surfaces (See Figures 3, 4 and 5): Figure 3: The forearm bracket. Figure 4 Bartel lug, hinge pin bearing surface, gjector, ejector extension and bare lat Figure 5: Hinge pin, cocking lever and locking bok. Figure 4 Hinge pin ee eis 2 E Figure 6 To attach the bauer the action, grasp the tacks pistol grip with your right hand and anchor the burt stock Between your right Forcarm and right side. With the thumb of your right hand, move te top lever sideways to the exteme right (Figure 6). ret 3 Grasping the barrel inthe lft hand, engage the barel lug’ circular recess with the acton’s hinge pin (Gee Figure 7) Keeping pressure on the barrel to keep che hinge pin aligned in the barrel lugs circular recess, rotate the barel upward, fully dosing theaction (ee Figure 8). 4) Release the top lever It should snap back to its central position Figure 7 5. Plice the burt ofthe gun's stock against your upper keg co support it. Engage the rear portion of the forearm (forearm bracket) with the action (See Figure 9). 6 Pivot the forearm up tothe bare ightly. This will cause the akedovn lever larch co engage onto the barrel. Te may be necessary to depress the takedown lever latch. Ieshould be flush with the wood on the underside of che forearm. The forearm and larch can be installed in Figure 10 Figure & cone motion by positioning the forearm as shown and tapping the forearms widest pare sharply toward the barrel with the heel of your kand (See Figure 10), The takedown lever ach should then auromstically lode into position. CAUTION — WHEN ASSEMBLING YOUR BT-100 D0 NOT USE UNDUE FORCE IN CLOSING THE ACTION. IF theaction and barrel are not property aligned, undue force will only cause chem to grind together and score or mar the finely ited surface, If there appears to be interference, start over at Step 2, being careful ro marc and align the bare hig and the rcciver hinge pin properly. Disassembly Procedures issembling your BT-100 into two parts — the action/buustock and the barrd/forearm — is ideal for storage ot for cleaning and maintenance. BEFORE BEGINNING ANY DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS NOTA SHELL IN THE CHAMBER. 1 With the action dosed, anchor the butstock against your upper leg and pull che takedown lever ltch ouward. 2 Atthe same time, pivot the forearm avvay from the barrel (See Figure 11). Set the forearm aside. 3 Break open the action in the usual manner Figure 11 4 Carefully disengage the barrel lug from the hinge pin and lif the barel upward our of theaction. 5. Reattach the forearm to the barre as explained previously, except with the barrels separated from the receiver. This an ideal and safe way to store your shoigun —in two separate pices No Manual Safety CAUTION: REMEMBER, THE BT-100 SHOTGUN HAS NO MANUAL SAFETY. THE BT-100 IS DESIGNED ‘SOLELY FOR TRAP SHOOTING. A tap shooter does not load his or her gun until moments before bird is called for. For this reason, and because trapshooting demands intense concentration on shooting technique, no manual sfery is provided. There i thea ro chance fora los bird by reason of the safety being inadvertendy let “on safe.” LOAD YOUR BT-100 TRAP GUN ONLY WHEN SHOOTING IS IMMINENT. ONCE LOADED, THIS GUN 1S READY TO FIRE AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED AS SUCH. Always keep the muzzle of your shotgun pointed down range at al times when on the shooting lin. When leaving or mov- ing along the line always open the action, Never have the action of your BT-100 closed except when you are on the lin, realy to shoot, when your gun is cased, or when it is st in a gun rackat the range. When you rerieve your gun from its case or froma gun rack, always immediatly open the action and check to assure that no shells in te chamber. ALWAYS KEEP THE MUZZLE OF YOUR BT-100 POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS. General Operating Procedures Highly skilled techniques of hand-fitting and polishing have been used toaccomplish the hairline fitting of metal pats on this gun, These painstaking operations are necessary to prevent looseness, even afte long use. You may consider your new gun tobe slightly stiff. This close fing, however, assures you of long lasting cependabilcy. OPERATION OF THE TOP LEVER — ‘The top lever operates the locking bolt, which is very closely hand-fittd tits barrel lugs. Provision is made for the gradual wear of locking surfaces by allowing slight excess of metal, This exacting metal allowance keeps the breech of the gum tight for many years. Upon closing your gun, let the tp lever snap into position = do not retard its action with your thumb. If closed in this manner, the top lever spring will ecurn the top lever mecha- nism to the locked position, [eis not necesary thac the top ever return to a completely central postion; in fact, it usally will nc do so in a new gun, Many experienced shooters caltivare the habit of lightly pushing the top lever to the lft afier the gun is closed, It becomes automatic and isa quick method of assuring yourself thc forcign matter has not inrerfered with the complete closure ofthe breech. ‘The breech is so tightly hane/-fced thas foreign mater, sand, etc. may prohibit complete closing. IF THE BREECH WILL NOT CLOSE COMPLETELY, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO FIRE. Browning BT-100 Parts List BT-100 Shorgun ony. Important When ordering pars lis part number, part name, gauge and sal number. “Thispussrefes othe Bev Feel free tose our roll free EAX number for pans erders: 1-800-817-4755. Part. _vesepton Poe@12" Concer B10 POSS ConeectrPaBT-10 Pomme’ Contec Seng I-00 om PORGDIS' Contec Sing BT-4C0 Son PORDIE' Conc Sin Pi BT-100 Poserad’ ecorE-93, BT Max &BTI00 Posen’ ctr Eteon B70) PORES jaca HammerSping BT. BT:100 Pouar48 ec HarnerSping Guide T-988 37-00 Possiat fect Harner Sping Guide Bale T-100 Posarse" cur SearBT296 87-100 POSGTS! Gecbr SearPnBT398 87-10) Oma ctr SearPinSping BT-9 887-100 PosarS8 Bec Sear Pn Sping Fewer Br88ST-100 pet Sedo Bod BT-400 oua030 Rec Seledor Push Buiter BT106 PORGIS2 ec Ser Sra BT-100 PORES ect Seledor Sprig Pinger 37-00 POSES. ter Seer Spring Fetating Seow 87-00 93728 Ete Sop Sern BT & B00 PORE er Tip Rod T-10 PORITS' Feeam&BT100 PoogTHO Fecam 813790 8BT 10 Poeaas Fem Bot ESofcheen BT 4 8-10) POLE Fear eat B00 PORE Fecam adel Sess 710) PORUTBT Fear Screw BF 8 B10 POSE" FrngPinBT100 PCQOH7 FingPinGetPinB-I00 O29. FingPin ping BT-100 PORSO" Harmer 8-00 POSSE" Harner ie 100 POR3S3. Hamner ie: Pr BT-00 PORS4 Hamner LAB Roo BT-00 PCSGEE Hamner Lite Rie in BT100 PORSIST" Henne ites Rte BT-100 FORKS. Hurmertite Rest ScewBT100 PORSt60 Harner ter Spng8:100 PartNo__Desorption Posao6s Henrer Fin 7-00 PORE ont in BT-9 8 100 POR" Jont Fn Rearing Soen B29 8-10) PORE" Lexy Bt F100 PORGOTO" Leng Bt Pr BT-10 PORGO" Lover Coenedtr Sing FolowerBT:100 POLGOTA MsnsiegBT-A0n POKGO0OMainsping Gide BT-100 POLO Mainying Guide Resi 87-100 OHS" Pash FodBT-I00 POs Push RodRething cre 8100 POtGa" Sear BT-100 POHHO" Sear Seg BT-CO PORoNe" Sear Sprrg Foner 7-100 POKORS" Suck Compete Ausable B-100 POHON8" Suck Verte Cate BT-100 POXGI00" Suck Thunbole 100, POINTS Stuck Ad. Sti Sen Cio Sporing Clas 8 BT-0 POGI22" Stack Base & Cesk Poe Ay. BT-100 POKRseS Stok Bot $0 BBT100 POSED Six Bot Loc washer B88, Tee Max&ET-10 POSGBET Stk Bot NasherBT.994 81-10) PO%2690" Ta Down Lower BT. 887-100 OSQ622" Te Down Lever Staless 87998 ET-10) P0223" Tale Dom Leer Bracket As 81998 87-10) PO%3027" Tale Down Lover Bracket cy. Sais BT.29 aer-400| POSEY. Tale Own Lever Bake Sew 100 PO! Tale DmnLeverBacet Screw Searles BT-99& T-100 PONE Tale DownLovr Pin 67.99 887100 POS Tale DnLerer Sing 9883-100, POS9I5 Te DownLeve ping Screw BT-998ET-100 POS0O1* Tapered Fateg Rb 2 E7100 POs" Tapered Fata Ro" E100 POE Top Lover BT-100 POIBH2 Top Lover Stee 81-100 PORT Top Leer Retane BT-100, FortN_escigion FOBHS TopLeerReléerSaewT00 FOSD143 TopLee Spin T-100 FOSSIS0" TopLeeTipBT-100 FOSSIL” Topewr Tipit 8-40) FOSS TopLewrTipSpngT-00 FOSSIGD TiagerBT400 FOSS? Tiger. FOSSI6S TiagerBlck SoregB-100 FOIE TigerGua BT-00 FOSSI72 Tiger Gud Sts BT-400 FOSSITA TegerGuz PnBT-100 FOssITs TmerPlae B10 FORDE Tggtelae SaineeeBT-400 FOXTEL Tiger Este yr B1-00 FORGI8S Tigers Esc Song SoowBT100 Fomor TiggePie UeT00 OSDIR" Tiger Rese ut T-100 FORGI9N Tegel Poles Set So T-00 FORD Tegel Rlese Spring T-100 Poga198. Toner Pu A. Seren BT:100, 088200. Tigger Sep Sew BT-100 POSGOS UperCeneco Sing Flower BT-100 POGTi42 CropStop Se BT-100Ci Spacing Cys POGDRGH Sock Ad, Nut B10, E40 Ps 6 Cio Ph POSSESS Soot Ad. Pte 8-00, 8700 Pus & Choi Ps POGGSL Sick Ad. Pte Sot crew T1029 Fs, GioPis,& Cis Spring Cay ‘oc Ag. Set Se B10, BT, 8 (Con A edo POsGiS2 SockAd Std ET-100, BF-99 is & Cae Fs Poessst “inate part rust be fit your hop or aqualfedcunemih,“*Indates part must be ited by Brin’ senice ain Amol, Missouri, + Partmay bo purchased enly by holes ol curert vail Federa roams License. Browning BT-100 Single Barrel Trap Shotgun aguideroasemble gus, ‘CAUTION: BROWNING PARTS ARE MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR BROWNING GUNS AND ARE NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN OTHER GUNS EVEN THOUGH MODELS MAY BE SIMILAR, INADEQUATELY FITTED PARTS MAY BE DANGEROUS, Break the gun and unload it, Carefully examine the breech surfaces, and eraore the foreign macter, Remember to always keep the polished breech surfces clean and lightly oiled. LOADING — CAUTION: REMEMBER, THE BT-100 SHOTGUN HAS NO MANUAL SAFETY. LOAD YOUR BT-100 TRAP GUN ONLY WHEN SHOOTING IS IMMINENT. ONCE LOADED, THIS GUN IS READY TO FIRE AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED AS SUCH, AT ALL TIMES DURING THE LOADING AND UNLOADING PROCEDURES BE ‘SURE YOUR MUZZLE IS POINTING DOWN RANGE, IN A SAFE DIRECTION. 1 Break the action as explained above. 2 Insert shell lly imo the chamber. 3 Close theaction by pulling up on the forearm. The lever will snap back to center when properly closed. Remember, keep your finger away from the rigger until you are ready to shoot. UNLOADING — Open the action by pushing che rop lever tothe right, as exphined previously. Pall down on the forcarm. The BT-100 has a special Fjctor-Selector™ system chat allows you to set your mode of gjction, Instructions on setting the mode are detailed below. FIRING YOUR BT-100 — Wich the chamber loaded, and the ation closed, the BT-100 is fired by simply pulling the trigger. Never pull che trigger unless the muzae is pointed down range, a the cy ange. Make sure people—other shooters, spectators, rap opera tors—are not down range, IF there is any doubr about down range safety, open the zction immediately and remove the shall until yoa are certain all conditions are safe. Removable Trigger Assembly Your BT-100 features a removable tigger assembly that allows you vo make wo adjustments (1) secting the cjec- tion mode and (2) setting the amount of rigger pul. To do cither adjustment you must ise remove the assembly. Figure 12 Figure 13 BT-100 REMOVING THE TRIGGER ASSEMBLY — MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS NOT A SHELL IN THE CHAMBER . Locate the trianguler-shaped burton on the lef side of the recsiver, directly behind the trigget. 2 Push cis burton in o the sight and hold the bution in the same time pulling down on the rigger guard, This wil remove the assembly out ofthe action (See Figures 12 and 13). 3 Reinsallation isthe reverse. With your gun sill unloaded, start the trigger assembly in front frst and angle itupward until the back end clicks into position —engeging the release mechanism. Ie is not necessary to push in on the triangular-shaped button to reinstall the assembly, EJECTOR-SELECTOR™ — ‘The patented Ejector-Selector™ feacure of the BT-100 allows you to select whether you want fired shells to be (1) jected clear of the shotgun or (2) elevated in the chamber for casy removal. In cither case, an unfired shell will be con- Figure 14 is US Peer eter la Coa iselector to/ejectiempties or tojelevatel) them in the chamber. veniently elevated slightly out ofthe chamber for easy removal with your fingers. 1 Toadjust the Ejector Selector™ you mus fist remove the tigger assembly as exphined previously. 2. The Ejector Selector™ is the round, seewlike part on the left side of the trigger assembly (See Figure 14). 3. The Ejector Selector™ is pre-set atthe factory to eject fied shell. The selector switch has a groove in the rmidale (likea screw head) with a fatsurice on one side and an indented surface on the other. With the switch see withthe lat surface up, your BI-100 will devate eraptcs in the chamber for easy removal. With the indented surface up, empties wil be ected clear of the gun. To change the setting of the Ejector-Selecror™ simply take dime or screwdriver and turn the Ejector: Selector” 18¢*, either clockwise or counterclockwise until you heara click (See Figure 15). When collecting ejected empry shel, simply brace the burt- scock berween your torso and forearm, and, afer unlocking theaction, cup your hand over the chamber before the action fully breaks open and the shel ejects. The shell wil Figure 16 Berra Mes tara RieneunCn eer a cos Loosen to decrease triager pull. pop up into your hand. Ifyou will be seangsl onto the ground iris important to point the chamber—by slightly canting the shorgun tothe right (efor left-handed shooters)—so the shal ejects clear of your body and fice. Remember, never have the action of your BT-160 closed excep when you are on the line ready o shoor, when your gun iscased, or when itissetin a gun rack at the range leis a courtesy t0 other shooters, and a wise safety practice, ro keep your action open a all other times, ADJUSTING TRIGGER PULL — Trigger pull on your BT-100 is adjustable from approximate- v3 M2c05 1/2 bos. | Toadjus the trigger pull you muse fse remove che wig: ger group following the directions outlined previously. 2 With the trigger asembly removed, locate the trigger pull adjustment scew in the rea ofthe tigger group (Gee Figure 16). 3. Toiinerease the amount of trigger pall needed to fre your BT-100, tighten or turn the screw clockwise, When fally tightened, rigger pull is approximarely 51/2 Ibs. Tolesen the rigger pull need vo fire your gun, loosen or turn the screw counterclockwise. With the trigger pull adjustment screw fly loosened rigger pulls approxi- mately 31/2 lbs. Should the crigger pull adjustment screw become loesened tothe poine i ills out ofthe trigger assembly, tigger pul still remains approximately 3 1/2 Ibs. Reinstall the tigger assembly asexplined cali. Figure 18 WARNING: NEVER TAMPER WITH THE TRIGGER PULL ADJUST- MENT MECHANISM IN ORDER TO ALTER THE MINI- MUM SETTING OF THIS OR ANY OTHER FIREARM'S TRIGGER PULL. « NEVER ATTEMPT IN ANY WAY TO MODIFY OR ALTER SEAR ENGAGEMENT OR ANY OTHER TRIGGER ASSEMBLY COMPONENT. Optional Adjustable Comb This section applies only if your BT-100 sited with the optional, adjustable comb feature, Otherwise you may skip these instructions, Adjustment of the comb allows you to achieve a perfect fit of thestock agains: your face, This ia crucial adjustment because it determines how correctly ard consistently your «yell line up with the sight plane along the rib. ADJUSTING CAST ON AND CAST OFF — ABT-100 correctly adjusted for cat on and cas off will have you looking directly dow the center ofthe rb with the rone and middle beads in alignment. To adjust cast on and cast of, perform the following: BEFORE PERFORMING ANY ADJUSTMENTS ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS NO SHELL IN THE CHAM- BER. 1 Loosen the two stock adjustment set screws on the right side ofthe removable check piece and remove the cheek piece by lifting upward (Se Figure 17). Ths exposes the Cast On and Cast Off adjustment mechanism, The cheek piece comes set from the factory with cast inthe center position. Loosen both of the stock adjustment stud screws locared in the top ofthe stock adjustment studs using the larger mm allen wrench provided (See Figure 18), I takes about 1/4” turn co loosen them adequately. 3. Slide cach stud equally inthe desired direction, Each atk indicates 1/16", 4 Move the studs tothe right for Cast OF. Move the studs to the left for Cast On. Right-handed shooters may desire some Cast Off with lefchanded shooters preferting some Cast On. The terminology isthe same for right or left-handed shooters. The net effect i to move the cheek piece to llow the face wo move farher over the stock for beter eye-to-tib alignment, 7 When properly set, che front and rear sight beads should line up perfectly each time you shoulder your shorgun. 8 Tighten the stock adjusrment stud screws, Be careful 1n0€ 0 over tighten, a 9. Replace the check picce anto the studs. If drop at comb has already been set to your desired height, tighten the two stock adjustment ser screws securely. IF drop has not been set, eave the set screws loose and proceed to “Adjusting Drop at Comb” Figure 20 ADJUSTING DROP AT COMB — Adjusting the drop ar the comb allows you to align your eve petfealy withthe plane ofthe rib A correct sight picure for most shooters should have you looking down the ib with the botcom of te frone bead resting othe tp of the mi dle bead, This formsa “figure eight’ or “stacked” configura- tion. Some ofthe rb will be shoving as you look down the rib, but no rib should show besween the beads. For shooting consistency, itis critical that you line up correctly each time you shoot. The drop measurement is determined by measur- ing the distance beeween the plane formed by the top of the 1ib and the top of the cheek piece itself (See Figure 19). ‘When you raise the cheek piece you reduce che amount of drop. A greater amount of drop is obuined by lowering the cheek pice. To ser drop at comb perform the fllewing: BEFORE PERFORMING ANY ADJUSTMENTS, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THERE |S NO SHELL INTHE CHAMBER, 1 Loosen the two stock adjustment set screws on the sight side ofthe cheek pice (if they were no et loose afer setting the cas) The check picce will now move freely, up and dovin on the stock adjustment studs, Downward travel ofthe cheek pice is limited by how far two drop stop screws have been extended. The drop stop screws ate the ewo small screws on the underside ofthe check piece (one near each adjustment stud hole in the bortom of the check piece) They prevent the check pitee from inadvertently dropping lower than the desired ser «ing (out of adjustment) even ifthe stock adjusimene set serews become loose, 2 Turn the drop stop screws up into the cheek piece if noe already screwed in 3. Slide the check piace tothe desired height (See Figure 20) and lightly tighten the stock adjustment set crews. Shor the ganas you woul anche song ng. The correc sight picture should have the bortom of the fronc bead resting on the cop of the middle bead. DROP ADJUSTMENTS AREA MATTER OF TRIALAND ERROR. Repeat the adjustment alittle ata time until you obrain che desired sight picture onthe tb 4 Measure the gap berween the stock and the cheek piece. 5 Remove the cheek piece and crew the drop stop screws dwn wnt they limit hove far the cheek piece can be lowered at exactly the drop measurement you dest 6 Tighten the stock adjustment screws (on the tight side of che cheek piece). Ieis possible to adjust the rer seting of the cheek piece slightly higher chan he front setting to obtain a more nega- tive drop setting, Barrel Porting Barrel porting is the pattern of drilled holes in the top of the barrel. Barrel porting is desired by some shooters forthe ten- dency 10 reduce barre jump and give a feeling of lower recoil against the face, Barrel porting requires only an occasional cleaning as described under “Cleaning Suggestions” later in this manual Back-Bored Barrels ‘The BT-100 utilizes a back-bored barrel on all models. “Back-bore” isa term fora shotgun barrel that has a larger bore than the minimum specified for that gauge by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI), Your BT-100's barrel is back-bored but falls with- in the maximum allowable diameter specifications set by SAAMI for 12 gauge barrels. Invector-Plus Choke Tube System BT-100 shotguns feature the Invector Phis choke tube gystem, The Invector-Pls system isa screw in choke tube system with interchangeable tubes. You ca confirm this by reading the inscription on the right side ofthe barrel The words INVECTOR-PLUS mean your shotgun uses the Invector Plus choke tube system designed for use in Browning 12 gauge shorguns with back-bored barrel. The cx length, combined with special tube tapers, gies the finest possible patterns for target shooters. Plus, you have choke switching convenience. Invector Tubes are fly sel and lead shot compatible. A special “Plus” choke rabe wrench is provided o remove and tighten these tudes, CAUTION: INVECTOR-PLUS TUBES ARE FOR USE IN BROWNING SHOTGUNS WITH BROWNING BACK-BORED BARRELS ONLY, AND ARE NOT INTER- CHANGEABLE WITH REGULAR 12 GAUGE INVECTOR CHOKE TUBES. DO NOT USE INVECTOR PLUS TUBES IN BARRELS THREADED FOR STANDARD INVECTOR TUBES. DO NOT USE STANDARD INVECTOR TUBES IN BARRELS THREADED FOR INVECTOR PLUS 12 Gauge Invector-Plus Tubes TUBES, FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE WARNINGS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR GUN AND CAUSE INJURY TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS. DO NOT FIRE THIS SHOTGUN WITHOUT HAVING AN INVECTOR-PLUS CHOKE TUBE INSTALLED. PERMANENT DAMAGE MAY RESULT TO THE THREADS. DO NOT USE BROWNING INVECTOR-PLUS CHOKE TUBES IN ANY SHOTGUN BARRELS NOT SUPPLIED BY BROWNING, ALSO, DO NOT USE ANY OTHER CHOKING DEVICE IN ANY SHOTGUN BARRELS SUP- PLIED BY BROWNING. USE ONLY THE APPROPRIATE GAUGE AND TYPE OF CHOKE TUBES MARKED INVECTOR-PLUS. CAUTION: WHENEVER HANDLING ANY SHOTGUN FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING OR INSTALLING A CHOKING DEVICE, MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THE GUNIS FULLY UNLOADED, AND THE ACTION IS BROKEN OPEN! NEVER ATTEMPT TO REMOVE OR INSTALL A SHOTGUN CHOKING DEVICE ON A LOADED FIREARM! Rim Notches Choke Designation Choke Designation With LEAD With STEEL Xon side of tube __X-Full Special * I Full * I Improved Modified Full! IL Modified Full! Ul Improved Cylinder Modified WI Skeet Improved Cylinder No notches Gylinder Cylinder * Do not use with steel shot. Using an over-tight choke constriction with steel shot will result in an ineffective, “blown” pattern. 1 When more than one choke designation is listed for a given steel shot pattern, use she more open choke listed for high velocity, larger shor size stel shot loads. Figure 21 TUBE REMOVAL— 1 Fally unload your BT-10 ALWAYS UNLOAD YOUR SHOTGUN — FULLY. INSPECT THE CHAMBER TO MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY SHELLS. 2 Open the action using the tp lever as exphined previously. 3. Use che Invector wrench co loosen the tube turing i counterclockwise, Finger ewise the tube the rst ofthe way ourof the bare TUBE INSTALLATION— Fully unload your BT-100. ALWAYS UNLOAD YOUR BT-100— FULLY. INSPECT THE CHAMBER TO MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY SHELLS. 2 Open theaction. 3. Before insaling a tube, check the internal choke tube threedsin the muzzle, as wel asthe threads on the Invector choke tube to be sure they are clean, Lightly oil the threads with an il lke Browning Oil 4 Using your fingers, sere the appropriate tube into the muzaleend of he bate, apered end fst, notched end outward. When it becomes fingerxight, use the Invector choke tube wrench co firmly seat the tube THE INVECTOR CHOKE TUBE SHOULD BE PERIODI- CALLY CHECKED TO ASSURE THATITIS TIGHT AND FIRMLY SEATED. BEFORE CHECKING, FOLLOW THE SAFETY GUIDELINES OUTLINED PREVIOUSLY. Replacement and additional rubes and wrenches ae avai able ftom your Browning desler, or by writing tothe Browning Consumer Department, One Browning Place, Morgan, Urah 84050-9326. 801-876-2711. Canadian customers please call or write ro Browning Canada Sports Lzd/Ltee, S617 Chemin Se-Frangoss, St. Laurent, Quebec, Canada H4S 1W6. (514) 333-7261. INVECTOR TUBE IDENTIFICATION — To identify individual Invector tubes, refer to the abbrevizted indications on the side of the tube, or se the identification notches located on the tp tim of each tube. (See Figare 21) SELECTING THE CORRECT INVECTOR CHOKE TUBE — [Although your BT-100 is designed solely for target use with lead shor loads the Invector choke system is fully compatible with Factory stel shot loads s well For your information only, on the char above we have included steel shor information in addition tothe lead shor choke/pattern specifications you will ned. Both kad and ste! designations have proven necessary for hunters using other Browning guns with Standard Invector and In Plus tubes because inany given cube, sel shor gives a different pattern than lead shor. In fac, even lrger steel shot diameters result in differ ent patterns than smaller steel shot sizes. Each designation is inscribed on each choke tube. Remember, you will only need co refer to the lead shoc designations when selecting « proper tube for your BT-100, as your new shotgun is unsuitable for any hunting use. Cleaning Suggestions The BT-100 isa targec gun, and as such wil function better and more reliably over a longer petiod of time if is propedly maintained and kept ean, BEFORE PERFORMING ANY CLEANING PROCEDURES, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS NO SHELL IN THE CHAMBER. You should clean your BT-100 after every dey of shooting, and mote often if it becomes excessively dirty. A minimum cleaning includes wiping down the action and ciling key pats, Most regular maintenance will aso include cleaning the barrel. Ifyou encounter a function problem (tight action when closing, etc) be sure to give your gun 2 thorough clan- ing, tose fit solves the problem, before seeking the services ofa Browning Recommended Service Center or the Browing Service Facility in Amold, Missouri, or a competent gunsmith. Alight cleaning meats oiling and wiping down. I can be accomplished with the barrel tll attached. A fall cleaning requires that you remove the barrel and forearm. To clean your firearm follow the general outline below: CLEANING PROCEDURES — BE CERTAIN YOUR GUN'S CHAMBER IS UNLOADED. ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTIVE SAFETY GLASSES DURING ALL ASSEMBLY, DISASSEMBLY AND CLEANING PROCEDURES. KEEP AMMUNITION AWAY FROM THE CLEANING AREA. DO NOT TEST THE FUNCTION OF YOUR FIREARM WITH LIVE AMMUNITION. 1 Remove the barrel and forearm from the receiver as exphined previously 2. Using a sho:gun cleaning rod, with tip and patch large enough fora snug fic in the bore, insert the rod anda lightly ciled patch in the breech end of the barrel and ran back and forth several times. Inspect the bore fom both ends for leading and phstic residue Plastic residue is often lef in the bore from the shor cups in modern shothells, Leading and plastic residue will appear as longitudinal srcaks and are wsually more predominant near the muzzle and just forward of the chamber. Anormal amount of ether is common and isnot serous, IFleading or plastic residue scems excessive you can remove it by brushing the bore witha brass brush, Soak thebrush or spray the bore with powder solvent ist. Scrub until clean. To prevent bristle from breaking off push the brush fully chrough cach time before pulling i back through. IF your shotgun has barrel pors carefully lean them with a ag soaked in powder solvent You may need to scrape residues from the holes with something likea small screwdriver, pipe cleaner or small brush. Iso, be carefl not to mar the blucing on the barrels outer surface, or scratch the inside of the bare. 6 Afterall eading and residues have been removed run clean dry patch through the bore. Follow this with a final, lightly oiled parch. 7 Wipeall metal surfaces ofthe ceiver, forcarm and bar- rel with clean rag, Then lightly oil your gun at the points described in sep 1 under “Assembly Procedures” Regular ight oiling is extremely important to the dura- bility and reliable operation of your shorgun. Remember, the broad, polished, finely fed surfaces ofthe receiver and forearm mechanisms (¢he ejector slide, the hinge pi, and on each side ofthe bar tel receiver walls), must aiways have a thin film of ol Quality firearm ol like Browning Oil works best for this purpose, Do not use general purpose water displace- ment type oils, 8 INSPECT THE BARREL AND CHAMBER TO BE CERTAIN NO PATCHES HAVE INADVERTENTLY BEEN LEFT IN THEM. REMOVE ANY THAT REMAIN. 9) Wipeall wood surfaces with Browning Oil ora quali furniture polis, but not both OTHER CLEANING SUGGESTIONS — Never pour large quantities of oil into the receiver or other pars, It can drain down tothe wood and soften it — and cause permanent damage and loosening ofthe stock, Icis very imporane that the chamber of your shorgun be cleaned thoroughly and promptly after shooting plastic shor- shells. DO NOT LEAVE A DISCHARGED (EMPTY) SHELL IN THE CHAMBER FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME. “The chemical composition of many plastic shells contains moisture which can “sweat” out of the skell and onto the chamber surface, and possibly cause corrosion and rust NEVER ATTEMPT TO TAKE YOUR BT-100 APART FURTHER THAN EXPLAINED IN THIS MANUAL. ‘This is specialized, finely fitted mechanism, You may per- rmanently mar it by attempting to disassemble the inner mechanism assemblies If further disassembly for service or leaning is required, take your gun to a Browning recommended Service Ceater ora competent gunsmith, or send cco our Arnold, Missouri Service Faily as cxphined under “Service or Repair.” Service or Repair If your firearm should require service or re- When retuming your firearm for servicing you must do the following: pairs, we suggest you first contact a local a. Be sure it is completely unloaded, recommended Browning Firearms Service b. Package it securely in a cardboard Center. Contact your Browning sporting container. goods dealer or call our Service Depart c. Enclose a lewer with your firearm ment for the address of the Service Center that clearly describes the trouble nearest you. Otherwise, you may send experienced and the repairs or your firearm directly to our own Service alterations desired Department. For technical questions about d. If convenient, send a copy of the your firearm or service call our Service letter to us separately Department e. Never return ammunition with your and most firearm, It is commerce re; Browning Service Department One Browning Place Arnold, Missouri 63010-9406 Phone: 1-800-322-4626 gainst posta yulations. If you have any questions about this manual or about any other Browning products, call or write our Consumer Information Department: Browning Consumer Information One Browning Place Morgan, Utah 84050-9326 Phone: (801) 876-2711 Canadian Customers call or write: Browning Canada Sports Ltd,/Ltee, 5617 Chemin St-Francois St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1W6 Phone: (514) 333-7261

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